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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Did I tell you...

I know, I know. Where have I been?!

Everywhere and NOWHERE!. lol Life is good. So much has happened and I'm not so sure I have the time to fill you in. I'll do my best. Where do I begin?!

Did I tell you guys that I have a car now?! I guess I got it about a month or so ago. I don't really remember. It's a 2003 Ford Focus. It's cute as a button. My very own little vagina car. lol Sorry.... I think I heard Will Ferrell call a small car that once. Anyway, the car drives very well. I'm happy. I actually get to enjoy my apartment now. Before my car, I spent a lot of time at my friend's apartment because it was more convenient when it was time for me to head to work at midnight. Now when I get off, I can go home!!! ::sigh of relief:: Wait, wait! Before you take that the wrong way, I had a blast being with my friends. I just wished I were home instead sometimes. I mean really, why pay rent if you're never there, ya know?!

Speaking of work... Did I tell you guys about my new job?! I work in Franklin, Tn for a company called MedSolutions. It's a lot like the work I was doing before only I work during the day, am making more money, and am OFF ON THE WEEKENDS!!! Talk about a blessing from God! I couldn't be happier. Oh yea, and I can work as much overtime as I want. Lovin' it!

Did I tell you guys that I'm single now?! Oh... maybe I did. I think I was too bitter to talk about it in detail before. Although I'm far from bitter now, I'll spare you guys the details. Looking back now though, I realize that break up was for the best. We both needed time to get ourselves together. I mean, I was literally going through hell. I wasn't at a place where I could be a good girlfriend. I was so unhappy and it showed. I was overwhelmed with LIFE... I just didn't know how to focus on anything, but my situation. Even after we broke up, I don't remember ever missing him. I had too much going on. I think the other day I finally realized that he was gone. How jacked up is that?! I DO remember being upset with him because I felt DUMPED. lol It seemed like the worse time EVER to do that, but honestly it was the BEST time. Sometimes I think about us possibly working it out, but who knows. Friends for now works for me. Relationships tend to distract me from what I NEED to be doing anyway. I do miss him though. ::shrugs:: Anyway, he and I are still cool. We talk randomly every now and then. He's doing great as well.

Another ex-boyfriend and I started hanging out again. It has been great catching up and honestly I needed him. I needed some questions answered, some closure. I have that now. He and I don't talk as often as we once were, but I think that's probably for the best. I don't want to ruin what could possibly be a good friendship.

Did I tell you that I bought a new guitar?! Of course not, I just bought it the other day! lol Now that life is looking up, I decided that I was ready to play again. One problem... She was broken. Remember when I had her painted?! Well the guy ended up sanding off a very important part of my guitar: the nut. That is the very piece that keeps the strings off of the neck of the guitar. BUMMER. I went to Guitar Center to have her fixed and they told me that I would be better off buying a new one. Luckily, they were running a sale on their guitars. I got a really good deal on a guitar and new soft case. Looks like Lady Penne will be mounted on my wall now. :( My first baby! I nearly cried at the thought of never playing her again. So yea, the new guitar is cute. It plays well and will remain nameless until a name comes to mind. I will start guitar lessons soon. Time to get back on this thing 4real! I'll keep you updated on that one.

Anyway, like I said... Life is good.

I've bored you guys enough. We'll talk again soon!

Praying the best for you all. Take it from me... GOD IS REAL AND WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU!

Until next time,

Monday, October 11, 2010

10/10/10 @ 10:10pm

What did you guys do at 10:10pm?!

--Make a wish?

-- Run around outside naked?!

Check out this video to see what my friends and I did at 10:10pm!!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Hmm... I wonder...

... what Stevie Wonder's autograph looks like?! No, I'm serious.

....if it's rude to ask for his autograph?!

... if birds pee?!...

... why pregnant women crave pickles at some point in their pregnancy?!

... why pickles isn't spelled PICKELS... hmmm...

... what I'll be doing when I'm 25?!

... how successful I'll be before I die.

.... how happy I'll be with the way my life turned out...

.... if my child will look anything like me?!

... if Zumba really works?!

.... if Oprah poops?!... prolly not! Can't picture it... Oprah reacts when she farts... she probably doesn't do that either! lol

.... who said curse words were bad!

... what the correct way to answer "What it do" is?!

... how tall you are?!

... who my husband will be?!...

.... if i'll ever look like a grown up.

... what my first night or day of SEX will be like?!... scary thought! lol

... what you're wondering... ALL THE TIME!

... what slang sounds like in another language.

... how many people put dirt in their mouth after saying "God made dirt and dirt don't hurt. Put it in your mouth and see if it works." lol I did... #3rdgrade

I wonder.... that's all.

♥ Stix

Saturday, October 9, 2010


OK... I don't have much time before I get off, so I'm gonna do my best to finish this in time. If not, I'll simply finish it during my next shift! That's kind of beside the point, so let me just keep it movin'...

I FOUND NEW MUSIC!!... Well, my friend found new music, posted one of her Youtube vids on Facebook, I watched it, fell in love with her music, and here I am introducing her to you guys!!!

I'm not gonna waste my time or yours trying to write a bio on her... There are more than enough of those out there already! smh... WHY AM I JUST NOW FINDING OUT ABOUT HER?!

Anyway, she's young, cute as a button, fun and RANDOM!! LOL... check out her videos and you'll see what I mean!... A guitar player, which you all know I will forever love for that... and a singer/songwriter. Not just any singer/songwriter either. She has her own unique writing style which I love...

Here are a few vids that I fell in love with on her channel! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did!!! Enjoy my fantabulous peeps and have a great day!!




I'm officially a fan!

Priscilla Renea, ladies & gentleman.

Once again... Inspired. #deuces


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Get to know me...

Wanna know what would make this blog cool?!... A laptop with a web camera!!! I even imagine a cool, random pic of myself at the top of this... but unfortunately, I'm writing this from my computer at work... smh...Done dreaming and moving on!

Ok... Do you really know me?!... probably not... and since this is the case, I'm going to answer a bunch of random questions that i just got from an interview that I watched of one my favorite artist, Darnell Levine..

And here it goes..

1.) my happy place?!
-- On the floor in my living room, surrounded by bridal magazines and junk food! :)
-- painting my nails (2nd happy place...)
-- drinking a caramel frappe from McDonald's (3rd happy place... lol)

2.) If you could only take 3 things with you to a desert, what would they be?
-- umm... my guitar, a really cool laptop, and my Ipod. I would rather go alone... I don't want to be tempted to have sex with or eat them because I'm starving! lol *shrugs*

3.) favorite place to shop?!
-- Walmart... this is pretty new!! It used to be forever 21, urban outfitters, and target... Things changed when my money started disappearing. lol... I never thought I'd be saying this... but I LOVE shopping at Walmart... Glad I gave it a chance.

4.) If you could have a celebrity friend, who would it be?!
India Arie, of course and Nicki Minaj. <-- sorry. Couldn't pick just one.

5.) favorite candy?!
-- that changes.. right now it's Hershey's Nuggets... the toffee and almond kind!

6.) least favorite thing to eat?!
-- fruit and salad. *gagging* I've been wanting to give them another chance though. That may happen soon.

7.) If given one million dollars, how would you spend it?!
-- TITHE AND CHARITY first (that way, the money will never run out) save a little, pay off some debt, bless who God says bless, shop, and REPEAT because the money will never run out!

8.) favorite word?!
-- I have a few: dude, cool beans, and KAT <-- unfortunately!

9.) If you could sit and talk with anyone in the world, who would it be!?
--DEFINITELY can't pick just one... I would plan a brunch with some of my favorite women: Oprah, India Arie, Cheryl Wray, Michelle Obama, Phylicia Rashad, Maya Angelou, my mom, both grand moms, Wendy Williams, and Nicki Minaj. <-- lol at the last two... they are really smart women though. They would fit right in!

10.) favorite restaurant?!
-- McDonald's... yep, even after everything I've heard about their food! *shrugs* It's good. shoot.

11.) Do you believe in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships?!
-- for myself? Nope... For some reason I get too caught up in the other person and lose myself... I'll date occasionally and let God work out the rest.

12.) Dream career?!
-- a successful wedding planner!!

13.) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?!

14.) Who/what inspires you?... Who/what keeps you going?!
-- God, family and friends, and LOVE! <---hopeless romantic, learning to accept that.

15.) If you really knew me,
-- You'd know that I LOVE being a girl. I grew up thinking that being "girl-y" made you weak. I've learned that being in love, painting my nails, trying on dresses, and planning my imaginary wedding are things that make me feel complete!

16.) I wish...
--I were more creative! I wish I could sit in my living room with a canvas, a paintbrush, and have at it! I imagine that being very relaxing!

17.) If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?!
-- umm that changes, but right now.. I would say, Miami! I just want to go to the beach and chill! lame, right?! Ask me again in about a month.. It'll be something different. I'm sure.

18.) favorite artist?!
India Arie, Jason Mraz, Bruno Mars, B.O.B., Nicki Minaj, Darnell Levine, Stevie Wonder, PJ Morton, Tweet, Brandy, Salt N Pepa, Reba McEntire, Common, Andre 3000... I love music... I could do this forever!! I love these people and many more for more reasons than one!

19.) favorite color?!
--lavender... It used to be purple... but that was every one's favorite color, and I HATE being like other people! lol Lavender is prettier anyway!

20.) If a documentary was done on your life, what would the name of it be?!
--The Randomness of Stix, of course! :)

Until next time,
-♥ Stix

Monday, September 27, 2010

Life is good.

So much has been going on lately.... I'll do my best to update you guys.

I haven't updated in forever because I couldn't stand to look at my blog. I didn't like what I saw and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it... so I just lived and neglected to blog. Sorry....

Here I am... with a new layout and updating my blog. I don't know where to start so I'll just type.

Life after my wreck has been so hard. I've had to learn to put my ego aside and ask for rides when I would much rather have a ride of my own. I had to depend on my friends, my mentor, my boyfriend at the time, and just go with the flow. smh... The lady that I hit tried to sue me for $15,000. lol I still don't understand that one. I mean, I'm the one who walked away with a totaled car. Her cousin drove her car from the scene. Where the heck did $15,000 come from?! Medical bills?!... Girl please. My money has been tight. I haven't been able to shop the way I want. I have a new apartment that isn't decorated the way I want and I DON'T HAVE CABLE!!! What the heezy?! Sounds bad, right?!

Well, I've been patient. God and I have talked about it on several occasions. All I knew to do was be patient, have faith, and watch God work. Looks like things are turning around... I mean, I had to file bankruptcy to keep the lady from garnishing my wages. I was once a bit upset about this, but I've learned to find the positive in the situation. God hasn't left me. In fact, God is really working over time for me. My credit was already jacked... The bankruptcy just may work out for my good. Scratch that... It WILL work out for my good. My friends were right there to help. My mom has been sick, so I was able to bring her truck back with me after visiting a couple of weekends ago. I was offered a job that pays more, with weekends and holidays off. I wasn't expecting that at all. It just fell in my lap one day.

See God is good. If I had any control, I wouldn't have written my story like this, but I can honestly say that I am happy with the way things are going. I've learned so much in this time and I still have joy! I AM a bit shocked by a thing or two and never would have expected things to end the way they did... but I can't focus too much on that. What's for me... and who's for me... IS FOR ME! And I honestly don't have the energy to worry or stress about it. lol As you can see, I'm not really ready to talk about that so much. You may be able to read between the lines... *shrugs*

School is going...umm... ok, I guess. I'm not as excited about it anymore. With all that's been going on, my focus has been off. Things are turning around though and my advisors have been pretty understanding. I don't regret this decision at all. Ashford University is definitely for me.

So yeah,... Life is good and I look forward to every lesson, every blessing, every DAY!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Monday, September 6, 2010

Beautiful, It's time!

I've been through a lot in the last few weeks. I'm grateful for each "trial" because I'm learning from them. I'm happy and am finding peace in it all, but I am tired. With all that's going on, I'm about ready for a break... a get-away... I need to just go!

Now, if I had a car, that would be easy! I would simply get in my car and go!! I'm not sure for how long. I'm not even sure where I would go. I would just GO! After a few weeks of the same routine, and constant mishap, I need an adventure, a spontaneous trip. Just God, Music, and me.

Ahhhh!!! It feels good just to think about it!
A few days ago, Sabrina and I were looking at one of my India Arie DVDs and she sang "Beautiful." I've heard that song time and time again. I've listened to the lyrics and couldn't connect with it... until THAT day!... and BOY did it minister!!

In this song she has reached a point where she is tired! It was finally time for her to pack her bags and get away. Not just anywhere, but Beautiful. That place where she could get-away and let go of some things. A quiet place where she could enjoy nature, a place of peace and understanding! A place where she could be without worry. A place where time doesn't matter. It was TIME for her to go...

I can finally connect to this song! I want to go to Beautiful. Not India's beautiful... but my own! I'm already thinking about where my Beautiful is... and I'm going! I have some things I need to step away from. I need to take a look at some things. Let go of some hurt and pain that is interfering with MY LIFE! I just need to go!!... and I will... Just God, Music, and me.

Beautiful ,It's time.

Until next time,
♥ Stix.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Sitting at work...

Bored out of my mind...

Until I ran into this...

Now... I'm stuck here.

I music.

I hearing why a song was written.

I when artists have a POSITIVE purpose for their music.

I real/raw talent.

This video... made me happy. I could watch this all day.

I was right there with Herbie at the end of this video. This music feels good... GOOD STUFF.

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I could say a lot about this man.

A dreamer... "If your dream doesn't scare you, you haven't started dreaming."

A prophet... "I saw you in Jamaica."

A poet... "Your smile evokes the sensation of hope."

A God send... "Your future is brighter."

Elisha is a friend of Melissa's. The two met a few weeks ago at Borders. Oddly enough that is the same place Sabrina and I met him tonight. Melissa had some Fab Glance work to do so we all went to Borders. She mentioned that Elisha was going to stop by for a second. Cool with us... I didn't think about it much more.

I mean, I wanted to meet the guy. Based on what Melissa had shared with us, I could tell he was really sweet. I learned later that there was so much more to him than that. The man is anointed. I don't even say that about a lot of people. He knew things about me that I had dare to share with anyone. They weren't things that I was ashamed to share, I just never thought to share them. The things that came up were simply things I had briefly thought to myself. I was convinced tonight. God really does... "hear and see all."

I loved the way he worded things. I loved the way he quoted scripture. He wasn't all "deep and religious." As easy and as simple as one would say a sentence, is how he would quote scripture. It was pretty cool, actually. He spoke with such confidence. Very soft spoken, but does a great job of keeping your attention. His accent was a bit strong, so I had to really focus to understand him. It was worth it though. Everything he shared was definitely from God and right on time. God knows who to send when you're in need. Seriously, I don't think I would have received some of the things he said from anyone that I knew. Example... One thing that he mentioned to me several times was, "Your future is brighter." Now if Tamara, Melissa, or Sabrina were to tell me something like that I would probably just shrug it off and go about my business Sad, right?! lol There was something about the way he said it. I believe it AND receive it!!! So cliche... smh

After talking to him, I feel loved... by God. I feel inspired. I feel... what's the word when you have rested awhile after doing a lot... umm.. re-energized?... renewed?... rejuvenated!!! Yea... all of those, probably! lol

He spoke about hearing God's voice... I mean... like really hearing it! It encouraged me to spend more time with God. I spoke to Jeremy about it tonight and it encouraged him as well. We have now incorporated "God time" into our relationship. I always felt like we would eventually come to that. I'm excited to start this new journey with him. Of course I shared with him that I wanted my own "one on one" time with God... but we will also come together later in the day reading the bible and praying! lol That makes me smile.

Well anyway, I could talk about Brother Elisha all day. lol If I never saw him again, I know that he was introduced to me for a reason. I will continue to pray for him! He is an amazing man. The woman God has for him is a blessed woman indeed.

Elisha. (Hebrew) "My God is salvation"; a prophet in the OT; successor to Elijah.

And I leave you with this text that he sent us after he left:

"What did you read, 'God is No Where' or 'God is Now Here'?

Just a beautiful way to say- LIFE IS HOW YOU SEE IT!!

That really blessed me! lol Anyway...

Be encouraged today, guys. God has not forgotten. He knows.

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I had the best birthday EVER!!!

I'm not the type to plan parties for myself... I usually just go home and call it a great day. My friends were aware of that and decided to plan a slumber party/girl's night out. I love those girls!! Thank you to everyone who came and for helping make my birthday a great one!! I love you all!!!

Enjoy this KAT recap of my birthday festivities!!! It's so random... SO US!!

Me and the girls!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"It's my birthday...


I'm about 3 hours and 26 minutes into my birthday and I'm enjoying it already. I completely forgot to request off for my birthday, but looks like it worked out in my favor.

I was greeted by the cutest little drawing when I came in!!! Pretty thoughtful, right?! I totally didn't expect to see that. I forgot my buddy AJ is an artist in more ways than one. lol That drawing changed my entire mood. I was all smiles. When AJ left work, I received a text from her asking me to look in a cereal box on top of our microwave. I did what she asked and opened a letter that she had typed out for me. The letter instructed me to go into one of the offices in our building and turn on the light.

I did.

And this is what I saw...

GIFTS!!!! LOL!!!

In that big bag was a box of glasses for my apartment. I also received a journal to start writing my music/lyrics in and a book full of cupcake recipes!! I also got a king size pack of Reese's and two heart-felt cards!!! She did great!

I'm really glad that she was gone when I saw all of this because I bursted into tears! lol... That's so not like me! I was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of love I had already received from people via text and phone calls. Her expression of love was just the icing on the cake. My poor heart couldn't take it! lol

Shout out to the babes, Jeremy, for being the first to wish me a Happy Birthday ON my birthday! LOVE YOU!!

So yeah... so far... SO GOOD!! I'll blog again after the day is over!!! I'm celebrating all weekend!! I don't have to go back to work until MONDAY NIGHT!!! Oh yea!!! lol

Anyway... I'm out for the count!!!


Side note: TAKE A LOOK AT THESE BAD BOYS!!! Don't they just scream BIRTHDAY!!

Well, I tried them on the other day at the Cool Springs Mall and they just screamed... BIRTHDAY GIRL! They looked really cute with the skinny jeans that I had on. I walked away from them because they are crazy expensive. They are a lot more on the website though. I ran into a deal and didn't know it... I think I'm going back!! Btw, those are Steve Maddens!


Until next time,
♥ Stix!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Visit from the Tooth Demon!


I had my day all planned out. I wanted to be in bed by 9am, wake up at around 3pm, and then start unpacking my apartment. Well, that didn't happen. Today at around 10:58am the world's meanest tooth woke me up out of my sleep. I haven't felt a pain that bad since breaking my ankle a few years ago. The pain came from out of nowhere. I wasn't experiencing any mild pain before. This was totally unexpected. I took 800mg of Ibuprofen and impatiently waited for it to kick in.

Thank God for smartphones.

I couldn't take the pain much longer so I googled a dentist from my blackberry. I don't have Internet in my apartment yet, so my phone was definitely my hero at the moment. I found one immediately, called them, and because I was in so much pain they managed to squeeze me in for an emergency appointment. The thing is... my appointment wasn't for another 2 hours. I didn't think I would be able to make it. I called Renee to see if she could take me to the dentist. Thank God she had no plans. I tried going back to sleep, but that didn't work out. I managed to get out of bed and find something to wear. I realized that the pain wasn't so bad as I continued getting ready. I think the Ibuprofen had finally found its target and had the pain in a headlock. HA! The pain was mild at this point so I tried my luck at going back to sleep. I eventually drifted off into what seemed like deep sleep until my phone rang. It was Renee. She was on the way. GREAT. It felt like my mean tooth had the Ibuprofen in a headlock because the pain was back!!!! smh I couldn't take it much longer.

Embassy Dental.

There is something about dental offices that gives me the creeps. That drilling noise just about made me run the other way. The pain in my tooth prevented that from happening. I needed something to be done and FAST!!! I sat impatiently to be seen... I really didn't have to wait long tho.
Seems like I was in and out in no time. They x-rayed the tooth and I found out that I have a really bad cavity. smh I have two options. 1.) I can get a root canal and 2.) I can have it pulled. I haven't made up my mind yet. The doctor thought it would be best to go ahead and extract it. Umm... I'm not sure what I'll do yet. In the meantime, I was given some banging medication and was sent on my way.

Once home, I took my clothes off and went right back to bed. I was so tired! Sabrina came by to pick me up later so we could go to church. I wasn't in as much pain anymore. Thank God.

I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm still a bit nervous when eating though.

Once I get off today, I'm going to take my meds, go to sleep and try my luck at unpacking again. We'll see if everything goes as planned this time... *crossing fingers*

Until next time,

♥ Stix

** Movin' on Up!**

Hey guys,

It's about time for another update blog!!!

I am extremely happy as I write this blog! After almost 5 years of having a roommate here in Nashville, I have finally moved into my own place. (*insert audience applause here**) I've always said that I wanted to have the experience of living by myself before I got married. I am finally getting that opportunity! This is just another cool part of the journey and I know I will learn a lot during this time.

For starters, I plan to learn how to cool. I have amazing friends who can cook their butts off! It's about time that I learn, so I can contribute at the little dinners that we have every now and then! I'm not really looking forward to it, to be honest, but I know this is something I need to learn to do for my family. I never tried cooking when I had a roommate because I was always afraid that I would burn something and she would know. lol Now, I won't have to worry that.

Anyway... so I'm all moved in... most of my stuff is in my living room! I'll spend most of tomorrow putting everything where it belongs! I can't wait to start decorating! I already know what I want to do with my apartment! I think I'll post before pictures and update you guys as I make progress. I know this project will take a lot of time, but I know it's going to be a lot of fun! I'll do as much as I can with the time and money that I gain. Man, I can't wait!

I'm getting a puppy very soon as well. My neighbor, Gustavo, has two adorable Phantom poodles and the girl, Gee Gee, is pregnant. He told me that I could buy one when she gives birth. It's not expensive at all. He adopted his poodles for $900 a piece. He's going to give me one for less than half the price! I'm so excited! I've been wanting a dog for about 2 years now! I can't wait to meet him/her! I've already been thinking about the things I want to buy for it!!! FYI: A phantom poodle is simply a poodle with two colors. The secondary color is usually on the mouth, eyes, and feet! So cute!

**Here is a pic of a phantom poodle!!**


In other news...

I'm really enjoying going to school online! I don't know why I didn't think to do this in the beginning! I'm more focused. When I was attending MTSU, I was so distracted with my phone and people, that I couldn't pay attention! I am forced to pay attention online. I mean, it's not much there to distract me... especially when there is an assignment due every other day! lol I'm exaggerating a little, but it is a lot of work! My classes are very interesting and fun and my grades are great! My first two classes were so easy. This Public Relations class is a bit challenging, but I like it! I've only been in this class a week and I'm already learning a lot! Cool.

So that's all for now...

I'll keep you updated for sure!

Until next time,
♥ Stix!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Open Door: THEE Experience!





Me and my cousin India.Arie!! lol

Anyone who knows me, knows THAT WAS A BIG DEAL!!!

I was BLESSED to attend an INVITE ONLY concert that she hosted in Atlanta, GA! I tried blogging about this the other day and it's just way too much information to throw out there! I'll do my best not to make it too long!!!

Umm... Where should I go with this?!

Me and my brother/friend Cord

Well India had a contest on twitter inviting us all to RSVP to her concert that would feature BRAND NEW SONGS off of her upcoming album! When I saw this... I was geeked and couldn't wait to win! lol Only 50 people would receive an invite and they would get the opportunity to bring one guest! Unfortunately I didn't win, but my brother Cord did and he asked if I would like to go with him... UMM... I GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTED! lol

Me and my sister/friend Sophie!!

So... Saturday, August 8, 2010 My friend Sophie and I made our way to Atlanta! Sophie didn't win a ticket, but we thought it would be a good idea for her to try her luck at getting in!!! Well, God must have wanted her to be there because she was blessed with a free ticket from a girl who couldn't stay because of a show that she had to do!!! GOD IS GOOD!! lol

I can't even BEGIN to tell you how amazing the concert was!!! India.Arie put her heart and soul into this album! I believe that she does that with every album, but THIS ONE RIGHT HERE shows a side of her that I think none of her fans had seen! She worked on this album with Idan Raichel, a friend from Israel! I thought that was really cool!!! They wrote some beautiful music together! She calls him her "musical soul mate." lol She's so deep!

The songs are so great!! I was touched by each one in different ways. At times I was blown away by the music in the songs... so much so that I almost don't remember the lyrics. She performed two songs in Hebrew that brought me to tears! I had no clue what she was saying, but I was so drawn in! They were my two favorite of the night!! The other songs came really close to being favorites though! This cd, if she does it EXACTLY the way she performed them that night... music and all, WILL BE HER BEST YET!!! You could tell that when she wrote these, she wasn't thinking about the industry AT ALL!!! These are songs that came from the heart! Songs that everyone will be able to relate to! I was impressed! India Arie is MY FAVORITE singer AND songwriter!... HANDS DOWN! I honestly don't know anyone on her level! I mean, Lauryn Hill and Erykah Badu are deep and all, but India is THE BEST! I don't know how else to say it! She is deep, but she isn't so deep that you don't understand what's going on! I LOVE THAT ABOUT HER... I LOVE HER!!!

I always leave her concerts so FULL! I walked away from this one inspired and ready to pick my guitar back up! One thing that I WILL NOT forget about that night was how free and happy she was! I smiled the ENTIRE CONCERT! It was obvious that she FINALLY FOUND what she loves doing! She FOUND HERSELF in this industry and she is happy about it! I could only imagine what that must feel like... to know what it is you are called to do... TO DO IT... and be happy DOING IT!!! Amazing! I can't wait to be at that place! Hopefully I'll know sooner than later! Ya know?!

♥ ♥ Okay... so I met her!! ♥ ♥
Lol... moving on to the good part!...

After the concert she had a meet and greet at a store a few doors down from where she had the concert. Man, she was so nice! The line was pretty long, but she didn't seem to be phased by it. She allowed everyone the opportunity to talk to her for however long and take as many pictures as they wanted! I was in the middle of the line and as I watched her interact with her fans, all I could think about was how tired she must be!!! I WISH I had been thinking about what I wanted to say to her! LOL! My brother Cord was the first in our group to go! He was nervous... his lip quivered a bit when he smiled for the camera!!! lol He talked to her for a minute and she loved him! She thought he was pretty hilarious!... and he really is! I thought that was cool! Sophie was next in the crew and she talked India's EAR OFF! lol India was very nice and gave her some great advice to help her move forward in her career! India even gave her, her email address! (Wait... is that T.M.I.?!) *shrugs* Oh well...

"Oh wait, I get it... Let me think, I guess it's my turn!!"- Nicki Minaj

A cute little girl went before me! Her name was Nyema! She was 14 years old and cute as a button! She was so smart! I loved her! India Arie was so nice to her! I think her mom owned the store! I can't remember. She didn't have an autograph card so India gave her one and told her not to lose it in a "big sister "type of way! She has such a kind spirit! I mean, really!!!

Then it was my turn...

I was scared out of my mind! Just before I went up to talk to her, Denise, someone I met on India Arie's myspace blog YEARS AGO, asked if it was my first time meeting her! I told her yea and that I was so mad at myself for shaking right then! I was THAT nervous. I could NOT stop shaking! lol It only got worse when I walked up to India! I introduced myself... shook her hand... and asked her to sign my autograph cards! I bought one for me and my best friend Sequoia! She's a HUGE fan as well. I was so sad that she couldn't be there to share in the moment with me. :( So yea...after she signed the card, she had to tell me to bend down to take the pic! Guys, I was that nervous! SMH! I really regret not being able to share how I really felt about her, her music and all of that, but whatever! I believe I'll get another opportunity to do it all over again!! I was really hard on myself after it was all over! Denise was really nice and helped me feel better about it all! She is really sweet! I'm glad that I know her! It was great to FINALLY meet her too! That was way overdue!!

US AGAIN!!! Sophie's camera phone was a lot better than mine!

Anyway... So there you have it guys!!! Last Saturday I experienced the best concert of my life and they were all NEW SONGS!! lol Is that possible?!!

That was by far the greatest night of my life... #really! The ONLY way that would be topped is if I meet Salt N Pepa!!! lol I can see that happening one day too!! Who knows... we'll see!!!

Have a blessed week guys!!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Aye, you... FOCUS!!!!

Yo!!! What's good!!!







Rev Run tweeted that the other day and that is my new motto!!! I shared it with a friend the other day and now I'm sharing it with you guys!!!

Stop looking at that huge track of hurdles... Jump each hurdle one at a time... Tackle each obstacle as they come!!! I'm learning to do that and life just seems so much better!!

I promise my days are getting brighter and brighter!!!

So here... Try this...

Make a list of those things that need to be done!!! You know... the important stuff! The short and long term goals!!! Try not to focus on how long the list is!!! Your main focus is that next thing that needs to be done!!!

GOT IT?!... GOOD!!!

Here's my example:

Financial aid.....

Call NES and get lights turned on...

Call Monitronics to install alarm system...

START PACKING... *coughs*... UMM.... THAT'S NEXT!!

lol... Start making some things happen!!! By the end of this year... That list should just get smaller and smaller!!!

Alright... Sorry for the pep talk, guys! lol I'm getting ready for a new phase in my life and when I learn new things I can't wait to share them with you!!! It's all random!! lol

Anyway... I'm out for now!! Hopefully I'll have more blogs coming soon!!!

Until next time,

Monday, July 19, 2010

**What a day, What a day!!!**

"Be still and know that I am God!"- Psalm 46:10.
^^Yea, yea!! I know what I said in the last blog!!! Unfortunately I needed for Him to say it ONE more time!!! lol #dontjudgeme

TODAY!!!! smh... What a day!!!

*forcing myself to be transparent*

After yesterday's blog you would think that I had it all together! You would think I had figured it out by now... LET GOD DO IT!!! But NOOOOOO.... Stix decides to try again!... "walk by faith" lol Not because I heard from the Lord, but because I NEED A CAR! As a result guess who only got 2 hours of sleep before coming to work tonight!!... YOU GUESSED IT!!

Nothing worked out in my favor today and oh was I frustrated about it! I keep trying to "force" blessings on myself. But... I'm done!!! Bishop mentioned in his sermon on Sunday that God will "block" those prayers that don't line up with His will for us... and only give us what we need and what is meant for us. If we're not careful and continue to pray that prayer, eventually we'll get what we want and suffer tremendously!!! A little car is not worth my soul!!! smh... NOPE!!

So there... I got it, Lord!!!

I'm done...

I surrender...

You can handle this one...

My plan is to rejoice in each new day, spend time with God, and patiently wait for what He has for me!!! I'm done learning things the hard way!!

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!"- Psalm 118:24.

I feel like I'm about to pass out right now! I'm soo sleepy!!! LOL!!!

I'm out for now...

Enjoy your week!

Until next time,
♥ Stix.

::.... Totally Committed ....::

"God never ceases to amaze me. Be faithful. Show up. He'll do the rest."
-Francesca Battistelli via twitter. (@francescamusic)

Amen, Francesca!!

Last week was rough!!! I had such HIGH expectations for that week. I had so many plans and when most of them failed...

I was upset.

I was frustrated.... confused.

I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I felt like I was giving a lot... "Why wasn't ANYTHING going as planned?! Where are my blessings?!"

I was sad...

I began to worry....

My lease is up on Aug. 10th and I had yet to find an apartment. I totaled my car in March and I had yet to buy a car!!! Things were looking bad! I had plans to get a car this week but it seemed like that wasn't working out. I mean every time I seemed to be getting up... I felt like I was being knocked right back down.

By Saturday, I had had enough! I laid in my bed and the tears began to fall. As bad as I wanted to blame God... I couldn't!!! I wanted to give up... He wouldn't let me! Donnie McClurkin's song came to mind, "I'll Trust You" and I immediately went online on my phone and listened... and cried! Next I played James Fortune's "I Trust You" and cried some more. The moment I began to believe it my mom called. She helped me so much.

"A delay... is not a denial. Who knows... YOUR car probably isn't there yet! No sense in wasting your time or anyone else's by going down there before God has instructed you to. Trust God... HAVE FAITH!"-Mom.

It was just what I needed to hear... I tried going to sleep and when I didn't succeed I called my grandma. She called me when I was going through and I wasn't ready to talk. I realized that God was trying to help me... He sent me help and encouragement to keep me going!!! It helped!!!

Today's service was the icing on the cake!!! From worship to the altar call, God WAS THERE!! Bishop's message was exactly what I needed. He reminded us of how we can't operate in our will. Sometimes the plans we have for ourselves are not the plans God has for us!! It's time to TRUST HIM!!!... It's' time to agree with the plan God has for us and not our own. As many times as I'd heard that before, today was the day that it stuck! It was the day that I really understood it!

God's presence was so heavy... so refreshing!!! I loved it!!! I NEEDED IT!!! I watched one of my closest friends get the release... the breakthrough... the BLESSING OF THE LORD!!! I rejoiced with her. The moment that touched me the most was when my other friend and I went over to pray and support her! It spoke volumes to me... it was symbolic of what we've been doing all along. We've been there for each other through our hard times. We've held each other up and in that moment I knew... God is about to bless us all together... but in different areas in our lives! God is good and I thank Him daily for the support and love that I receive from them daily. They haven't given up on me... They have been right there... through it all!!! And for that... I LOVE THEM!!!

Anyway... let me get to the "cherry on top" of this iced cake! lol

My friend Renee knows a lady at her job that has to move back to Dallas to take care of her mom. She had just signed a 12-month lease and needed someone to sub-lease it for her. Renee told her about me and the rest is history!!!! Let's just say that as of today I now have my own apartment... in the Brentwood area and only paying $450. The lights are already on and I can move in.... on Tuesday if I want to!!! The lady also left me some things that she won't need when she moves back to Dallas. She was so sweet! God is so good.--He pretty much handled that situation before I had much time to worry about it. My biggest worry at the time was my car... and now... I know God will handle it!

Psalm 46:10... "Be still and know that I am God!"

He doesn't have to say that again!!!

I'm still...

I trust HIM...


I AGREE... with the plan HE has for my life!!!

I pray that you can do the same. Trust me. His plan is far better than the one you have planned for yourself!!! Commit to Him... Trust Him... He has so much in store for you...!!!!

I'm out for now...

Until next time,

Monday, July 12, 2010


Kiddunot (a blog that I'm really feeling right now) has found yet another bangin' singer!!! I love this girl for more reasons than one!!! First off, HER NAME IS JESSICA!!! lol... (2.) She's from the U.K. #dontask and (3.) THE GIRL IS STRAIGHT UP HUMMIN' OUT THE FRAME!!! lol For those of you who don't know, that means she can pretty much sing her butt off in Memphis SLANG!!! HA!! (moving on...)

I won't even take the time to try and make her sound all good with my words!! Her videos will do that for you!!! #trustme!!!

So here it is... singer/songwriter Jessica 'Jessie J' Cornish!!! Enjoy!!! (You may want to turn your volume down! It was crazy loud on my computer at work!... #justsayin)

Ok... Here's one more!!! Just so you know... I kept listening to the run at 0:58-1:00!! KILLED IT!

OK, Ok, ok... Now... You know you're the bomb when you can sing an old Whitney Houston song! (last one!...promise! :))

4real, Jessie!!! You just gonna blow us away with your voice like that?!!? #ohyoufancyhuh LOL!!! I'm such a fan!!!

3 questions and I'll let you guys go!!!...

Adele WHO?!?!?
Leona Lewis Who?!
Estelle who?!?!?

I'm just sayin'!!! lol

Until next time,
♥ Stix


The other night I turned my TV to TBN because I heard that Forever Jones was going to be featured. (Click here to go the blog entry where I talk more about them.) To my surprise Melinda Doolittle was a guest as well! A few of my friends and I had the pleasure of eating lunch with her last month, so I was already aware of how great of a person she was! I'm so serious when I say that the joy of the Lord is all over her. She is genuinely the happiest person I know! What a great trait to have!!! I learned a lot of things about her in her interview, but what stood out was her testimony on where she gained that happiness!

Like we all did as a child, Melinda would come home from school with the most negative things to say about her day. Her mom didn't like that too much, so she told her that in the future before she can say anything negative about her day she would first have to say 3 positive things! She learned that after saying those 3 positive things, the negative things didn't seem so bad! I loved that! She still does that today and as a result lives a very happy life!

I've decided that I will do that as well! I'm sure that's exactly what God wants us to do!! We all know God is fair and gives us choices, right?! Does that not seem like something He would want us to do?!.. Not force us to be Positive Patty all the time, but give us the choice to be Negative Nancy at least once!!!... and at the end of the day... Those positive thoughts will knock that ONE negative thought right out the window and you'll feel better about life!! Is that not the most awesome way to kick the devil's negativity out for good?! I mean... really?! ;)

So I challenge you... Think positive first! Count your blessings!!! Your life is not as bad as you think!! It could be so much worse, right?!

Here's Melinda's motto as well: ♥ this!!!


Does that not preach or what?!? lol

Ok... Go on about your business... THINK POSITIVE WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!!! ;)

Until next time,

♥ Stix

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back to Reality... #why

hey, Hey, HEY!!!

I've been M.I.A. for a minute... but I'm back!!!! ;)

I'm recovering from a much needed vacation to Orlando and Melbourne, FL!!! I was gone too long to try and fit everything in one little blog!!! Let's just say I had "the time of MY LIFE!!!"


iAte ALOT...

iRelaxed on the beach...

You name it... I'm pretty sure I did it! ;)

I ate like a pig (smh...literally... I've gained a few pounds!!!) I went to two theme parks, spent a couple of days on the beach, and shopped like there was no tomorrow!!! I enjoyed every bit of my trip and totally regretted coming back!!! I missed my boyfriend and friends like crazy, but I swear I could have stayed another two weeks!!! If they could have been there to enjoy that time with me, it would have been THE BEST TRIP EVER!! I just know it!!!

I don't have much time to go in to detail, but I have to tell you guys about this experience!!! I saw the most AMAZING fireworks show on the 4th!!! Guess where it was... GIVE UP?!... Disney World!!! Man, the fireworks synchronized perfectly with the music and dialogue! It was awesome!!!... quite magical, actually!! It was raining pretty hard that night, but it didn't take away from the experience AT ALL!!!

Ok... well... that's that on that!! Back to reality and it feels sooo... BLAH!!! lol Just kidding!!! I'm back and ready to see my friends again! They all texted, tweeted, and called to tell me that I was gone too long!!! I most definitely felt the love!! Gotta love those girls!!! I saw the booski already!!! I bought him a really cool Marvel shirt from Universal Studios!! He loved it! *smile*

Anyway...I'm well rested and ready to make some things happen!!! I had plenty of time to figure out what all needs to be done by the end of this month!!! I'm ready... ARE YOU READY?!... Then... LETSSS GOOOO!!!!

I'm out for now!!! Praying for you always!!!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Saturday, June 26, 2010



A word I HATED!!!!!!!!

How can a word so small, so simple have so much power over a person's feelings?!/ their actions?!

People will do ANYTHING for love.


It feels good.

It hurts.

IT'S SCARY!!!...


I never thought we'd meet again! I never wanted to see it again!! Yes, it brought me so much happiness, but also brought about the worst pain I've ever experienced! Once over it, I made the decision to never let THAT KIND of love happen again!! or so I thought!

8 months into my relationship, LOVE found its way back into my life! I fought like heck to prevent it from coming back! I didn't want it! I was afraid! Somehow it managed to slither its way back in and I honestly don't regret it! I'm happy again! Although I couldn't forget the pain of love, I forgot the pleasure of love! IT FEELS SO DARN GOOD!!! lol

Jeremy and I have grown so much as a couple and individually! After a few rocky months, things are starting to smooth out! We both were terrified of love and had no desire to welcome it into our relationship! Neither of us could fight it. Allowing love to flow naturally into our relationship was the best thing we could have done. Everything is right now! We have accepted each other, flaws and all, with a smile!!! lol Definitely love.

Jeremy has shown me love like I've never experienced before! He would never hurt me, physically or emotionally. He would never take advantage of me! He treats me like a queen. He never lets me open my own doors. When I had a car, he never let me drive! lol... (sounds weird right?!) He verbally expresses his feelings for me! (Yea, I know! I didn't think guys did that in America, either!) lol This dude kisses my forehead, loves to look into my eyes, and has torn down every wall I built around my heart! Believe it or not... these were the things I didn't know how to embrace or accept. I didn't know what to do with all of that! I had never seen a guy express love like that to a woman!! I wasn't prepared to receive that kind of affection!... but he was patient! =) GOD, I LOVE HIM!!!!

I've found 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 to be so true!

LOVE IS... patient and kind!

LOVE IS NOT... rude, selfish, or mean!

LOVE DOES NOT... count up wrongs that have been done!

LOVE... takes no pleasure in evil and REJOICES in truth!

LOVE... accepts ALL THINGS!

LOVE ALWAYS... trusts, hopes, and endures!

LOVE... never dies!!! <--- I PRAY TO GOD IT DOESN'T!!

LOVE and I are cool now!! lol I can't imagine spending a day without it!

My prayer is that my little sisters, my girl-friends, cousins, and even those females I don't know get to experience this kind of love!!! I want God to present to every Ruth in the world their Boaz!!! :)

Don't give up hope, ladies!! God knows who your Boaz is!!! Be patient, pray for him (that he remains on the right path), and GET READY FOR THE WILDEST ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFE!!! lol

Oh wait... All this talk about Ruth and Boaz... you guys DO know what I'm talking about, right?! I encourage you to read the book "Ruth" in the bible if you don't. Don't worry... it's only 4 chapters long! It's one of my favorite books!!! A great love story actually!!! that you guys know that I've become the mushiest, most love struck girl in the world... I'll end this blog and you can go about your happy lives!! lol

I'm out for now!

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Friday, June 25, 2010


Hey guys!!! Don't mind me!!! As you can see I'm trying to do something new to my blog!!! I'm just playing around with it now!!! Keep checking back...

Have a great week!!

Until next time,

♥ Stix

Monday, June 14, 2010



Enjoy your day, friend!!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix


Am I the only black person in the world who never had a sunburn therefore assumed that black people didn't get them!?!

**cricket cricket**

Y'all lying!!! I'm not by myself!!! lol
Ok... wait... Let me change that! I assumed brown skinned people didn't get sunburned. My little sister is super light skinned and she gets it all the time! Me on the other hand... NEVER!!!

Well that was true up until yesterday!!! I've been going swimming a lot in the last month or so and I've noticed that my skin is not feeling the sun so much!!! I've been having these crazy blotches or something when I sit out in the sun too long! I will admit that I didn't have on sunscreen the first time, but this last time... I HAD ON SUNSCREEN!!!

It has been so HOT lately!!! I promise you that if I wasn't saved this sun would have been the tool God used to save my VERY SOUL!!! I'm serious... it's been than hot!!!

My skin doesn't know how to take it this year!! I've really been going through!! Well, to make this story short, I went swimming and came out with pain in my shoulders!!! It wasn't a normal pain! It felt irritated or something. It felt even worse when I touched them! I told my friends and they said what I kind of already assumed!!! I was sun burnt!!! MANNNN!!!

I couldn't believe it! I used sunscreen... the sun wasn't really beaming on me!! I mean, DANG!!! I'm brown for crying out loud! I should have been one of the last to experience this!!! I'm so ready for it to go away! It hurts when I lay on them!!! It hurts with a shirt on them!! MAN!!! I feel sorry for white people! I had no earthly idea!

I have to figure out how to fix this madness!!! I'm going to Florida at the beginning of next month! I wonder what the best kind of sunscreen is for this kind of stuff! My friend Mel suggested something!!! I may try that!!! We'll see!!

Anyway... I said all of that to say this... YES,... BLACK PEOPLE DO GET SUN BURNT!!!... and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Anna McCoy, a lady I know from Texas, dumbed it down for me... LOL.. she said... "You got skin don't you and couple that with too much sun and it is usually called sunburn!" MAN!! I wish she could have said that in my face!!! LOL! She would have gotten one of the many "Stix looks!" LOL She is right but she didn't have to say it like that!!! LOL sshhhooooooooooOOOOOTTTTT!!!!

Anyway... I'm out for now!!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix!!!


Music videos just aren't what they used to be!!! What happened to story lines that actually went with the words of the songs?! What happened to songs of love and happiness?!... or songs about heartbreak or overcoming heartbreak!!! Man, those songs are gone... THOSE VIDEOS ARE GONE!!!

Today's videos stuck!!! They all are stuffed with occult symbols and images. I won't even go into all that with you guys! I'm sure you've heard all about it! It's nothing new. If you haven't heard about it or know nothing of the Illuminati, I encourage you to check out this site... Vigilant Citizen.

That very site is what brought on this blog. I go on this site whenever I hear a new song or see a new video that I think has hidden messages in it!!! I went to it today after thinking about Lady Gaga's new video "Alejandro." SMH! Guys, it's soooo sad!!! Again, I won't go into detail about all of that! Check out the site if you're interested!

I'm blogging to let out some frustration!!! I'm mad! Guys, THE DEVIL IS BUSY!!! He is doing everything in his power to gain as many souls as he can before his time is up!!! And boy, is he getting creative!!! These artist are brainwashed... I often wonder if they realize that they are basically being used as puppets to destroy souls!!! He isn't hiding anymore... He is coming and he isn't playing!!!

AND WHAT ARE WE (God's chosen few) DOING?!?! Where are our music videos and LIFE CHANGING SONGS?! Believe it or not... the songs and videos in "the world" ARE, in fact, life changing!!! They aren't bringing about positive life changes... but some type of change takes place. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TO STOP HIM?! God, WHAT CAN WE DO TO STOP HIM?! I want to see Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and all these other artist saved, man!!! I want to see people like them use their platforms to lead souls to CHRIST!!! I want to see music and videos that bring about the same kind of change... if not BETTER!! I'm tired of seeing us sit around and do nothing! I'm tired of us being so distracted with ourselves that we forget about THOSE SOULS that are being captured by the devil!!! That dude has NO AUTHORITY!!! HE CAN BE STOPPED!!!

I hear people say that they want to sing for God, but I don't think they realize just how big that is!!! It's about more than singing about His love at this point! Don't get me wrong... a good worship song will have me on the floor... but I think at this point in life... in these last days... Christian music should have the same objective as the world's music!!! THE SOULS ARE WHAT WE NEED!!!

Get it?!

Got it?!


LOL!!! I challenge you today to pray about what YOU could do to assist in gaining souls!!! I mean, really!! Heaven is about to be THE BOMB!!! Why not help other people get there?! God has given us all a gift or talent... Allow Him to anoint it and it be used to edify the kingdom. LET'S WIN SOULS FOR CHRIST!!! SHHOOOOOTTT!!!

Ya feel me?!

Until next time,

♥ Stix

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm JUST ME!!!

I am most often misunderstood. As much as that bothers me, I think I'm finally learning to accept it!!! I AM DIFFERENT... and not a lot of people are used to that! Shoot... I'm still trying to get used to me, myself!

I'm not that girl that can be categorized or put in a box! I am so many things!

I am quiet... I am loud.

I am awkward... I am cool.

I am funny... I am LAME!!

I am ghetto... I am smart!!

I love God... and still have a great life!!!

I don't cry... but I'm sensitive!!

I am blunt... I am... umm... what's the word...POLITE

I am indecisive... I am... INDECISIVE!!! LOL

I am analytical...


I am the opposite of MOST GIRLS!!

I am Jessica...

I am Stix...

I am Jess...

I am Jessica Stix...

I am THIS...

I am THAT!...

I AM...

I AM...

I AM!!!!!!

Get it?!

Got it?!?


I am not perfect!!! I AM FAR FROM PERFECT!!!

I'm just JESSICA...

I'm just me!!!

Sorry guys! Another random blog!!! That was so for me!!! And now that I've got that out... I can go to sleep!!! HAPPY SUNDAY!! :D

♥ Stix

Friday, June 11, 2010


SO... Last night, I got to work and my fellow co worker told me that we all have our own login for our work computer!!! I was soooo excited!!! That meant I could have my own little cool desktop background, I could log in on my own stuff and save what I want it!! Well, not anything... It's not my personal computer, but you feel me right?! lol

I spent a small portion of my shift trying to figure out what I wanted my background pic to be. When I couldn't find the right pic, I decided to make something of my own!!! LOL... Wanna see what I made?!?!


LOL!!! Judge me if you want!!! I just love Salt N Pepa!!! I did good, huh?! Alright, I'm done with my Salt N Pepa blogs for a while!!! I don't want you guys agreeing with my KAT friends!!!!

They are posting their concert dates soon!!! I'm sooo geeked!!! Road trip, anyone?!

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beauty Exclusive: Cheryl "Salt" Wray

Everybody and their mom knows I am a Salt N Pepa fanatic!!! My favorite member of the group has always been Salt!!!! When I was younger, I LOVED her voice/accent!!! It was so deep and cool! That voice is what made me want to move to New York!!! I've never been, but I just knew if I went I would pick up on that accent!!! I had to have it!!! LOL!!

Now I'm in love with Salt even more! My friends think I'm a stalker, but I'm not! lol I am simply a HUGE FAN!!! There is something about a humble celebrity who loves the Lord and can still do their jobs in the world!! She is still a hip hop artist, only now, she uses her platform to tell people about Jesus Christ!! How cool is that?! If she were to turn to christian music, she may not have the opportunity to reach those that really need Jesus! I love it and I applaud her for "STANDING OUT" as Tye Tribbett would say!!

BET did a beauty exclusive on Salt and I thought I'd post it on my blog... because I love her!!! Maybe you will find some of her tips useful! *shrugs*... or maybe not! Either way CHECK IT OUT!!!

Just in case some of my followers are cool like me and love Salt n Pepa... here are some of their fan pages:

Salt's Fan Page

Salt N Pepa's Fan Page

Salt's Twitter Page

Pepa's Twitter Page

Bam!!! There ya go!!! ;)

I'm out for now!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nothing much... Just writing!

Have you ever had so much to say that you didn't know what to do with yourself?! lol... Maybe it's just me!!!

I think a lot... maybe too much... and one day if I don't get it together I'm sure it will be the death of me!!! One day... I'll be able to just LIVE!!.... without caring... just DO ME!!!

But until then... I'll just do the best I can!!!

Anyway... This post won't be long at all... in fact I'm done!!! Have a great day!!! Always praying for you guys!!!

Until next time,

Monday, June 7, 2010

Good liar or Good writer?!

Things that make you go, "hmmmmm!!!!"

The other day I had to write a discussion for my Human Development class. I logged into my classroom thinking it would be as easy as the others and... IT WASN'T!!! Throughout the course I had done all of my reading, but I didn't do the reviews at the end. I mean, FOR WHAT?! I wasn't going to get a grade on them... besides they were boring maps anyway!!!

Well, after reading the discussion question for this week I wished I had done those stupid maps! lol Turns out, I had to write a small paper on the maps and what I had learned from them. I didn't feel like taking the time to do the maps so I looked over them and started writing!!!!


This made me think... Either I'm a darn good writer... or I'm a darn good liar!!!

*looks around... raises both hands...* Lord, *in my Mr. Brown Voice* "I'M SOOORRRYYY!!!" LOL

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Long hair don't care?!...

Man, PLEASE!!!!... lol

When I was younger, I prayed for long hair! I thought that if God gave me long hair I would belong in my family!! I was the only girl in the family with short, nappy hair. My mom's hair was jet black and stopped in the middle of her back. My little sister, Jamie, had sandy-brown hair that stopped at her shoulders. Man, my cousin's were even walking around with long, thick hair. It was unfair!!!

I remember walking around with my daddy's t-shirts on my head so I could see what it felt like to have something bouncing on my shoulders when I ran. My cousins laughed, but for once I felt just a tad-bit "normal." This issue haunted me until high school.

I tried just about every hairstyle out there just to keep from feeling so ugly. I wore the "hood wrap", cut my hair in a cute bob, then the halle berry cut, braids, kinky twists, and even a sew-in! I tried it all! Don't believe me?! When my hair started falling out, my mom made the beautician cut off the dead hair and I had to wear FINGER WAVES!!!!!... FREAKIN' FINGER WAVES, DUDE!!! That was the most embarrassing few weeks of my life. SMH!! I still haven't forgiven my mom for that one!

The summer of my junior year I decided that I would no longer get a perm. I couldn't take the chemical burns anymore. I begged my mom to let me keep kinky twist in my hair for a year. She agreed and that was the last time I ever had to worry about a perm!! I was so happy! My best friend, Sequoia, decided that she was over perms too. It was a transition that we went into together. We had each other for support. Lord knows I was gonna need it once I saw what my hair looked like without a perm.

A year later... THERE I WAS... .... No kinky twist or perm!... Just a head full of jet black, NAPPY HAIR!!! lol I loved it!!! At first, I was a little jealous because Sequoia's 'fro was a lot curlier than mine. lol smh Girls... and their issues! I got over it! No one's hair is the same! I couldn't hate on her 'cuz she had waves in the front! lol

Eventually I got tired of the 'fro. I had done every style I could think of. My mom was getting tired of combing it out for me and I couldn't really do it on my own when I went off to college. My mom was alot better at it than I was. My press would only last so long. I knew it was time for something new. Sequoia and I talked about getting 'locs, but neither of us were bold enough to do it. Finally I said I was gonna do it. She was all for it as well!... when it was time to do it... SHE SLICK PUNKED OUT ON ME!!! I didn't think I could do it alone, but I HAD TO! I was so over the 'fro!!!

My sister and I were going on a cruise with my cousin, Lauren's family. I figured I would do it then. My mom was against it so I decided not to talk to her about it anymore. Once on the trip, Lauren twisted my hair and the rest was history!!! LOL... I know!!! BAD GIRL!! When I came back from my seven day cruise, my mom didn't realize what I was doing! lol She thought it was a cute two-strand twist 'do! smh She figured it out once it started looking all bad!!! I had to go 4 months without touching it. You can imagine how nappy it had gotten by then!!!

Anyway... here I am 4 years later with my "long hair!" lol smh!! It's not all it cracked up to be!!! I LOVE my hair, don't get me wrong, but I do get tired of it in the summer. LONG HAIR CAN BE HOT!! I've heard that sooo much growing up! Now I get to see for myself!! So... any day, any month, any YEAR now, this hair will be gone!!!! I haven't decided if I will cut it off or cut it in a cute little "Whoppi Goldberg" bob! *shrugs* I'm not sure! I still have time to figure that out!

Anyway... Here are a few pics to show you how far we've come!!! lol


Anyway... #thatisall
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Oh yea, P.S.- Sequoia sucked it up and got her 'locks the next month... July 14th, I think!