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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Aye, you... FOCUS!!!!

Yo!!! What's good!!!







Rev Run tweeted that the other day and that is my new motto!!! I shared it with a friend the other day and now I'm sharing it with you guys!!!

Stop looking at that huge track of hurdles... Jump each hurdle one at a time... Tackle each obstacle as they come!!! I'm learning to do that and life just seems so much better!!

I promise my days are getting brighter and brighter!!!

So here... Try this...

Make a list of those things that need to be done!!! You know... the important stuff! The short and long term goals!!! Try not to focus on how long the list is!!! Your main focus is that next thing that needs to be done!!!

GOT IT?!... GOOD!!!

Here's my example:

Financial aid.....

Call NES and get lights turned on...

Call Monitronics to install alarm system...

START PACKING... *coughs*... UMM.... THAT'S NEXT!!

lol... Start making some things happen!!! By the end of this year... That list should just get smaller and smaller!!!

Alright... Sorry for the pep talk, guys! lol I'm getting ready for a new phase in my life and when I learn new things I can't wait to share them with you!!! It's all random!! lol

Anyway... I'm out for now!! Hopefully I'll have more blogs coming soon!!!

Until next time,

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