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Sunday, May 23, 2010

ReAl LiFe

Remember when you were younger, and you couldn't wait for your next birthday because it would make you "older."... somewhat more acceptable to those around you?! Man... I still do that! Not to be accepted or anything... I'm just ready to see where life takes me! I'm so ready to experience growth... to really mature into who God wants me to be! I know that takes time and I don't want to rush it!... but a girl can dream, right?! (*insert shrug here)

India Arie updated her twitter today and it made me go back to that time!..."Man, I can't wait until I'm 34!" LOL She is wise BEYOND her years and I know that type of wisdom comes with growth. I look up to her for so many reasons. Before it was because she played the guitar, but now I mainly look up to her because she is a thinker and she doesn't care how people feel about her! She is so in touch with how she feels and can so eloquently throw them out there for the world to enjoy! She makes it seem so easy. I love to see people grow. I remember when she was 26 years old and was just starting in the business. She didn't have the wisdom she has now. She didn't know how to handle the "crude, negative things" people would eventually say about her!... Now... she is NOT playing and I love it!

Recently she updated her twitter to pretty much put some people in their place. Twitter users hide behind their computer and straight up bash her to her face... well her twitter! They actually include her /"@" her so she can read it! People are so mean! They have gotten on her about gaining weight, they have talked about her music, her individuality, and even "rumored" relationships! I feel sorry for her sometimes but she definitely knows how to handle her own! I think people forget that these celebrities are human. They seem to think, if they really care at all, that celebrities are these hardcore people who can take any and every mean thing thrown their way. It's not fair! It's so sad! She wasn't mean or anything though! She simply spoke of where she is in life and pretty much stated that she is who she is and there's nothing anyone can do about it! POINT BLANK! It was really long! Who knows if those people will read it or even care... but for people like me... it made me think!

In so many words, she talked about how she doesn't allow TV to define who she is and how she acts! She won't allow the world to label her as a person or her music!!! She is INDIA!!! and that's that on that!!

I found myself thinking.... Am I THAT sure of who I am?! Have I allowed the world to define me?!... better yet... Have I allowed my religion to define me?! It kind of made me mad because I honestly have to answer "yes" to the second question! Before today I was so afraid of being judged! I didn't want this person to think that I loved God less... or this person to think I had slacked off! smh! Not once taking into consideration of what God thinks... better yet... KNOWS! There is a lady named Shellie that is like that! I see her at church with her head held high with her skinny jeans on and knee boots! She doesn't care one bit if ANYONE judges her... She knows who she is... and she knows what God says about her!!! Those are the kind of people that I want to surround myself with... and honestly... I believe my friends have that mindset! It's just time for me to get on that level!! I mean really... "church folks?" Who the HECK are they anyway?! smh

If I ever meet India Arie, which I probably won't, lol... I'll have to thank her for being so transparent! That girl is the!!! I'm trying to get where she is... SHOOOOOOOOOT!

Thank YOU GUYS for even reading as I ramble about whatever comes to mind! LOL! My best friend and I had already spoken about it today, but I had to write how I felt!!!!

ok!!! Enough with all that!!!! It's Sunday... You going to church?! I'm not! lol I'm soooo tired!!!

Until next time,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Forever Jones

It's been a minute. I wish I had some cool excuse as to why I've neglected to blog, but I don't! Sorry! :( I've been introduced to some new music though and couldn't wait to blog about it!!! I pray this family blesses you the way they blessed me!!!

After spending the evening with Sabrina, my friend Melissa came in and introduced us to some new music! Apparently there is a new family band out, Forever Jones, that we knew nothing of. Melissa had already downloaded a song onto her phone so she played it for us! I must say, seconds into the song and I was ready to fall on my knees! I knew immediately that this family KNEW God and had a desire to serve HIM!!! There is an anointing on their music that is felt IMMEDIATELY!!! Don't believe me... check out the song!!! The words of the song made me think. I wondered when God searched for those desperate hearts am I looked over?! Have I let go of every idol? Does God have my ALL?! There is nothing like a song that will convict you and take you into worship ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! It's like God... He convicts us and loves us AT THE SAME TIME!!! I'm telling you... This family is anointed! God is all over them and I can't wait to hear what all God does through their music! This is what I define as TRUE, PURE worship!!! I LOVE IT!!! Listen to the song! You won't be able to stop! Believe me!

Wanna know what I LOVE about them?! 20 years ago the Lord gave the father of the band, Dewitt Jones, an invitation to spend time with Him at 9 a.m. every morning! This devotion is now considered worship/family time and is where all of their music from the upcoming album was birthed! Yessss, JONES FAMILY!!! I just LOVE them!!!! They have an amazing testimony!!! Check it out here!!!!

Amazing, right?! A BLESSING!!! The name of their debut album is entitled, "Get Ready" and is set to hit stores on June 8th of this year!!!! We have to support them guys!!!! I'm going to try and post a reminder on the 8th! I hope I remember!!!!

Ok! That is all for now!!!

Until next time,


Saturday, May 1, 2010

One year later...


In my Ludacris voice: "BALLLOONS!" lol You'll have to be Sabrina to get it! *shrugs* Sorry, guys! ;)

One year, 71 blogs, and 16 followers later.... I must say this has been one HECK of a year!!! LOL... so lame!!

I never knew blogging would be so much fun, so therapeutic, so... umm... THE BOMB! Ha! I can't imagine life without it now. Journaling is fun and I still do it quite often, but blogging is definitely where it's at for me!

Just a small recap:

Remember that band that I used to talk about ALL THE TIME... and then all of a sudden I stopped talking about it?!... Well, unfortunately that band is no more!!! Nothing to be sad about or anything. I've come to realize that some things and people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I guess that was just a fun season in my life. ;) Although I don't consider myself a band member anymore, I am still a guitar player. I don't play as often because I'm ready to learn more. When I move back to Murfreesboro this summer, taking lessons is going to be priority!

Ok... that was one... what about this...?

Remember those girls I blogged about in June?! Yea,... Sabrina, Melissa, and Sophie!? Turns out those girls are still in my life and we have all grown extremely close. They are definitely a blessing and I love them with all OF MY HEART! I thank God for them daily! Great things are happening in their lives now.... and it's only gonna get better from here! You should check out their blogs... Just click their names. Sophie doesn't have one... but you can check out her twitter. ;) She's on facebook too... I think twitter shows more of her sweet, loving personality!

I mentioned AJ in that blog as well. We are still super close!!! That's my homie, for life! Check out her blog too! She's back in school... still writing every now and then... and NEEDS to be working on her book! Once you read her blog you'll know what I mean.

Jel is doing great as well. She'll be done with her Master's soon... and is still playing the guitar. She's got a lot going on too. Check out her blog to stay updated on what's going on with her! :)

Umm... I think I mentioned Renee in that blog. I didn't upload a picture though. I LOVE RENEE! That's my girl. Whenever I'm going through or need prayer... I know she's just a phone call away. She's my prayer partner and a really good friend. I think she understands me the best out of everyone, honestly. She's like a sister to me. ;)

Ok... I said small, right?! I'll wrap it up. I've had so much fun this year... A lot happened... Good and bad... I don't think I would change anything though. Everything happened for a reason... and I'm happy with where I am, honestly!!


I'm outta here! I got a couple of movies from Redbox a few minutes ago... I said I needed to be done with this blog by 4am so I can get started! LOL!... it's 3:54am! BAM! ;)

Keep checking out my blogs... You never know WHO I'll be one day! HA!

Until next time,

Stix ♥