Anyone who knows me, knows THAT WAS A BIG DEAL!!!
I was BLESSED to attend an INVITE ONLY concert that she hosted in Atlanta, GA! I tried blogging about this the other day and it's just way too much information to throw out there! I'll do my best not to make it too long!!!
Umm... Where should I go with this?!

♥ Me and my brother/friend Cord ♥
Well India had a contest on twitter inviting us all to RSVP to her concert that would feature BRAND NEW SONGS off of her upcoming album! When I saw this... I was geeked and couldn't wait to win! lol Only 50 people would receive an invite and they would get the opportunity to bring one guest! Unfortunately I didn't win, but my brother Cord did and he asked if I would like to go with him... UMM... I GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTED! lol ♥ Me and my sister/friend Sophie!! ♥
So... Saturday, August 8, 2010 My friend Sophie and I made our way to Atlanta! Sophie didn't win a ticket, but we thought it would be a good idea for her to try her luck at getting in!!! Well, God must have wanted her to be there because she was blessed with a free ticket from a girl who couldn't stay because of a show that she had to do!!! GOD IS GOOD!! lol
The songs are so great!! I was touched by each one in different ways. At times I was blown away by the music in the songs... so much so that I almost don't remember the lyrics. She performed two songs in Hebrew that brought me to tears! I had no clue what she was saying, but I was so drawn in! They were my two favorite of the night!! The other songs came really close to being favorites though! This cd, if she does it EXACTLY the way she performed them that night... music and all, WILL BE HER BEST YET!!! You could tell that when she wrote these, she wasn't thinking about the industry AT ALL!!! These are songs that came from the heart! Songs that everyone will be able to relate to! I was impressed! India Arie is MY FAVORITE singer AND songwriter!... HANDS DOWN! I honestly don't know anyone on her level! I mean, Lauryn Hill and Erykah Badu are deep and all, but India is THE BEST! I don't know how else to say it! She is deep, but she isn't so deep that you don't understand what's going on! I LOVE THAT ABOUT HER... I LOVE HER!!!
I always leave her concerts so FULL! I walked away from this one inspired and ready to pick my guitar back up! One thing that I WILL NOT forget about that night was how free and happy she was! I smiled the ENTIRE CONCERT! It was obvious that she FINALLY FOUND what she loves doing! She FOUND HERSELF in this industry and she is happy about it! I could only imagine what that must feel like... to know what it is you are called to do... TO DO IT... and be happy DOING IT!!! Amazing! I can't wait to be at that place! Hopefully I'll know sooner than later! Ya know?!
After the concert she had a meet and greet at a store a few doors down from where she had the concert. Man, she was so nice! The line was pretty long, but she didn't seem to be phased by it. She allowed everyone the opportunity to talk to her for however long and take as many pictures as they wanted! I was in the middle of the line and as I watched her interact with her fans, all I could think about was how tired she must be!!! I WISH I had been thinking about what I wanted to say to her! LOL! My brother Cord was the first in our group to go! He was nervous... his lip quivered a bit when he smiled for the camera!!! lol He talked to her for a minute and she loved him! She thought he was pretty hilarious!... and he really is! I thought that was cool! Sophie was next in the crew and she talked India's EAR OFF! lol India was very nice and gave her some great advice to help her move forward in her career! India even gave her, her email address! (Wait... is that T.M.I.?!) *shrugs* Oh well...
A cute little girl went before me! Her name was Nyema! She was 14 years old and cute as a button! She was so smart! I loved her! India Arie was so nice to her! I think her mom owned the store! I can't remember. She didn't have an autograph card so India gave her one and told her not to lose it in a "big sister "type of way! She has such a kind spirit! I mean, really!!!
Then it was my turn...
I was scared out of my mind! Just before I went up to talk to her, Denise, someone I met on India Arie's myspace blog YEARS AGO, asked if it was my first time meeting her! I told her yea and that I was so mad at myself for shaking right then! I was THAT nervous. I could NOT stop shaking! lol It only got worse when I walked up to India! I introduced myself... shook her hand... and asked her to sign my autograph cards! I bought one for me and my best friend Sequoia! She's a HUGE fan as well. I was so sad that she couldn't be there to share in the moment with me. :( So yea...after she signed the card, she had to tell me to bend down to take the pic! Guys, I was that nervous! SMH! I really regret not being able to share how I really felt about her, her music and all of that, but whatever! I believe I'll get another opportunity to do it all over again!! I was really hard on myself after it was all over! Denise was really nice and helped me feel better about it all! She is really sweet! I'm glad that I know her! It was great to FINALLY meet her too! That was way overdue!!
♥ US AGAIN!!! Sophie's camera phone was a lot better than mine! ♥
Anyway... So there you have it guys!!! Last Saturday I experienced the best concert of my life and they were all NEW SONGS!! lol Is that possible?!!
That was by far the greatest night of my life... #really! The ONLY way that would be topped is if I meet Salt N Pepa!!! lol I can see that happening one day too!! Who knows... we'll see!!!
Have a blessed week guys!!!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
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