It's been a minute. I wish I had some cool excuse as to why I've neglected to blog, but I don't! Sorry! :( I've been introduced to some new music though and couldn't wait to blog about it!!! I pray this family blesses you the way they blessed me!!!

After spending the evening with Sabrina, my friend Melissa came in and introduced us to some new music! Apparently there is a new family band out, Forever Jones, that we knew nothing of. Melissa had already downloaded a song onto her phone so she played it for us! I must say, seconds into the song and I was ready to fall on my knees! I knew immediately that this family KNEW God and had a desire to serve HIM!!! There is an anointing on their music that is felt IMMEDIATELY!!! Don't believe me... check out the song!!! The words of the song made me think. I wondered when God searched for those desperate hearts am I looked over?! Have I let go of every idol? Does God have my ALL?! There is nothing like a song that will convict you and take you into worship ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! It's like God... He convicts us and loves us AT THE SAME TIME!!! I'm telling you... This family is anointed! God is all over them and I can't wait to hear what all God does through their music! This is what I define as TRUE, PURE worship!!! I LOVE IT!!! Listen to the song! You won't be able to stop! Believe me!
Wanna know what I LOVE about them?! 20 years ago the Lord gave the father of the band, Dewitt Jones, an invitation to spend time with Him at 9 a.m. every morning! This devotion is now considered worship/family time and is where all of their music from the upcoming album was birthed! Yessss, JONES FAMILY!!! I just LOVE them!!!! They have an amazing testimony!!! Check it out here!!!!
Amazing, right?! A BLESSING!!! The name of their debut album is entitled, "Get Ready" and is set to hit stores on June 8th of this year!!!! We have to support them guys!!!! I'm going to try and post a reminder on the 8th! I hope I remember!!!!
Ok! That is all for now!!!
Until next time,
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