I had my day all planned out. I wanted to be in bed by 9am, wake up at around 3pm, and then start unpacking my apartment. Well, that didn't happen. Today at around 10:58am the world's meanest tooth woke me up out of my sleep. I haven't felt a pain that bad since breaking my ankle a few years ago. The pain came from out of nowhere. I wasn't experiencing any mild pain before. This was totally unexpected. I took 800mg of Ibuprofen and impatiently waited for it to kick in.
Thank God for smartphones.
I couldn't take the pain much longer so I googled a dentist from my blackberry. I don't have Internet in my apartment yet, so my phone was definitely my hero at the moment. I found one immediately, called them, and because I was in so much pain they managed to squeeze me in for an emergency appointment. The thing is... my appointment wasn't for another 2 hours. I didn't think I would be able to make it. I called Renee to see if she could take me to the dentist. Thank God she had no plans. I tried going back to sleep, but that didn't work out. I managed to get out of bed and find something to wear. I realized that the pain wasn't so bad as I continued getting ready. I think the Ibuprofen had finally found its target and had the pain in a headlock. HA! The pain was mild at this point so I tried my luck at going back to sleep. I eventually drifted off into what seemed like deep sleep until my phone rang. It was Renee. She was on the way. GREAT. It felt like my mean tooth had the Ibuprofen in a headlock because the pain was back!!!! smh I couldn't take it much longer.
Embassy Dental.
There is something about dental offices that gives me the creeps. That drilling noise just about made me run the other way. The pain in my tooth prevented that from happening. I needed something to be done and FAST!!! I sat impatiently to be seen... I really didn't have to wait long tho.
Seems like I was in and out in no time. They x-rayed the tooth and I found out that I have a really bad cavity. smh I have two options. 1.) I can get a root canal and 2.) I can have it pulled. I haven't made up my mind yet. The doctor thought it would be best to go ahead and extract it. Umm... I'm not sure what I'll do yet. In the meantime, I was given some banging medication and was sent on my way.
Once home, I took my clothes off and went right back to bed. I was so tired! Sabrina came by to pick me up later so we could go to church. I wasn't in as much pain anymore. Thank God.
I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm still a bit nervous when eating though.
Once I get off today, I'm going to take my meds, go to sleep and try my luck at unpacking again. We'll see if everything goes as planned this time... *crossing fingers*
Until next time,
♥ Stix
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