I remember walking around with my daddy's t-shirts on my head so I could see what it felt like to have something bouncing on my shoulders when I ran. My cousins laughed, but for once I felt just a tad-bit "normal." This issue haunted me until high school.
I tried just about every hairstyle out there just to keep from feeling so ugly. I wore the "hood wrap", cut my hair in a cute bob, then the halle berry cut, braids, kinky twists, and even a sew-in! I tried it all! Don't believe me?! When my hair started falling out, my mom made the beautician cut off the dead hair and I had to wear FINGER WAVES!!!!!... FREAKIN' FINGER WAVES, DUDE!!! That was the most embarrassing few weeks of my life. SMH!! I still haven't forgiven my mom for that one!
The summer of my junior year I decided that I would no longer get a perm. I couldn't take the chemical burns anymore. I begged my mom to let me keep kinky twist in my hair for a year. She agreed and that was the last time I ever had to worry about a perm!! I was so happy! My best friend, Sequoia, decided that she was over perms too. It was a transition that we went into together. We had each other for support. Lord knows I was gonna need it once I saw what my hair looked like without a perm.
A year later... THERE I WAS... .... No kinky twist or perm!... Just a head full of jet black, NAPPY HAIR!!! lol I loved it!!! At first, I was a little jealous because Sequoia's 'fro was a lot curlier than mine. lol smh Girls... and their issues! I got over it! No one's hair is the same! I couldn't hate on her 'cuz she had waves in the front! lol
Eventually I got tired of the 'fro. I had done every style I could think of. My mom was getting tired of combing it out for me and I couldn't really do it on my own when I went off to college. My mom was alot better at it than I was. My press would only last so long. I knew it was time for something new. Sequoia and I talked about getting 'locs, but neither of us were bold enough to do it. Finally I said I was gonna do it. She was all for it as well!... when it was time to do it... SHE SLICK PUNKED OUT ON ME!!! I didn't think I could do it alone, but I HAD TO! I was so over the 'fro!!!
My sister and I were going on a cruise with my cousin, Lauren's family. I figured I would do it then. My mom was against it so I decided not to talk to her about it anymore. Once on the trip, Lauren twisted my hair and the rest was history!!! LOL... I know!!! BAD GIRL!! When I came back from my seven day cruise, my mom didn't realize what I was doing! lol She thought it was a cute two-strand twist 'do! smh She figured it out once it started looking all bad!!! I had to go 4 months without touching it. You can imagine how nappy it had gotten by then!!!
Anyway... here I am 4 years later with my "long hair!" lol smh!! It's not all it cracked up to be!!! I LOVE my hair, don't get me wrong, but I do get tired of it in the summer. LONG HAIR CAN BE HOT!! I've heard that sooo much growing up! Now I get to see for myself!! So... any day, any month, any YEAR now, this hair will be gone!!!! I haven't decided if I will cut it off or cut it in a cute little "Whoppi Goldberg" bob! *shrugs* I'm not sure! I still have time to figure that out!

Anyway... #thatisall
mhmmm :) yay! we are both natural whoop whoop! my hair will be ur length in about 2 years :) imma get you girl lol!