Am I the only black person in the world who never had a sunburn therefore assumed that black people didn't get them!?!
**cricket cricket**
Y'all lying!!! I'm not by myself!!! lol
Ok... wait... Let me change that! I assumed brown skinned people didn't get sunburned. My little sister is super light skinned and she gets it all the time! Me on the other hand... NEVER!!!

Well that was true up until yesterday!!! I've been going swimming a lot in the last month or so and I've noticed that my skin is not feeling the sun so much!!! I've been having these crazy blotches or something when I sit out in the sun too long! I will admit that I didn't have on sunscreen the first time, but this last time... I HAD ON SUNSCREEN!!!
It has been so HOT lately!!! I promise you that if I wasn't saved this sun would have been the tool God used to save my VERY SOUL!!! I'm serious... it's been than hot!!!
My skin doesn't know how to take it this year!! I've really been going through!! Well, to make this story short, I went swimming and came out with pain in my shoulders!!! It wasn't a normal pain! It felt irritated or something. It felt even worse when I touched them! I told my friends and they said what I kind of already assumed!!! I was sun burnt!!! MANNNN!!!
I couldn't believe it! I used sunscreen... the sun wasn't really beaming on me!! I mean, DANG!!! I'm brown for crying out loud! I should have been one of the last to experience this!!! I'm so ready for it to go away! It hurts when I lay on them!!! It hurts with a shirt on them!! MAN!!! I feel sorry for white people! I had no earthly idea!
I have to figure out how to fix this madness!!! I'm going to Florida at the beginning of next month! I wonder what the best kind of sunscreen is for this kind of stuff! My friend Mel suggested something!!! I may try that!!! We'll see!!
Anyway... I said all of that to say this... YES,... BLACK PEOPLE DO GET SUN BURNT!!!... and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Anna McCoy, a lady I know from Texas, dumbed it down for me... LOL.. she said... "You got skin don't you and couple that with too much sun and it is usually called sunburn!" MAN!! I wish she could have said that in my face!!! LOL! She would have gotten one of the many "Stix looks!" LOL She is right but she didn't have to say it like that!!! LOL sshhhooooooooooOOOOOTTTTT!!!!
Anyway... I'm out for now!!!
Until next time,
♥ Stix!!!
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