It's about time for another update blog!!!
I am extremely happy as I write this blog! After almost 5 years of having a roommate here in Nashville, I have finally moved into my own place. (*insert audience applause here**) I've always said that I wanted to have the experience of living by myself before I got married. I am finally getting that opportunity! This is just another cool part of the journey and I know I will learn a lot during this time.
For starters, I plan to learn how to cool. I have amazing friends who can cook their butts off! It's about time that I learn, so I can contribute at the little dinners that we have every now and then! I'm not really looking forward to it, to be honest, but I know this is something I need to learn to do for my family. I never tried cooking when I had a roommate because I was always afraid that I would burn something and she would know. lol Now, I won't have to worry that.
Anyway... so I'm all moved in... most of my stuff is in my living room! I'll spend most of tomorrow putting everything where it belongs! I can't wait to start decorating! I already know what I want to do with my apartment! I think I'll post before pictures and update you guys as I make progress. I know this project will take a lot of time, but I know it's going to be a lot of fun! I'll do as much as I can with the time and money that I gain. Man, I can't wait!
I'm getting a puppy very soon as well. My neighbor, Gustavo, has two adorable Phantom poodles and the girl, Gee Gee, is pregnant. He told me that I could buy one when she gives birth. It's not expensive at all. He adopted his poodles for $900 a piece. He's going to give me one for less than half the price! I'm so excited! I've been wanting a dog for about 2 years now! I can't wait to meet him/her! I've already been thinking about the things I want to buy for it!!! FYI: A phantom poodle is simply a poodle with two colors. The secondary color is usually on the mouth, eyes, and feet! So cute!

In other news...
I'm really enjoying going to school online! I don't know why I didn't think to do this in the beginning! I'm more focused. When I was attending MTSU, I was so distracted with my phone and people, that I couldn't pay attention! I am forced to pay attention online. I mean, it's not much there to distract me... especially when there is an assignment due every other day! lol I'm exaggerating a little, but it is a lot of work! My classes are very interesting and fun and my grades are great! My first two classes were so easy. This Public Relations class is a bit challenging, but I like it! I've only been in this class a week and I'm already learning a lot! Cool.
So that's all for now...
I'll keep you updated for sure!
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
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