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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Did I tell you...

I know, I know. Where have I been?!

Everywhere and NOWHERE!. lol Life is good. So much has happened and I'm not so sure I have the time to fill you in. I'll do my best. Where do I begin?!

Did I tell you guys that I have a car now?! I guess I got it about a month or so ago. I don't really remember. It's a 2003 Ford Focus. It's cute as a button. My very own little vagina car. lol Sorry.... I think I heard Will Ferrell call a small car that once. Anyway, the car drives very well. I'm happy. I actually get to enjoy my apartment now. Before my car, I spent a lot of time at my friend's apartment because it was more convenient when it was time for me to head to work at midnight. Now when I get off, I can go home!!! ::sigh of relief:: Wait, wait! Before you take that the wrong way, I had a blast being with my friends. I just wished I were home instead sometimes. I mean really, why pay rent if you're never there, ya know?!

Speaking of work... Did I tell you guys about my new job?! I work in Franklin, Tn for a company called MedSolutions. It's a lot like the work I was doing before only I work during the day, am making more money, and am OFF ON THE WEEKENDS!!! Talk about a blessing from God! I couldn't be happier. Oh yea, and I can work as much overtime as I want. Lovin' it!

Did I tell you guys that I'm single now?! Oh... maybe I did. I think I was too bitter to talk about it in detail before. Although I'm far from bitter now, I'll spare you guys the details. Looking back now though, I realize that break up was for the best. We both needed time to get ourselves together. I mean, I was literally going through hell. I wasn't at a place where I could be a good girlfriend. I was so unhappy and it showed. I was overwhelmed with LIFE... I just didn't know how to focus on anything, but my situation. Even after we broke up, I don't remember ever missing him. I had too much going on. I think the other day I finally realized that he was gone. How jacked up is that?! I DO remember being upset with him because I felt DUMPED. lol It seemed like the worse time EVER to do that, but honestly it was the BEST time. Sometimes I think about us possibly working it out, but who knows. Friends for now works for me. Relationships tend to distract me from what I NEED to be doing anyway. I do miss him though. ::shrugs:: Anyway, he and I are still cool. We talk randomly every now and then. He's doing great as well.

Another ex-boyfriend and I started hanging out again. It has been great catching up and honestly I needed him. I needed some questions answered, some closure. I have that now. He and I don't talk as often as we once were, but I think that's probably for the best. I don't want to ruin what could possibly be a good friendship.

Did I tell you that I bought a new guitar?! Of course not, I just bought it the other day! lol Now that life is looking up, I decided that I was ready to play again. One problem... She was broken. Remember when I had her painted?! Well the guy ended up sanding off a very important part of my guitar: the nut. That is the very piece that keeps the strings off of the neck of the guitar. BUMMER. I went to Guitar Center to have her fixed and they told me that I would be better off buying a new one. Luckily, they were running a sale on their guitars. I got a really good deal on a guitar and new soft case. Looks like Lady Penne will be mounted on my wall now. :( My first baby! I nearly cried at the thought of never playing her again. So yea, the new guitar is cute. It plays well and will remain nameless until a name comes to mind. I will start guitar lessons soon. Time to get back on this thing 4real! I'll keep you updated on that one.

Anyway, like I said... Life is good.

I've bored you guys enough. We'll talk again soon!

Praying the best for you all. Take it from me... GOD IS REAL AND WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU!

Until next time,