Saturday was the most HECTIC day for me! I had so much to do and I wasn't sure if I would have enough time to do it all! I had not done my hair... My nails weren't painted... I still had to pick up my dress from the dry cleaners!!!! It seemed like my to do list just kept growing!... but somehow I managed to get it all done... and was making pretty good time!
By 1:25pm I had managed to finish my hair, take my shower, and was ready to put on my clothes! WHY when I put on my stockings THEY TORE?! First of all, I THINK STOCKINGS ARE FOR GRANDMA'S! I really didn't want to wear them... but my friends thought it would be best that I did. I completely honored their suggestion because they know better than I do how to wear dresses... and what to wear with them. When that happened, I was frustrated! I quickly did my makeup, put on the rest of my clothes, and made my way to Macy's. I get there and they DID NOT have the stockings that I originally bought. I went with some very similar!
I was still making good time. My plan was to make it to the wedding at 1:30... but as long as I made it there at or before 2pm I was good. Well guys, at 1:55pm I was just about there! I could literally see my exit and......
I hit this car from behind! I remember (it all happened so fast) looking down and when I looked up my head hit my steering wheel... HARD!!! I could not believe it! God is so good... My friend Melissa called me IMMEDIATELY after I hit the car asking where I was as if she saw the whole thing! She was at the church saving me a seat! That was GOD... I needed someone to know what was going on... someone I knew would intercede for me!!!!
So that happened... and I sat there for what felt like 2 or 3 minutes completely disoriented! I mean... I didn't know what to do! I wanted to check on the people but I had to get myself together first. I was out of it... I was shaking... my head was hurting a little! I just needed to breathe!... So I did, and tried to make my way out of my car!... MY DOOR WOULDN'T OPEN!!! What the heck?! I climbed over to the passenger seat, in my dress, to go and check on the people I hit. They seemed to be doing fine... shook up just as I was! The passenger in the car was a bit of a drama queen!!! LOL!... but hey!... We'll see what comes of that later. They called the police, so from there I waited.
I knew my friend Renee wasn't far behind me. She was on her way to the wedding as well. I called her and she was there in no time! I NEEDED her there! She was so supportive! I called my mentor as I waited for Renee and she drove FROM MURFREESBORO to be there for me! I love her sooo much! She is like my second mom! She always looks out for me!... definitely a Godsend!
The ladies that I hit went to the hospital! I was hurt, but I didn't want to go to the hospital... I just wanted to get my ticket and leave! The process was a lot longer than I thought! There were a few issues that needed to be resolved. Tamara, my mentor, took over from there and asked Renee to leave! From there... LOL... I'll have to throw up the "To be continued..." sign!...

A LOT HAPPENED from that point on! It looks like the worst situation of ALL TIME... but I know this will make for one POWERFUL testimony! I can already see where God is at work! Today's sermon "Fight On" was confirmation for me! I have a lot of fighting to do... but once this is over!... You better believe I will let you guys know! I WILL say that I have some PRAYING FRIENDS! The situation could have gone A LOT differently than it did! THANK YOU GOD FOR GRACE!!!!!!!!!! I could tell they were praying! After calling them later, I told them that someone was praying!... they told me that they were in the bathroom praying for me!! ! LOL... I'm crying just typing this! They were there for me and I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH! Remember this blogger friends... YOU NEED FRIENDS!!! They are a few of the many vessels that God uses to help, encourage, and bless you!!! I'm learning that more now than EVER!!!
I thought I was gonna cry when I saw him. He was sooo compassionate. He cared sooo much! You would think I would be used to it by now! He's just so dang on sweet! He hugged me tight... kissed the knot on my head... and didn't force me to tell him anything. His main concern was that I was ok... And I was when I was with him. We danced... and laughed... as if nothing ever happened! It ended up being a really good evening! I'm glad I decided to go!
Kim (his sister) and Rashad are the cutest couple I've ever seen in life! My favorite couple in the world is Heathcliff and Claire Huxtable! Kim and Rashad make for a close second! They are best friends... and it shows! They had such a good time together! I LOVED IT! I'll be praying for them! God definitely had something to do with their relationship! BEAUTIFUL!
Here are a couple of questions I've been asked a lot! If you have any questions... feel free to ask!
To allll of my friends, THANK YOU! You know who you are! I shouted you guys out on Facebook! You guys are a blessing! Thank you for your encouragement, your love, and your prayers!!! Thank you Sabrina, Melissa, and Sophie for letting me stay over the other night and for watching over me! You guys are awesome!!! AJ!!! HOMIE! Thank you for praying! I know you would have been there if you could!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! God couldn't have given me better friends!
BABY!!!! YOU ARE THE BOMB.COM!!!!! Thank you for being there, for keeping me distracted, for all the LOVE you've shown! You know you're the best boyfriend I've ever had right?! LOL (how many times have I said THAT!!)
Ok... I'm done! Keep me in your prayers... and I'll continue to pray for you! ;) lol I love you guys more than you know!... Those I know... and those I don't! BE ENCOURAGED!
I am glad that you are okay sis! you had me worried!