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Saturday, February 26, 2011


Sooo... I went to the eye doctor about a month ago and found out that my eyes are sooooo MUCH WORSE than they used to be! :( Sadness...

Anyway... So now I have new glasses! Check 'em out!!

I call this look: PRESCRIPTION GREATNESS!!!!

Ok... I had to.... *shrugs* Sorry!!!


Until next time,
♥ Stix

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentine's Day!!!

Hey!!! I've been meaning to post this for awhile, but my laptop is not acting right these days!!!

So yea... Here I am today posting about Valentine's day!!

How was yours?!.... Here's how mine went:

Valentine's Day was pretty much like any other Monday. The only difference was that we had all kinds of goodies at my job! We had a cute little Valentine's Day party and it was fun! For a single girl, I had A BLAST!!! I saw on twitter that a lot of people were upset that they weren't "boo'd up!" Me... I was GOOD!!!... STRAIGHT CHILLIN'!!! lol I wasn't looking for anything and was totally ok that I wasn't getting anything!!!...

or so I thought....

On my way home, I looked down at my phone and saw that I had two missed phone calls. One from a foreign number and another from my friend Darius. I forgot to take my phone off of silent when I got off. I called Darius back and he seemed really weird. He asked if I received a phone call from a 704 number and I told him "yes." I asked if I should call that number back, completely oblivious as to what was going on. He went ahead and shared that someone was calling to deliver a Valentine's Day gift to me. I was totally shocked and told him that he could tell the person to leave it outside of my door since I was on the way home.

Of course, I SPED home and saw that flowers and a cute teddy bear, Mr. Cuddlesworth, were outside of my door. I was totally shocked!! One thing that I LOVED was that he didn't send roses!!! You guys know that I HATE roses and figured he remembered. When we talked about it, he said that he didn't like the idea of giving me something that everyone else would receive that day!!! He sent red tulips and his reason was because "red" represents LOVE and the "tulips" represent FRIENDSHIP!!! The card that came with it was very sweet! It's in my wallet now so I read it all the time!! See.. guys... he is so sweet!!!

Ok... I know you're probably wondering... "how did he get your address?!" Well, he was in town about a month ago and he joined me and my friends in attending a few gospel concerts. We all talked about a dvd called "Blessed and Cursed" that Mali Music and Dietrick Haddon were in. He ended up buying it when he went back to Arkansas. He asked for my address so he could send it to me so I could watch it!!! THAT IS HOW HE GOT MY ADDRESS!! He knew all along that he was going to send the flowers for Valentine's Day... Me on the other hand, I was checking my mailbox every other day for the DVD!! lol

How sweet?!!! smh I really like this guy... and NOT just because of how thoughtful and genuinely sweet he is. It does play a part in it though!

This is one Valentine's Day to remember!! I'm not the type who wants a lot or cares much about Valentine's Day. However, I DO love a guy who takes a little time to think about what would make me happy!!! ya know? He is currently WINNING guys... He's winning! lol

Anyway, that's my Valentine's Day!! I hope yours was great!!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Friday, February 4, 2011

This is what happens when one of the bestie's has a MACBOOK PRIZZZZ-OOO!!

MY LOCKS TASTE LIKE ICE CREAM!!!.. Dark chocolate ice cream! Yum!
RAAA RAAA... like a dungeon DRAGON!!!!
♥ Stix

Thursday, February 3, 2011


You ever say something and then after you said it.... wish you hadn't said it AT ALL?

That's totally how I feel about that last blog! The cool thing about blogs is that IF I WANT... I could totally delete that blog and go about my business..

But I won't!

Those were honest feelings, but I do feel the need to add that I'm not looking to be in a relationship anytime soon!! I mean yea, I like the guy, but I'm not looking to be his girlfriend like tomorrow!!! I'm all for being friends and seeing where things go! I mean... dating my best friend is what I've always wanted...

So I'm cool with life where it is!!!

I felt that THAT needed to be added... cuz after reading the blog myself I would have to say I seemed THIRSTY THAN A MUG!!! LOL

Signing off 4real this time!!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix


So there's this guy.

Not just any guy....

A different guy..

But the same guy....

Get it?... Oh nevermind. It doesn't matter. All u need to know is that there IS a guy.

I like him and he doesn't know....

Which goes against who I am because when I like a guy I have NO PROBLEM telling him. In fact, most guys that I've dated have been because I reached out first. What can I say?!.... I go after what I want! lol That's not the case with this guy though. He saw me before I had any idea he existed... and then he reached out!

So yea...

We met years ago. Dated for months off and on and then we were no more. Why u ask?! Because I was still in love with someone else. I know... OUCH?! Unfortunately, he was the rebound guy. There was NOTHING wrong with this guy. He did everything right! He was kind, he genuinely cared about me, and was everything I looked for in a guy... physically!

He is....

4' inches taller than me
Can dress
Has the cutest lips
OH AND HE IS A DIE HARD FAN OF JESUS CHRIST!! (umm... yea, that's physical! It shows.)

and I let that go!!! smh LOOOOOOSING!!! So anyway... so he's back in the picture.... as a friend. We talk quite often and he has absolutely no idea that I like him again. I don't think I want him to know. Why?!... because I'm afraid that I'm not good for him! I mean really... there is something wrong with me....

I'm always down for a guy and then months later... I'm not into him anymore. I think it's a protective mechanism. I NEVER want to have my heart broken again... so what I do is get out before it's too late! I'm praying about it though... because I REALLLLY LIKE HIM! But in the meantime... I'll continue to protect his heart!

and then there's this "WHAT IF"...


he has ABSOLUTELY no interest in me as a girlfriend anymore! I mean, I did him wrong! smh I could QUITE POSSIBLY be LOSIN' right now!

Pray for me guys!!! lol

Whheeeww! I feel better already! Thanks for listening!!

Until next time,
♥ Stix