Stressful, BUT BIG!!! Keep reading...
Remember how many times I've blogged about either wanting a dog or hoping to receive a dog pretty soon?? Well... after many blogs of those things never happening... I decided to focus on those things that HAVE happened! It just seems to work better that way! lol
Anjelica and I had been texting back and forth about her co-worker's dog having puppies. Of course I told her I wanted one! I would have to wait about two months for him to be weaned and he would be all mine... AND FOR FREE!
I was geeked! I only shared it with maybe a handful of people just to get it out of my system. and now...I'm happy to say that as of yesterday, I am a mommy to the cutest Dachshund/English Bulldog mix... also known as a Miniature English Bulldach. His name is Shiloh.

He is absolutely adorable. LOUD... but super cute. He has the long back and face of a dachshund but the broad shoulders and wide feet of a bulldog. The top of his head is a little wrinkly too! lol So cute. He's about six weeks old and missing his mom like crazy. We had a pretty rough night last night, but after he got in the bed with me he slept like a baby. I'm pretty sure that's a bad habit to start, but I can't help it. He's my little baby.
The behavioral problems are definitely there and I am already googling ways to stop them. He's a bit frisky. He pounces at things like a lion. Ok... it's SO cute, but I know that can become a problem. He has bumped his head against my legs a few times as if he were charging at me. He even barked! lol I can already tell he's gonna be one of "those dogs." You know... the kind that believes they are a lot bigger than they are. He also bites. His teeth are just growing in so I'm sure he's just teething or something... Wait... Do dogs teethe?!
*one second while I google this...*
Ok... Yea they teethe! I think that's what is going on. I haven't even bought chew toys. smh. What was I thinking?? I'm gonna do that as soon as I get off!
So yea, I'm happy! Not so sure about my neighbors though. He whined something serious when I left. :( Imagine how hard it was for me to leave this morning. I can't WAIT to get home.
I haven't told my apt complex about the dog yet. I'll let them discover him on their own. I hope I don't get snitched on by my neighbors. lol We shall see, I guess. I don't want to have to pay the dog fee until I HAVE TO...
That is all...
More pics coming soon...
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
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