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Friday, December 23, 2011
CHRISTmas: Remember when...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
I just love LOVE!
My company's "Holiday Party" was last Saturday and it was...umm... okay! They had a live band that played songs that I didn't know. The food was not the best either. The only thing that kept me from leaving were the games! We gambled with fake money in hopes to win more raffle tickets to place in the prize bowls... Speaking of that... the prizes weren't that amazing this year either. Last year the prizes included paying light bills and student loans, they were giving away airline tickets, and even had one of those money-blower booth thingys! This year the best thing was the iPad2.
I met this man though.
He was standing behind me in the drink line. I could tell he was the type that liked making small talk with random people. I can't remember how he started the conversation. I do remember asking him if he worked for the company. He told me that he didn't, but his wife was "the voice of the company." I thought he was saying that she worked in the call center. He looked around the room to point her out to me, but she was nowhere to be found. He said, "I don't know where she is, but she's wearing all black and she's BEAUTIFUL!" Yep... he said beautiful just like that... with all the excitement in the world. THAT completely melted my heart. He said they have been married for like 15 years.<-- (don't quote me on that part!) He went on to share how madly in love he STILL IS and how she makes him a better man! I LOVED IT!! He was a very happy type of guy. It's hard to explain his personality... He had a lot of joy... lol I'll put it that way! As he continued to talk, I thought he reminded me of this lady named Minnie.
I screamed... "MINNIE! Your wife is Minnie isn't she?" lol I WAS RIGHT! She is just as happy as he is! They are like the same, but different. She is so sweet and joyful. I absolutely love her. And like he said, she is "the voice of MedSolutions." She's the receptionist. She and I were once on the same team when we worked in a different department. Can you believe that?? I knew who his wife was based on his personality... his heart... his sweet spirit! He is who God made for her!! That's how it's supposed to be! Wow! I love it!
Anywhoo... I can't get over that conversation. I can't get over how madly in love they are and how much they complement each other! It is amazing!
Love is amazing! True love is amazing!!
Anywhoo... Just thought I'd share what I've been thinking about for the last three days! lol
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Thursday, November 10, 2011
He's Gone...
We talked via email when he was in Germany at the beginning of the week. He also sent me the sweetest message on my Facebook wall. I'm assuming that he is in Afghanistan now because I haven't talked to him AT ALL! I NEED to talk to him. I NEED to know that he made it safely.
I made the mistake of googling Kandahar, Afghanistan today... Of course everything I found was about bomb explosions on U. S. bases! There was one yesterday and one person was killed. *faints* smh.. I never should have done that. I'm really freaking out now. LESSON LEARNED! Darius would be pissed if he knew that I did that.
::sigh:: UGH! I have to stop worrying. I mean, I prayed about it... and I trust that God is protecting him... or do I?? I'm working on that part!
Anywho, those who read this blog, pleast take a minute and send up a prayer for him! Thaaaankkkss!!
Signing off,
♥ Stix
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Bridal Wars.

Soooo... I watched Bridal Wars for the first time EVER last night! While that was probably one of the best movies I've seen in a while, it brought up the worst feeling in the world. I was reminded of something that I've been trying not to think about yet alone voice! Ugh. Lets just say, when the movie ended, I cried like a freakin baby.
Remember how I blogged about my wedding plans not going like I thought they would? The only thing that makes sense is the LOVE we have for each other. Lol But, lucky for you, that is NOT what this blog is about.
When I thought about this period in my life, I imagined everything and EVERYONE coming together perfectly. I'm back at the drawing board with my plans and I have ONE friend, maybe two, in Nashville that I feel comfortable sharing it with. Why? This is not how I thought it would be. I thought there would be weekend slumber parties at my place with plenty of food and my bridal magazine collection. I pictured friends who were genuinely happy for me and wouldn't mind my random outburst of inspiration boards, bouquet arrangements, and theme ideas. Why at the happiest time in my life do I feel so darn lonely? Why do I feel like no one cares? Ok, two care. Why do I suddenly feel guilty when I bring up my wedding? And remember I'm speaking of my friends in Nashville, you know, the family I chose for myself? Smh. It shouldn't be this way, should it? I shouldn't feel like I can't talk about my wedding in fear that one of my single friends would feel depressed or like it will never happen for her. I shouldn't be questioning if a friend's "happiness" is genuine. Smh.
At one point, I blamed myself. "Maybe I'm being selfish. Consider the feelings of your friends and don't talk about your wedding." Well, I've tried that. And it feels wrong. I SHOULD be able to talk about my wedding without fear of my friend's feelings. I mean how much sense does that even make? It's MY WEDDING, OUR WEDDING *in case my babe reads this*! lol It should be about me... *us*. Right? Anyway, I thought I was over it. Clearly I'm not. I HAVE made the decision to be happy, regardless though. And those who can't find it in their heart to care about this new journey Darius and I are embarking upon can leave my life. You clearly weren't a friend anyway!
With that being said, that movie was the bomb! Lol Don't allow my dramatic blog to keep you away from it! I encourage you to check it out, if you haven't already. I recognize that I'M SO LATE!! lol It will definitely make you want to pick up the phone, call your best friend, and tell them how much you love them! OMG, what do you know, my BESTEST in the whole wide world just called. I told her that I was blogging and she told me to say hi to you guys! Lol Gotta love her!
Anyway, I'm done.
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Dr. Maya Angelou

I wanted to be like her. I wanted to be a poet and speak to the world in whatever language I chose that day! Lol So I wrote. Every day I wrote a poem. I have journals full of poetry at home that I've shared with very few people. Then one day I stopped writing. I mean, I pick up my journal every now and then, but I don’t write nearly as often as I did. But moving on…
“When it looked like the sun wouldn’t shine, God put a rainbow in the sky?”
She sang those lyrics when she came out. She reminded us that we all have had rainbow experiences. And because God put those rainbows in our lives, it’s time for us to be someone’s rainbow. She encouraged us to live life with purpose. She also showed us what it's like to laugh and be funny. She's hilarious! I had know idea. I also learned that through her poetry, she quickly forgives. If she is angered by something or someone, she turns it into a poem that makes her laugh. She shared a poem called "Health Food Diner" that was soooo funny. It was inspired by a rude waitress at a health food diner who judged her for being a smoker! She hasn't smoked in over 20 years and even encouraged those who do to stop that night. I wonder if anyone made the decision to stop smoking that night. I would have. Lol Anyway, She said that she was going to have that poem and others put on Belmont's website. You better believe I'll be checking the website.
She recited a few of her favorite poems by other poets as well. Her love for poetry was so evident in that moment. With each poem, she took a deep breath as if she were channeling the character in the poem. She brought those poems to life! Poetry is more than just lines that rhyme to her. It's her passion! I was inspired by that. It even made me ask myself.. What am I THAT passionate about?? I don't think I know.
Another thing that I recognized was how tall she was. I remembered two guys assisted her to her seat on stage. Those guys were tall yet Maya was almost as tall as them. When she sat, I noticed that her legs were long like mine. I was still shocked to hear her say that she is 6'0". WE'RE THE SAME HEIGHT! In my head, she's my grandmother. Now, in fun, I'll share that I get my height from my grandmother Maya Angelou! Lol
I smiled when she said that. lol... That's my grandmama yall! She encouraged us to take risks and to say yes to every good opportunity that is presented to us. I tell you, it was a night to remember. : ) She called us “her children” which of course you know made me feel even closer to her. Lol I honestly felt like I was sitting in between her thighs getting my hair done while she poured wisdom into my life. It was that personal for me. I was sooo happy to be there and am glad that at the last minute someone encouraged me to go! It was awesome!
I was a “G” that night and recorded the entire speech after being told that we were not allowed to videotape it. *shrugs* I’m sooo glad I did. I can’t wait to listen to it again! Anywhoo.. I just wanted to share a night that I will cherish for the rest of my life…
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Monday, September 19, 2011
Social Networking.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Boy meets Girl: Say hello to courtship

Monday, August 22, 2011
(Written the day after my birthday)
Now that I've had time to reflect, I'm ready to write. I've been doing a better job of counting my blessings, embracing my uniqueness, and making myself available to God. There is something familiar about this change.
When I was in the middle of my freshman year of college, I made a decision to change. At the time, change for me was to stop cursing, drinking, and partying. I recognized that those things were only getting in the way of my education and devotion to God. It was in no way benefiting my life. I was so dedicated to this change! I knew that God would be pleased and I knew my life would change. In my mind, I expected positive change. That change did come, but not immediately. I lost the friend that I was closest to in Murfreesboro. That hurt. I thought our friendship was more than a late night of drinking and clubbing. Like Jesus, I endured some pain to get to where God promised me. Also like Jesus, My life changed for the better. That time of loneliness turned out to be the best times spent with God. I eventually became apart of an amazing sisterhood where I felt safe. We all loved God. We all wanted to share the good news of Jesus Christ. I'm not saying we were perfect because we weren't. We fell, we got distracted, we lost hope....but we had each other. We held each other accountable.
I'm remembering that this morning. I'm remembering where I was mentally and spiritually when I decided to change. While cursing is the only thing that I didn't run back to, I'm not in that same place. There was reason behind my change. Now, I don't curse because it's something that I got used to. That's about to change. I'm getting back to a level of godliness that will not only please God but will be a witness to some young person out there... To anybody that God wants it to touch. The other day God encouraged me to remind a friend that our life is not our own! God put us here for a purpose and the devil will do everything in his power to distract us. Those same words are encouraging me this morning. Who wants to die not knowing why God put us here? I don't.
So today I'm making some changes. I will commit to every promise that I make to God. Christian complacency is no longer my life. I surrender to you, God! Use me as I am... Remove what's not like you. Give me the courage to BOLDLY proclaim that YOU ARE LORD!
I recognize that this type of commitment only gives the devil reason to "try me", but I'm no longer afraid. I don't fear evil.... Not when I serve a God with such power! I mean, really, devil! You don't stand a chance! LOL Like my friend posted on FB yesterday, "Devil, I STILL WIN....GIVE UP!" LOL I feel you, Cristti.
Anyway, I'm done. Be encouraged.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My grandmother and I had an amazing conversation after I shared with her how blessed I am to have all four of my grandparents. I saw each one on Sunday and they all gave me little pieces of wisdom that I couldn't wait to journal about. After I shared a few of my blessings, my grandmother did the same. I didn't realize how proud she was of us! As she shared them, tears begin to fall from her eyes. It was beautiful. I have to admit though,..it was the SLICKEST cry I have ever seen. I almost want to say that her eyes were just watering. I wish I could cry like that! LOL
Anyway, I encourage everybody to start counting your blessings everyday. It takes your mind completely off of the things that were worrying you before!
I am blessed to have family and friends who support and love me unconditionally.
I am blessed to have an amazing fiance' who values who I am and strives to make me happy.
I am blessed to have a good paying job that offers quarterly bonuses AND BUYS US FOOD ALL THE TIME!! lol
I could go on and on...
Seriously though, I am already smiling. Never mind the other things that were bothering me earlier... I have God, friends, family, a boo, and a JOB! I'm good! HA!
In other news, Darius will be in town tomorrow!!! I AM GEEKED! I've missed him so much!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
and so ready to ELOPE!
I've spent most of my life planning my wedding, but NOT ONCE did I think about the many personalities that would show their faces during this process. I always imagined it being stress-free. I always imagined it running smoothly and everyone kind of just going with the flow with what I had in mind. Nope not the case!!
...::sigh::... Why can't that be my reality?
I would encourage anyone who is single or almost married, lol, to mentally prepare for the different personalities that WILL come your way! Whew... the announcement of your engagement alone will bring out many wolves!! *interceding for you now, my friend*
AND ANOTHER THING! I've always KNOWN who was going to be in my wedding... Thanks to my amazing fiance' who doesn't want a circus wedding, my wedding party is a lot smaller than I wanted. I'm honestly okay with that now. That decision made the bridesmaid situation less stressful.
Here's the thing though, I have to figure out what to do with all of my friends! It would be a lot easier if Darius and I didn't have so many siblings that I would like incorporate in the wedding. I just might have to add my homies to the guest list..... I'm still trying to figure that part out.
...::sigh::.... At the end of the day, I'm just ready to be married!!
I talked to my big sister from St. Louis today who encouraged me to just breathe and take a step back. There is so much that Darius and I would like to have set in stone before he is deployed, but right now, I have to chill. I'll probably step back into planning and making decisions next week. That is when Darius will be in town and when we meet with a wedding planner. My prayer is that she will help guides us in what is already a STRESSFUL PROCESS!
*takes a deep breath* MOVING ON...
It's amazing to see this process first hand-- my reality! It's going so much differently from what I imagined, that's for sure!
LOL! Seriously though, It kind of makes sense. How can you plan a wedding without your fiance'? To hand him all of the ideas that YOU came up with by YOURSELF, is a little selfish...don't you think? Besides, it's much more fun with him by your side.
Darius gave me a lot of control in the decision making process at first and to be honest I was upset about it. (I know... I was shocked by it myself.) I thought that he didn't care. You'd be surprised how involved you will want your fiance' to be!! Things have definitely changed! He and I talk about it a lot more now and it's not forced! He's genuinely excited. I just received an email from him today with a possible photographer for the wedding and engagement photos. It made me smile!
Anyway, there's my vent for the day!!
Have a blessed week!!
♥ Stix
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The best weekend EVER!
I've been trying to write this blog for a few days now. I've never thought about or over-analyzed a blog since I've started blogging.
I can't seem to make it as perfect as I feel it needs to be.. It's a bit frustrating.
I'll just blog as I usually do and allow how I feel to take over!!
I'll start here:
"I'm engaged!!!"

He's so kind, so loving, and SO BEAUTIFUL. I am sooo attracted to him. I have THEE tall, dark, and handsome man that most women dream about!
Man... I'm so lucky. Darius is not just any guy. Anyone who knows him will agree. You know how most men hide their feelings, leaving their mates confused and sometimes hopeless?? Not my baby... LOL! I think I WAS THE MAN in that area. This time, I hid my feelings... for so many reasons. Thank God he wasn't afraid to express what I SO BADLY wanted share with him!
Anyway.. see... I'm going in so many directions with this! UGH! lol.. I LOVE JUST LOVE HIM!.. know that!
Now... how did it happen?
He came in town the weekend of the 4th of July so we could just spend some time together. Saturday, we drove to Memphis for a family BBQ and so he can meet some of my folks. I'll spare the details. Just know, we had a great time. We ate well and my family LOVED HIM!!
On our way back to Nashville, I took a nap. My head was killing me. He encouraged me to rest (see, so not selfish!). He woke me up when we were about 45 minutes away... He wanted to talk. My headache was on TEN at this point, but I didn't let him know. I think it's so rude when people fall asleep on me while I'm driving, so I felt somewhat bad for leaving him hanging.
We talked while he played some music on his Ipod. After awhile, I realized that most of the songs had something to do with love or marriage! I asked him if he had made a mix and he said "Naw, it's just a shuffle." He showed me the "shuffle" sign on his Ipod... I believed him, but still felt like something was up!
We were turning into my apartment complex when "Marry Me" by Train played. As soon as the song played, I knew what it was. It's one of my favorite songs right now. My eyes immediately teared up! That's nothing new though... That song just does that to me. I'm a hopeless romantic... Anything concerning love and/or marriage takes me there!..
So anyway... Darius told me that he heard that I liked that song. I asked him who told him that, but he wouldn't share. I was trying so hard to figure that out... so much so that I didn't remember anything else he said! The only thing I remember was that we were sitting outside of my apartment and he told me to go check on Shiloh while he made a phone call..
That's exactly what I did. I took Shiloh out to use the bathroom and when I came back up to my apartment, the door was locked. I knocked with the slightest bit of irritation... lol Why?... Idk.. I'm just weird like that!
He opened the door and as I walked in I saw a box of Tom's in my apartment. I HAVE BEEN WANTING A PAIR OF TOMS FOR SOME TIME NOW! I was sooo excited about them.
Me: "Is that a box of Toms??"
Darius: "Yea, man! You should try them on."
I sat on the couch and opened the box of Toms... There was a ring box in one of the shoes. When I looked up, he was down on one knee. *insert big smile here*
He expressed his love...as did I and BAM.. just like that... I became Darius' fiance!!!... at around 9:30pm on July 2,2011.. I'll never forget that day! :)
I found out later that the phone call he was making was to my mom! I called her a little later to tell her that I made it home. I could hear in her voice that she had the biggest smile on her face and was anxious to hear how I responded!
LOL! It was great. The next hour or so was devoted to notifying friends and family of the big news...
My headache was on 100 at this point. I was soooo happy and in SO MUCH PAIN at the same time! I eventually had to stop making calls to shower and lay down. I had to come down from the excitement and that headache that wouldn't go away!
So yea.. I'm engaged and I'm sooo happy! He and I have already started making plans. We both can't wait until it's over! I'm just ready to be Jessica Northern. *insert BIG CELIE SMILE here*
lol... Anywhoo...
Below is the playlist!!
2.)Stop This World-- Neyo
3.) Someday Soon-- Francesca Battestilli
Anywhoo.. I'm out!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Friday, June 24, 2011
What a week!! It started out kind of rough, but God came through like He always does and made everything ok!! Here's a quick synopsis:
Monday-- Started my cycle. (-__-) "Whomp Whomp!"
Tuesday-- I broke my phone and was told I would have to file a claim and pay $100 to get another one... even though I have a warranty!... "Wait... What??"
Wednesday-- Came home to a cut-off notice from NES at my door... (-__-)
"Could it get any worse.. God...! Don't answer that!"
Thursday-- Went back to a different Sprint store to see what they could do... They ordered me a phone without any questions!! Should get that on Monday! "Wow, God, that was easy!"
Friday-- My dad paid my NES bill for me!! "OK, GOD, that was definitely YOU!"
Thank God for showing up... cuz um... I don't know what I would have done if He didn't! He knows just how much I can bear.. and I was right at the edge of the cliff! lol
Have a great weekend, guys!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Last Michelle Obama post.. I THINK!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Michelle Obama HAS STYLE!

So.. I just read the article on The Obama's visiting Nelson Mandela!! Crazy, right?! He actually SENT FOR THEM!! At the end of the article were 147 photos of the fabulous Michelle Obama and her many looks!! I went IN!!
I love her style!... Oh and guess what... SHE WEARS CHUCK TAYLOR'S!! YEA BOI!! lol
Below are a few pics that I fell in love with!!! Enjoy!

Thursday, June 9, 2011
I've never been a huge fan of Musiq Soulchild. I blame my best friend, Sequoia, who played his first album like it was the only cd in the world. I HATED HIM and I had no reason other than I was tired of hearing those same songs. Oh how the tables have turned. Since buying MusiqInTheMagiq about a month ago, I literally can't stop playing it.
My boyfriend encouraged me to buy the album and while I was totally against it, I decided that I would give Musiq another try. This cd does so much for me. I don't know if it's because I'm at a place where I can now relate with most of the songs, or what... but at the end of the day... THE CD GIVES ME LIFE. It has a cool, mellow groove to it-- I would sum it up as FEEL GOOD music mixed with relatable lyrics and beasty singing!! Call me mushy, but I have to say this album celebrates love in such a beautiful way!
Musiq has that smooth, sexy voice that most love songs need. His voice makes each song personable. Listening to "sayido" makes me want to do just that. Hearing "yes" makes me believe that Musiq and I were meant to be together forever. lol... Seriously!
MusiqInTheMagiq has it's ballads as well as a few hip, up-beat songs that can be played while on the road or while cleaning.... Believe me, I've played them while doing both!
I would call it one of his best, but don't take my word for it. After all, I'm not his biggest fan. My suggestion would be to get it for yourself and watch it bless your life. I can listen to this entire cd without skipping a song, but of course I have my favorites. Check them out below. The songs in bold are those REPEAT songs!! lol

3. sayido
4. lovecontract
5. silver&gold
6. waitingstill
10. yes
11. medicine
If you haven't already, GO BUY THE ALBUM! I can't stress this enough! It's that LOVE album you need... I think so anyway!
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Stressful, BUT BIG!!! Keep reading...
Remember how many times I've blogged about either wanting a dog or hoping to receive a dog pretty soon?? Well... after many blogs of those things never happening... I decided to focus on those things that HAVE happened! It just seems to work better that way! lol
Anjelica and I had been texting back and forth about her co-worker's dog having puppies. Of course I told her I wanted one! I would have to wait about two months for him to be weaned and he would be all mine... AND FOR FREE!
I was geeked! I only shared it with maybe a handful of people just to get it out of my system. and now...I'm happy to say that as of yesterday, I am a mommy to the cutest Dachshund/English Bulldog mix... also known as a Miniature English Bulldach. His name is Shiloh.

He is absolutely adorable. LOUD... but super cute. He has the long back and face of a dachshund but the broad shoulders and wide feet of a bulldog. The top of his head is a little wrinkly too! lol So cute. He's about six weeks old and missing his mom like crazy. We had a pretty rough night last night, but after he got in the bed with me he slept like a baby. I'm pretty sure that's a bad habit to start, but I can't help it. He's my little baby.
The behavioral problems are definitely there and I am already googling ways to stop them. He's a bit frisky. He pounces at things like a lion. Ok... it's SO cute, but I know that can become a problem. He has bumped his head against my legs a few times as if he were charging at me. He even barked! lol I can already tell he's gonna be one of "those dogs." You know... the kind that believes they are a lot bigger than they are. He also bites. His teeth are just growing in so I'm sure he's just teething or something... Wait... Do dogs teethe?!
*one second while I google this...*
Ok... Yea they teethe! I think that's what is going on. I haven't even bought chew toys. smh. What was I thinking?? I'm gonna do that as soon as I get off!
So yea, I'm happy! Not so sure about my neighbors though. He whined something serious when I left. :( Imagine how hard it was for me to leave this morning. I can't WAIT to get home.
I haven't told my apt complex about the dog yet. I'll let them discover him on their own. I hope I don't get snitched on by my neighbors. lol We shall see, I guess. I don't want to have to pay the dog fee until I HAVE TO...
That is all...
More pics coming soon...
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
Friday, June 3, 2011
5 years later...
My wedding day...
-- Cut it in a cool style... (I don't HAVE to do this one... I think about it sometimes tho...)

Pay more attention to my 'locks than my crazy faces! lol Sorry... I GOTSTA do betta!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Keep pushing...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Simply Skye.

Is it wrong that I'm 23yrs old and wish I had the style of a 17yr. old?? lol...
Will that stop me from looking at her tumblr and taking notes?!!
The girl's style is ridiculous!... Perfectly *BEAST-LIKE!!!*

Skye Townsend, ladies and gentleman.
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Memorial Day Weekend-- STL
lol... Yep, St. Louis was that amazing!!! The city, I mean. The trip with the girls was a TRIP... in more ways than one! lol I can honestly say I had a good time inspite of the KATNESS that transpired. I was a bit frustrated with the group I went with, but I realized that some things are to be expected when you go on a trip with a group of girls with so many different personalities. When I came to that conclusion, I was able to move forward and have a good time. We went to a few lounges downtown and had a lot of fun! My dance partner, Renee, was there. I don't know why I need her to motivate me to dance! lol I have so much fun dancing when she's around!!
On Sunday, I hung out with my Godmommy and Godsister. I had not seen them since I was like 6 or 7. My sister found me on facebook about 6 months ago and we hit it off. I remembered a lot about her and realized that not much had changed. As soon as I knew I was going to St. Louis I contacted her to make sure they would be in town. I'm so glad I did! We had brunch at a pretty cool restaurant. I can't remember the name of it for some reason. We sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather while catching up on what's new with all of us. The food was AMAZING! I had an omelete that pretty much changed my life! Good stuff!
My mom and dad lived in St. Louis for the first few years of my life. I was able to see where we used to live as well. Now that was pretty cool. After telling my mom about that experience, she shared some really cool stories. I don't remember the good times my parents had. It was nice to hear how in love they were at that time. St. Louis was their happy place. They probably should have stayed there.... *shrugs*... moving on...
I was able to go to the African Street Festival with my sister while my godmommy pampered herself at a nail salon. We had such a good time. The park that we visited was perfect and all I could think about was playing under one of those trees. I can honestly see myself living there. My lease is up in July... I'm trying to talk myself OUT OF leaving in a few months. lol... I'm actually thinking about renewing my lease for 10 months and possibly moving to St. Louis in May. That would give me enough time to save and try to find a job. I'm praying about it though..
Sunday was awesome! I really enjoyed the time I spent with them. I think if it were not for seeing them, I would not have enjoyed my trip as much... REAL TALK!
So yea, that was my weekend. I honestly had evey intention on bailing out on the crew that weekend. I'm glad that I was able to go! I left St. Louis thinking about a lot and very hopeful to see what's in my future! We shall see...
Done for now...
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I have a gay friend at work who is determined to hook me up with a girl! lol WHY??? I am in no way interested in girls... contrary to what I may "look like" I'm interested in. Yes, I'll admit... I don't like to wear dresses the way the "average girl" may like to wear dresses. My style IS inspired by men! lol SO! That makes me gay?? I didn't think so, anyway! My style, my personality, nor my lack of interest in dresses has kept any guy from approaching or having interest in me. lol ok, digressing now!
My assumption is that this gay guy now feels that he has to hook me up with a girl so that he can feel "comfortable" being who he is and/or expressing his interest for men to me! lol... I didn't judge him before and I don't plan to judge him now! smh... Now, if only he really understood that!
smh... sometimes I HATE people! It doesn't make it right... just how I feel sometimes! *shrugging that off while adding a little dougie to it*
Oh, but wait... I LOVE HIM... just hating him this very moment! lol Give me about 5 mins or so... I'll be cool!
feeling better already....
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
soapbox moment:
Angela Simmons has always been a best friend in my head. lol She lives the way I live in "dreamland." I was introduced to her on Run's House and connected with her in so many ways. She's a tomboy who loves fashion. She's a virgin because she WANTS TO BE! She has this cool accent that I've always wanted! lol She has this free spirit that I can't really explain! She seems so nice and carefree! We are the same age... She was born almost exactly a month after me! Pretty cool right?! lol... but I digress...
* does the Cat daddy off of soapbox*
I just found a quote on her blog that I am about to have FRAMED AND PUT NEAR MY FRONT DOOR! There is a prayer that I pray every morning that kind of lines up with this quote!!! Enjoy!
Good stuff, right?!
Until next time,
Monday, May 23, 2011
UPDATE: I got the job!
Remember me telling you guys about an interview about two weeks ago?! Well, I'm a bit late in updating you guys, but I GOT THE JIZ-OB! I started last week and I am absolutely LOVING IT! The work is pretty hard, but the challenge is exactly what I needed! I would much rather use my brain than take about 100 or so calls a day saying the same crap over and over again! Man, that got old!
So yeah, God has definitely blessed me! My new manager is DUMB COOL and is ALL THE WAY laid back! We can listen to music, blog (clearly... lol), and surf the web, as long as we get our work done! I love it! My team is pretty cool as well! I sit next to the sweetest lady with breast cancer! I nearly cried when she told me that she had it. She is soooo high on life! She doesn't complain and she is full of wisdom! I just love her!! Keep her in your prayers please! Thx!
I have sooo much more to say, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to share! smh... I wish I didn't care! So yeaaa... I guess that's it for this blog!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Be inspired... I AM!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Monday, May 9, 2011
Now... If I could only apply this healthy thinking to my every day life!!
Last night I came across a scripture that pretty much put me in my place!
"Laziness casts one into a deep sleep and an idle person will suffer hunger." -Prov 19:15 (NKJV)
Guys, I have been so lazy lately! I don't want to work! (This may have something to do with the fact that I am bored at my job! I need a challenge!) I come home and don't want to do homework!! I've just been one lazy MUG!! I dream about where I want to be, what I want to do, and how I'm going to get there! I can't possibly plan to receive any kind of reward and I'm not doing anything!! smh... My pastor back home once said, "Perseverance is its own reward!" She may have been paraphrasing James 1:4 which states "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
Why in the world has that been so hard for me lately?!!
I made the decision last night to do some things differently!! I gotta develop some type of healthy routine that will keep me going!! This includes getting to work early. I've decided that I WILL NOT turn on my T.V. until I've done housework, homework,...SOMETHING productive!!! No social networking early in the morning, but instead focus on prayer and devotion!! Some things have to change!! We'll see how it goes! So far, I feel like I've put myself on punishment! LOL... I'm praying that this change will help bring out MY BEST ME!
I'm done!
I have an interview this week! I'm pretty excited about the possible promotion! Keep me in your prayers!!
Praying the best for you all!
Until next time,
♥ Stix!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Something Different...

I spent my morning shooting a music video!...
Last week, Lecrae did an online casting call for some extras for his video! They were looking for 10 urban males between the ages of 18-25 and 2 urban females between the ages of 18-25.
YA GIRL WAS PICKED to be one of the girls!!! How cool is that?!
I was told that I would play a "hood girl" in the neighborhood... I had no idea how to dress for the video so I brought everything... HEELS, SHIRTS, JACKETS... You name it, I brought it!
When they heard that I brought heels, they asked if I would wear them! I went from being the "hood girl" to the "pretty girl" in the neighborhood that would walk by and be hissed at by the main character of the video....
It was freezing outside and raining!! After walking by the guys about 8 or so times, I WAS DONE! lol They asked if I would stick around in case they needed me... so I did!
Once they realized that they didn't need me, I was out! I met Lecrae and that was that on that...
I'll be sure to post the music video when it hits YouTube!! Let's hope that I didn't embarrass myself! lol *crossing fingers*
This event was very small, but it shows how I've grown!! I'm so proud of me! Me VOLUNTEERING my time to be in a music video without my friends... and not knowing anyone goes against who I AM... WAS!! I don't know where the courage came from, but I'm so glad I volunteered!!
This is the beginning of a NEW ME... #geeked
♥ Stix
Monday, May 2, 2011
Just Because...
Reading back on them reminded me of ALL THE MESS I've been through and just how blessed I am today!! God is so good..
And now I'm blogging.... just because!..
Speaking of "Just Because..."
Remember the flowers that I received from my friend on Valentine's Day?!..
Can you believe that I've received flowers almost EVERY FRIDAY since then?! Attached to them have been cute little "Just Because" notes!.. so sweet!! IDK, guys! I think I'm being pursued... LOL
We talk on the phone every day and no conversation is the same! The time seems to fly right by with little or no silence! I'm thoroughly enjoying our friendship!
I had not seen him since our trip to Los Angeles and really miss SEEING him! Well... He came to Nashville last weekend to visit his family and we had the opportunity to hang out!
I won't go into too much detail, but I will share a little about our visit on Friday night!
He showed up with flowers, lol, and a bag full of stuff!! I opened the bag and found movies, my favorite candy, hot chocolate (which i can drink year round), and TWO wedding magazines!! If you guys remember, I blogged about my happy place and it is sitting in my living room with wedding magazines and junk food! I thought he read that in my blog, but he didn't. I shared it with him some time ago and he remembered.
This guy is freaking amazing!
So anyway... we spent the evening watching movies, eating junk food, and scheming through wedding magazines! I'm sure he was the least bit interested, but he was a good sport! lol
This guy is freaking amazing... (oh, I said that already!)
*jumps on soapbox*
I hope when reading this, you guys don't feel like I'm rubbing this in your face!! That's really not WHO I AM! I hope that this blog gives you hope! I want everyone to experience what I am experiencing with this guy. I believe that every woman deserves this treatment! Don't get it twisted though, I am in no way "mooching" off of him either! I do for him as well! I LOVE to see him smile and find myself thinking of what I can do or buy to make him feel the way I feel! The feeling is mutual on both ends!! I'm not selfish and I AM NOT a gold digger!! I still feel that in some ways I don't deserve this from him! I'm learning to let that go though! This is a new chapter in my life, it's not like it was before. I've changed, he sees that, and he has forgiven me! It's about time I forgave myself!
*dougies off of my soap box*
So yea.. we hung out a few more times after that and we had a good time!!
I'm happy.. He makes me happy!!
I'm good!!.. Life is STILL GOOD!
Praying the same for you guys!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I want to blog...
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Well anyway.. I went to Los Angeles about a week or so ago and while I was waiting for my first plane I started writing in my journal. I reflected back on it today and thought I'd blog it...
En-JIZ-OY! lol
..::March 25,2011::..
Sitting in the airport, dreaming of who/what I want to be... not really sure of who God wants me to be. I see myself traveling... going places...loving live...BUT how does God see me?! When God looks at me, what does He see? A painter, a guitar player, a public speaker?! I know who/what I DON'T want to be... a public speaker, intake coordinator, mediocre "LIVE-R!" lol I want to live life HAPPILY... not struggling... not "working toward where I want to be," but NEVER making progress.... But how do I do it?!
Where do I start? Do I pray? Do I just live until I receive THEE epiphany/revelation! Maybe I'm thinking too hard!! I should just chill, right?!... Yea, I'll chill! I know what I WON'T do... (God willing) I WON'T continue to work toward NOTHING!... struggle to make ends meet and NOT enjoy my life in the process! That was 2010 and I'm SO OVER 2010. If I want to take a trip... I'm TAKING A TRIP! If I want to meet up with a guy in L.A.... I'M MEETING UP WITH A GUY IN L.A.!! lol
I'm ready to live life with PEACE! That sounds so perfect!... almost TOO perfect! Is it wrong to want that at 23 years old? I hear people say all the time that their 20's were their worst years. Well, you know what?!... that won't be my story! Ok, I can say that the first three years of my 20's were the WORST... like that ish was for the "birds!" Man, I won't even put that on the birds! lol The next seven years of my 20's will be filled with peace and contentment that WILL trickle into my 30's, 40's... and so on! I've learned a lot and I will continue to learn and grown. My learning and growing process will be different from here on out though. No more turning left and running into every POT HOLE only to learn that I need to go back and turn right!! LOL... You feel me?!! I will pray... and wait for God to direct me in the right direction! No more listening to STIX... God... c'mon... I'M READY TO LIVE!!!
Kirk Franklin said it best... "I'm on my way to being WHO I AM!" Yep..that's my truth! and I'm walking in it now!!! Today is different... in the best way!
soo...Live, guys!... I PLAN TO!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011