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Monday, May 2, 2011

Just Because...

I just spent the last hour reading old blogs... lol

Reading back on them reminded me of ALL THE MESS I've been through and just how blessed I am today!! God is so good..

And now I'm blogging.... just because!..

Speaking of "Just Because..."

Remember the flowers that I received from my friend on Valentine's Day?!..

Can you believe that I've received flowers almost EVERY FRIDAY since then?! Attached to them have been cute little "Just Because" notes!.. so sweet!! IDK, guys! I think I'm being pursued... LOL

We talk on the phone every day and no conversation is the same! The time seems to fly right by with little or no silence! I'm thoroughly enjoying our friendship!

I had not seen him since our trip to Los Angeles and really miss SEEING him! Well... He came to Nashville last weekend to visit his family and we had the opportunity to hang out!

I won't go into too much detail, but I will share a little about our visit on Friday night!

He showed up with flowers, lol, and a bag full of stuff!! I opened the bag and found movies, my favorite candy, hot chocolate (which i can drink year round), and TWO wedding magazines!! If you guys remember, I blogged about my happy place and it is sitting in my living room with wedding magazines and junk food! I thought he read that in my blog, but he didn't. I shared it with him some time ago and he remembered.

This guy is freaking amazing!

So anyway... we spent the evening watching movies, eating junk food, and scheming through wedding magazines! I'm sure he was the least bit interested, but he was a good sport! lol

This guy is freaking amazing... (oh, I said that already!)
*jumps on soapbox*

I hope when reading this, you guys don't feel like I'm rubbing this in your face!! That's really not WHO I AM! I hope that this blog gives you hope! I want everyone to experience what I am experiencing with this guy. I believe that every woman deserves this treatment! Don't get it twisted though, I am in no way "mooching" off of him either! I do for him as well! I LOVE to see him smile and find myself thinking of what I can do or buy to make him feel the way I feel! The feeling is mutual on both ends!! I'm not selfish and I AM NOT a gold digger!! I still feel that in some ways I don't deserve this from him! I'm learning to let that go though! This is a new chapter in my life, it's not like it was before. I've changed, he sees that, and he has forgiven me! It's about time I forgave myself!

*dougies off of my soap box*
So yea.. we hung out a few more times after that and we had a good time!!

I'm happy.. He makes me happy!!

I'm good!!.. Life is STILL GOOD!

Praying the same for you guys!

Until next time,
♥ Stix