My fiance' (I just loooooove saying that *smile*) and I have a few books that we are reading together. One of them is called "Boy meets Girl: Say hello to courtship." Pastor Justin Cox of P4CM suggested it at the beginning of the year. We're not done with the book, but so far I am blown away. It has opened the door for great conversation between Darius and I and it has also taught me a thing or two about Godly relationships.
Without revealing too much, I'll say that this book clearly defines what it means to court. I've heard the word mentioned time and time again and would equate it to my grandparents dating back in the day. lol This book tells us otherwise. "Courtship is dating with a purpose. It's romance chaperoned by wisdom. It's a way of approaching relationships that can help us live out the truths of God's Word as we pursue our heart's desire." Sounds deep, huh?? It's really good. It's an easy read as well. It's not one of those lame, hard to read, how-to books. I promise. It's very interesting and many couples are referenced in many different scenarios.
Joshua Harris recommends this book to those who are single, in relationships, and those who are preparing for marriage. I can easily see how this is for all audiences. I think I would have done things differently had I read this book when I was single. He also suggested that those in relationships read it with your spouse. You would be surprised at the conversations it will spark.
Anywhoo... I'm done! Check it out if you're looking for a good read!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
I have never read any of Josh Harris's books before, but I was really impressed with his new book Boy Meets Girl. My youth pastor and his fiancé read the book together and suggested that my girlfriend and I read it together as well. Josh's book taught me a lot about dating compared to courting, but the main idea to me was not about finding the right girl. The book was really about turning aside a lot of outside interference and focusing on an intimate relationship with God. From that relationship with God then is when we can start praying about that special someone. A lot of things that were laid out in the book seemed to hit me in the heart for some reason, and that's when I knew that this guy was for real with what he talked about. There were a lot of things that took place in the book that my girlfriend and I agreed with, but also there were a few things that we disagreed with. We took the things we disagreed with and tried to consider what it would have been like when we started dating if we could have done the things that Josh did. Of course no two couples are exactly the same and that's what makes all of us unique.