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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I don't think I'll ever understand "people." Not everybody.. but "those people" that judge you because you choose not to do or say certain things. When people learn that I choose not to use curse words and am doing my BEST to stay away from alcohol (I slip every now and then... lol), I get the side eye. Noses are suddenly turned up at ME!!!! huh? WHY AM I BEING JUDGED?! I don't quite understand it. I have never judged anyone for doing the things that I have chosen not to do. I've always encouraged people to "do them!" While I don't agree with the lifestyle, I've learned that we all learn differently. I have done some of those same things, but made a decision to do differently after reading scriptures and seeing how they weren't adding anything positive to my life. So again I say, WHY AM I BEING JUDGED? Why can't I be accepted the way I have accepted you?! smh... People are so weird.

I have a gay friend at work who is determined to hook me up with a girl! lol WHY??? I am in no way interested in girls... contrary to what I may "look like" I'm interested in. Yes, I'll admit... I don't like to wear dresses the way the "average girl" may like to wear dresses. My style IS inspired by men! lol SO! That makes me gay?? I didn't think so, anyway! My style, my personality, nor my lack of interest in dresses has kept any guy from approaching or having interest in me. lol ok, digressing now!

My assumption is that this gay guy now feels that he has to hook me up with a girl so that he can feel "comfortable" being who he is and/or expressing his interest for men to me! lol... I didn't judge him before and I don't plan to judge him now! smh... Now, if only he really understood that!
smh... sometimes I HATE people! It doesn't make it right... just how I feel sometimes! *shrugging that off while adding a little dougie to it*

Oh, but wait... I LOVE HIM... just hating him this very moment! lol Give me about 5 mins or so... I'll be cool!

feeling better already....

Until next time,
♥ Stix!

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