Last week I made a commitment not to check my Twitter or Facebook for an entire week. I just wanted to see if I could do it. I have no real addiction to either one, but I did notice that I checked both every time I picked up my phone. And for those who don't know me... I pick up my phone a lot. Hmm... sounds like an addiction? *shrugs* Naww..
Day One:
I woke up and what did I do before thanking God for waking me up that morning or even putting on my freakin' glasses?? CHECKED TWITTER!! "What the heck am I doing?" was my first thought after realizing that I was doing exactly what I said I wouldn't. lol smh. I got up and read my daily devotion instead. I found myself doing this same thing throughout the day during my breaks at work. Every thought I had I wanted to post on TWITTER!! Why all of a sudden do my thoughts feel the need to be publicly displayed? THAT'S NOT EVEN LIKE ME! I don't like people in my head like that. smh...
Day Two:
I decided to tell my fiance' (smile) what I was doing. I figure if I told someone what I was doing, I would feel somewhat obligated to stick to my goal. Did it work?? Heck to the No. Maybe I should have blogged about it or something. *shrugs* I decided that every time I thought to check or actually checked these sites, I would STOP and PRAY!! Best decision I could have ever made. I developed a habit of praying that I didn't expect. HA! Man, I was talking to God all the time. "Ohh dang, God! I DID IT AGAAAAIIIINN!!" I was of course frustrated at first, but as I continued to pray, I felt better. It was actually pretty cool.
By DAY THREE, I was no longer Twitter or Facebook watching! I was really, slick over it. I thought about it, yes, but I didn't find myself checking those sites without really knowing. Is that not a scary thought to you? Developing such a habit of doing something that you end up doing it without much thought. HOW THE HECK DID THESE THINGS TAKE OVER MY LIFE? Why didn't my prayer life or devotion time with God work like that? LOL
With the extra time, I found myself being more productive in school and in my home activities. I don't think my apartment has ever been so clean... *coughs* All but my room anyway! lol
Yes, I'm back to enjoying the life of both Twitter and Facebook, but now I don't feel an obligation to check or comment either one. Honestly speaking, I could straight up delete them both and find something better to do with my time. *thinks about it* Naw, I'm straight. lol
But think about... Could you honestly go without Facebook or Twitter for a week? Try it and see how much time you have on your hands.
Anyway, work is almost over... I'll go ahead and publish this post! Disregard any errors... I haven't proofread this. I'm sure I'll regret it later!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
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