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Friday, January 1, 2010

Finally... a NEW year!!!!

I know what you're thinking.... Those come around every year!!! Well, not for me!!! Every year I walk into another year HYPE and with resolutions that I know I will never stick to. I walk in with the same hopes, doing the same things, and not seeing any results. I don't think I've ever had a NEW YEAR! Well this year is different. It's my NEW year! I'm not walking in with bogus resolutions that I will only stress out trying to keep!! This year I'm doing one thing and one thing only!... TRUSTING GOD COMPLETELY! He gets my ALL this year!... and the rest will just flow. Our theme at church this year is "REACHING OUR WORLD FOR CHRIST." I'm doing just that! I believe God is gonna do great things... and I'm going to share those things with MYworld! Our God is too amazing to just keep Him to myself! LOL... I'm on another level... and I'm excited about it! THIS IS MY YEAR, DUDE!!... I can feel it!

2009 was by far the worst year of my life... but for some reason I can't even muster up the energy to go into detail about it. It's in the past... I've learned my lesson and I'm moving forward! Let's just say that I lost track... got distracted... and made the decision to do everything MY way!... without any reliance on God! BIG MISTAKE... and as a result... I went through HELL and HIGH WATER!!! I straight up drowned... and God came to my rescue! At the very end of the year, I could see the light! LOL I could see things turning around. I have a new job, a car I can afford, and I'm focused. I'm happy... I have peace... and I trust God! These things are what are helping me go into this NEW year with gladness! The blessings that came at the end of the year are going to trickle into 2010. The blessings aren't going to stop! LOL... I'm believing God for better days... and I know that people will be saved by my TESTIMONY!!

So blog followers, family, and friends... IT'S TIME TO STEP OUR GAME UP! I'm already there... I'm moving forward and I want you to come with me.... BUT JUST KNOW...that I'm not waiting on anybody! I'm not allowing anybody to take me down with them this year! If you're not coming with me, I'll pray for you and "keep it moving" as my friend, Mel, would say! lol

So... YOU READY?!... LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time,

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