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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So much to say... NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!!

DDDUUUDDEE!!! I haven't done this in forever!!!!! I've been working like crazy lately and haven't had the time to blog!!! I've missed it sooo much! I really enjoy doing this!!!... just wait until I get a video camera!!! You guys are gonna see more cool blogs!!!!

UGH!!... IDK!!! So much has happened.... I met Cece Winans for the second time, I've been hanging out with "the group" almost daily... I COULDN'T DRIVE MY TRUCK FOR LIKE 3 DAYS... what the heck?!... MICHAEL JACKSON DIED!!!! :(... My friends and I went to Atlanta for a day... good times!!!.... The BET AWARDS SUCKED!!!... I think I'm in love with Maxwell!!!... Someone made the second payment on my trip... LOOK AT GOD!!!!!!!... I have a photo shoot with, Moma Sabrina Friday!!... super excited!!! I wonder if I can wear a boyfriend blazer and a cute fluffy skirt or something... AAAUUUNNTTTIIIE MELISSA!? lol AS YOU CAN SEE THAT IS A TOTAL OF 9 BLOGS that I have missed out on!!! Not cool!!!! It's ok though!...
OOOhhh... while I think about it... Guess what I'm eating?!... give up?!.. left overs from Sunday! lol... That sounds kind of gross, huh?!... IT'S STILL GOOD! Darius took me to J. Alexander's for dinner Sunday!!! It was good! I decided to do something different and NOT order chicken fingers and fries!!!! Instead I ordered the Grilled Pork Tenderloin, cured in-house with Thai "BANG BANG" sauce, and Smashed Potatoes!!!! OMG!!!... FRIKKIN' AMAZING! It was sooo good! I really could have finished it there... but our server was new and kept coming over like every two seconds!!! When she offered to box it up I went ahead and said, "Yes" very politely too... cuz Lord knows I just about went off on her because I wanted to finish!!! But LOOK AT GOD... Now I can eat it today!!! COME ON, SOMEBODY!!!! :)
Finally... I know what I want to talk about!!! So... Yesterday I worked a double!!!!... I was working with some of my favorite people so it wasn't that hard! We had a lot of fun... even though it was SLOW AS CRAP IN THERE!!!!... My boy, Braxton was there!!! I love him so much, guys!!! He is soooo talented! He and another guy I work with, Bret... (who I think is my husband! He is sooo cute!!! AND HE PLAYS A MEEAAANNN GUITAR! LOVE HIM)... started a band called Furiosity9! Click on their name to see their myspace page!!!... and disregard their layout! lol... They're men... pray for them!!!! I'M LIKE THEIR NUMBER ONE FAN!!!! lol And they know it! Braxton writes the songs, is lead vocalist, and plays the guitar... HE IS AN AMAZING SONG-WRITER!!!... and he and Bret put the music together! Bret is the lead guitarist! They also have a drummer and a bass player! The bass player also sings... he sings the harmony parts! I got the opportunity to meet the other two last night! Cool dudes!!!! Let me go back... I LOVE BANDS!!!... ALL KINDS!!!! LIVE MUSIC IS WHAT I LIVE FOR!!! I'm a ROCKSTAR... I CAN'T HELP IT!!! lol Anyway... so Braxton invited me to their practice last night! I was sooo excited!!! That's all I could think about at work that night!!! As soon as I got off... I headed to their house! I've been to their house a lot of times so it was nothing to get there!!!! So there I was.... sitting there... taking in Braxton's voice.... Bret's amazing solos.... THE TIGHTEST BASS LINE I'VE HEARD IN AWHILE... and THE SICKEST DRUMS, DUDE!!! I was feeling it!!! And though they are SO FAR from being a christian band... I WENT IN!!!! lol The music was almost too much for me!!!! I'm serious! The boys are amazing!!!! I can't wait to go to their gig next week!!!! I learned the chorus to each song soooo fast! I'm gonna be like a little groupie at their show! I'm excited!!!! Dude... They were working on endings to their songs... I think I know why Blu21 struggles with that... WE HAVE NO DRUMMER!!! The drums really are who the depend on for their endings!!! I can't really explain it!!! But... all i know is... WE NEED A DRUMMER!!! I ended up leaving a little early because I really wanted to play!!! lol... I felt sooo inspired!!!! I got home and DIDN'T PLAY!!! lol... I prayed instead!!!...
"I PRAY, YOU PRAY, WE PRAY!!!"-CeCe Winans lol
As I headed home, my homie, Renee called me!!!! I love her, guys!!! She is one of my closest friends!!!...really!!! I was telling her about some stuff that I was struggling with...Relationally!!!... and what do you know, THE GIRL HAD ALREADY BEEN THROUGH THAT! See, God knows just who to send you!!! She helped me out sooo much!!!! And what I love the most about her... she told me things that kind of hurt!!! lol... She told me what I needed to hear instead of what I wanted to hear! NOW THAT'S A REAL FRIEND!!!! She said only what God had given her... and what's funny is that my mentor had already said some of the same things!!!... Like I've said before... If it is from God, YOU WILL HEAR IT AGAIN!!!! TRUST!!! Anway... We talked for about 45 minutes or so and she had to go... she had to work that night!!!!! She encouraged me to pray...and I did just that!!!! It felt good talking to God again! I really haven't been giving Him the time He deserves... and guess what... He has still been doing amazing things for me!!! HE DESERVES SOOO MUCH!!! I'm gonna do better!!!!
Anway... I need to get ready for DOUBLE #2... for the week!!!
Until next time,


  1. I been waiting for you to blog for like two weeks!! I need more info!! You know I work like a hebrew slave and never get to hang with ya'll as much as I'd like to.

  2. dont you just love God?!! Stix, maybe you could play the guitar and drums at the same,work on that.
    @ Ms. Lyssa...quit ur job and live off the land. (thats my new answer to everything)

  3. Stix I've been waiting forever for you to blog too! And stay away from Maxwell!!! lol No but seriously...stay away!

  4. @ ms lyssa- I know right. I have got to do better.
    @ jelly- i'm a rockstar.. I'm sure I can do both. I'll work on it! :)
    @ whit- LOL... Fine! He's all urs ! LOL but seriously... Can we share him!:)
