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Friday, January 22, 2010

A little bit of this... A little bit of that! ;)

... and the blog titles keep getting lamer... and lamer! HA!

Ok, this is another one of those random blogs because I'm at work... and I'm running out of stuff to look up online! ;)


I still have the ear ache... It's nowhere near as bad as it was though! THANK GOD! I'm ready to be completely healed from this thing! I'm pretty sure I've lost a few more pounds because it hurts to chew... I've eaten maybe twice since I left the doctor's office. Pray for me guys! My weight is slowly becoming an issue. Where I used to eat all the time... and was gaining a few pounds, I am now NEVER eating and constantly losing weight! My pants don't fit the same anymore and I believe it's highly unattractive! GOTTA DO SOMETHING... AND FAST!!!

Moving on!

My roommate Jel and our friend Courtney left for California on Thursday at 5am! Two great things came from this trip on my end! I have the apartment to myself until Monday!!!YYYEEESSS!!! Jel is in no way a pain... It just feels good to be there alone!

The second thing is that I get to keep Courtney's dog, Lyrical! Courtney was so nervous leaving her with me. lol I can understand why... that's her baby... and I work crazy hours so she's afraid the poor dog will feel neglected! Luckily so far that has not been the case. I was off all day so she and I have pretty much been chillaxin'! Dogsitting for Courtney makes me want a dog more now than ever!!! I love how when I get up she wants to get up and follow me... or when I lay on the couch she jumps up there with me and falls asleep on my legs! I LOVE IT!!!... and I want OOOONNNEEE!!!!!! *whining* I'm pretty sure I'm going to cry silent, non-existent (lol) tears when she leaves! Lyrical has been that something I've needed to feel... IDK... whatever I've been feeling! I can't find the word to describe it without sounding like a WALDO (weirdo)! Anyway... so I'm at work... and she's at the apartment by herself. I can't stop thinking about her. I pray she's ok.

Angel Taylor, Ladies & Gentleman!!!!!

I was late watching the Pepa show again this week. I saw a few clips online while I was at work... but it wasn't the entire show. I was finally able to watch it on Thursday with Lyrical! It was the bomb. I was able to see a snippet of the "You Oughta Know" artist that VH1 features at the end of shows... It was a girl named Angel Taylor this time! I made a mental note to look her up when I got to work... ya know... give me something to do when I get bored!!! I LOVE HER!!! I FREAKIN' LOVE HER! She's up there with India Arie on my list, guys! Her main instrument is the piano but she plays the guitar on her music video!!! I think you guys should check her out! She lives in LA. She sounds like Adele... mixed with a little Corrinne! Did I fail to mention how GORGEOUS she is?!... BEAUTIFUL! Anyway... She's great. Of course I love her voice, but I also fell in love with her style. I've been working, mentally, to change my wardrobe. I already have a look, but I think it's time to upgrade. I'm tired of people telling me that I look like a I'm 16. I've been told that I have a baby face, and I can't do much with that. I can, however, change up my style a little! I like the weird look... I can't describe it better than that... Angel has it DOWN! I was looking at some pictures... Her outfits look weird, yet they're trendy! On her video she wears this cute little dress, skirt thingy!... I loved it! This summer I'm going to try the whole dress thing... and that's exactly the look I thought of! I loved all of the girls outfits on the video. It made me excited about summer!!!! Anyway... check out the video! You're gonna love it!

Oh yea... One more cool thing about her!... Her sister is Ebony Taylor from America's Next Top Model Cycle 5!

Remember her?! They look just alike! Ok... I'm done rambling tonight!

Quick shout outs to my long lost friends! Mel Watkins, Sabrina Washy, and Rohzi! I miss you guys! Praying for you all and looking forward to the day when we can chill and act a fool again! Love ya!!

Until next time,



  1. OMG!!! Thank you so much for introducing me to new music! I LOVED that video! I gotta check her out some more!

    And I miss my Stix! I'm tired of just running into you in between shifts at work! We gotta hang! And when we both get some money, we should work on changing our wardrobe together and just go shopping! lol. My style is SO different from what I wear today, but I just don't have the money to upgrade. : - (

    Have fun dogsitting. I wish someone 'round here would want to cat sit! lol

  2. Shout outs to Stixalish! I'm gonna have to check this girl out...she looks like she can sing a lil bit. You know I'm a new artist snob, but you've got good taste, just like your mother (wink). And YESSSS I remember Ebony from ANTM! You know that's my show. She was kicked off by the 3rd episode I

  3. i love that song by angel taylor! im gonna look for more of her music and im totally feeling you on wanting on a dog! lol

  4. Aww hey stix!! I will def chck out the new artist! I love new music. Miss ya much too!
