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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blogging to...


It's 3:06a.m. and of course I'm at work. It's a little early to fall asleep so I'm blogging to blow time!

Forced to face a fear...

I've had an earache for the last week or so. The pain was bearable so I never bothered telling anyone... or made an attempt to see a doctor. I figured it would just go away. I had a bad night at work the other night, but the pain went away soon after my shift. Yesterday... I couldn't take it anymore. I had worked 8 hours with the pain and couldn't really sleep all that well when I got home. I knew then it was time to meet with a doctor! The very thing I didn't want to do! :( I'm terrified of doctors offices, hospitals, clinics, and dentist offices. I've never been to one without my mom. She knows of my fear and she's been right there with me! I almost drove home today so my mom could go with me! Pretty sad right?!

I believe the fear developed when I was younger. I practically LIVED at the doctor's office when I was growing up... and most of my experiences involved a lot of pain. I don't have a high tolerance for pain so I may be over exaggerating to some!... but whatever! THEY ALWAYS HURT ME! I can remember on several occasions where doctors and nurses would have to make special trips into the room to hold me down for a shot or a strep test! lol My mom wasn't quite strong enough... she needed a little help! **I know, I know... a shame!** In high school, I caught the flu around the same time every year! It was pretty bad... Every time though...I had my mom! She was right there with me! I went home for my first pap smear (is that too much info?! lol) when I turned 20 and guess who was right there holding my hand and quoting scriptures to keep my mind off of the pain?!... you guessed it!!!... MY MOM! lol Don't you dare judge me!!! lol... Moving to Middle TN must have been what my body needed or something because I haven't been sick since I've moved here... Not until recently!

I made the appointment today and then called my mom crying because I didn't think I could do it alone! LOL... I'm embarrassed telling you guys this! Anyway... She helped calm my nerves a little. I called my mentor... I wanted her to go with me, but she was at work! It looked like it was time for me to grow up and take my own GROWN SELF to the doctor!... and I did! I was thinking THE WORST the entire time. My friend Sophie just had a bad experience with an ear infection... I just knew the doctor was gonna go in for the kill and have me screaming like my mom died or something! Turns out.. it wasn't so bad. lol He simply asked a few questions... checked my ear (that was the worst part.. pretty painful)... and told me I had an ear infection. Thank God it wasn't as bad as Sophie's. It's just a little red and swollen. Nothing antibiotics can't fix! PRAISE THE LORD!

I was in A LOT MORE pain after my visit! I understand better how Sophie felt! I could barely drive. I'm pretty sure it was because the doctor was in and out of my ear so much... trying to figure out exactly what type of ear infection I had! I had my prescription filled... popped way too many pills and attempted to put the ear drops in my ears! I couldn't do it! Mentally, I couldn't do it. I was afraid that it would hurt. I tried... but of course it was going everywhere BUT inside my ear! lol My mentor did it for me!... and IT HURT LIKE HECK!!!!

Jeremy came by work to see me! I was glad because by that time I was due for another dose! He was happy to do it for me! UGH! I'm such a baby!!... I hope Jel is at home when I get off so she can help me with my next dose! I'm supposed to do this 4 times a day! Ugh! I don't think I can take that feeling much longer. I hate what it feels like going inside my ear. It hurts... to me!

Anyway... that was my day... filled with lots of fear and pain! lol BUT I MADE IT... and am feeling a little better already! YES, GOD!!! Anywho... I'm sleepy... so I'm out for now!

Until next time,

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