Ok... WHAT'S UP!!! It seems like it has been forever!!!... I MEAN REALLY!!! This is sooo not cool! My internet has really been acting up lately!!! STUPID, COMCAST!!!! Whatever... I think they are coming out to the apartment tomorrow!!! We'll see..
HAS BEEN AWESOME!!! I'm off on Thursdays... and boy was I ready to rest... but guess what... TODAY IS MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY!!!!... and I hadn't bought her anything!!! NOT GOOD!!! My girl, AJ texted and told me that she was off today!!!! I WAS SOO HAPPY!!! I needed a shopping partner!... God knows I didn't want to be by myself!... so I called and asked if she wanted to hang out... and whatdayknow?!... SHE WAS GAME!!! YEEESS!!! Knowing that she would be tagging along made me excited about shopping for my mom's gift!! I picked her up and we made our way to the Green hills mall!!!! THAT MALL IS SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! IT MAKES ME HAPPY!!! lol The moment I walked in there, I started smiling so hard!!! LOL... There is only one other thing that makes me that happy (other than God... and He makes me happier)... FOOD!!!! YEP... so we looked and looked!!! My mom loves the Z Galleria... My mentor actually suggested that I go in there... WHY?!... I DON'T KNOW!!!! GOODNESS, LORD IT WAS EXPENSIVE!!! I'm soooo not there yet! I will be though... and she'll be able to get ANY and EVERYTHING she wants out of there... BUT UNTIL THEN... i have to humble myself and go where the broke folks go!! lol... I started getting a little irritated because I discovered that Green hills is not the place for a broke college student like myself! lol... So you know what I did instead?!... JUST GUESS...
You guessed it! lol... I love LOVE love... 5 guys... and Aj had never been so I took her!!! I had the most amazing burger (ketchup, cheese, and mushrooms... don't you dare judge! lol), cajun fries, and sweet tea!!!! It WAS SOOO ON POINT!!! AJ loved her burger as well... I don't remember what she got on hers!!... but she was pleased!!! GREAT! She was such great company by the way! I always have a great time when I'm with her!!! THAT'S MY DOG, 4 LIFE!!!! WE ARE SOOO MUCH A LIKE!!! I'M SO GLAD GOD PLACED HER IN MY LIFE!!!! LOL... but enough of that... LOL
Ok... After we ate I wanted to try again! I thought since I was full I might be able to find something... without King Stomach complaining like it was!... NO LUCK!!!!... "HUMBLE YOURSELF, STIX!!!! GET YOURSELF TOGETHER AND GET OUT OF HERE!!!"... That's what I kept telling myself! lolI wanted to do something totally different anyway... FIND SOMETHING SOOOO ON POINT... something that would make her cry!!!... ya kno?! Green hills, as beautiful as it is, just wasn't gettin' it!...
I'm gonna write her a song!!! Aj wrote her mom a song for Mother's day and I thought that was the most precious thing ever! So on the way back to AJ's I stopped by my apartment and picked up Lady Penne!!! I was getting excited!... So we got to AJ's and before working on the song... I let her hear some things that I had been working on!!! She liked it!!!! I'm glad!!! Musically, she gets me!... I love getting her feedback... But you know what... she's never told me that my songs SUCK! lol Aj... I hope you are being completely honest with me, HOMIE!... lol... But anyway... I played a small piece of this chord progression that she loves and we decided that is what we would work with for my mom's song! We actually had other plans for that music... I hope we still get to do it!... So she laid down the SICKEST TRACK... first the verse... then the chorus!!! MAN!!! SHE IS SOOO TALENTED! BTW, she has a studio in her apartment. I can't leave that out!... Then it was up to me to come up with the lyrics!!! OH GOODNESS!!! I'm too goofy for that! My calling is chord progressions and strumming patterns... NOT WRITING LYRICS!!!... but I guess I HAD to do it since it IS for my mom, right?! LOL... after what seemed like forever... I finally had a song!!! IT TURNED OUT TO BE THE MOST FUN THING I HAD EVER DONE IN MY LIFE! lol I mean really... THE SONG IS HILARIOUS!!! MY MOM IS GONNA LOVE IT! ha! She'll get to hear it tomorrow when I go back to Memphis! YALL, I AM RAPPING!!!! lol... It is too funny! I wish I could somehow put it on my blog so you can hear it!... Oh well!!!!
but yea...
Today has been awesome!!! I hung out with one of my best buds... I got to do something SUPER SPECIAL for my mom... and I ate really well!!! I CAN'T COMPLAIN!!!
I'm off to bed... I gotta hit the road early in the a.m.
Until next time,
LOL @ King Stomach!
ReplyDeleteDude, I have NEVER met anyone who writes EXACTLY how they speak on a daily basis. Most people have a "speaking voice" and then a "writing voice." But your "writing voice" IS YOUR SPEAKING VOICE, LOL. It's hilarious. I think that's what I love so much about reading your blogs, lol.
I had an AWESOME TIME. Absolutely awesome. We GOTTA do it again. Thanks for letting me spend the day with you! You know I would have just sat at the house doing a bunch of nothing other wise.
You better tell me how your mom reacted to the song! : - ) Love you, Jess! HOMIES4LYFE! LOL
-AJ / Rohzi E.