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Friday, May 8, 2009


... That's what I tell myself every time I'm about to perform in front of anybody!!! It's the one thing that keeps me calm!!!! AJ and Jelly have heard me say this a lot... lol... It's pretty much Blu21's slogan now! HA!

As you know, last night was OUR BIG BREAK!!!... And let me tell you... GOD WAS PLEASED!!!
From the moment we got to the place... I WAS NERVOUS!!!! I'm talking about... hands shaking... about to PEE ON MYSELF nervous!!!! At one point... I thought I was about to GO on myself! lol... THAT WAS NOTHING BUT THE DEVIL... or was it?... LOL... we're good at blaming everything on him!... but anyway... I couldn't go to the bathroom until I knew where we were in the program... When we realized we weren't next... WE HOPPED UP SO QUICK!!!! lol... It felt like the longest Pee of my life... BUT PRAISE GOD I WAS ABLE TO GO!...

So yea...
We WAITED... AND WAITED... AND WAITED... Can you imagine being super nervous and having to WAIT to see where you are in the program?!... Dude! It's not a good feeling!... "but Thank God We made it!!!" Finally, Minister Carolyn says, "And next... two BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL ladies are going to come and bless you with 2 selections... and they go by BLU21!!!!" I couldn't help but laugh when I heard her call our band... It sounded so funny coming out of her mouth... I don't know if it was her Southern accent or what... People in the congregation laughed too!!! HA!... So everything wasn't set up like it was supposed to be... We talked about all of this at the sound check Wednesday... I guess God had other plans!... While Anjelica set everything up... I HAD TO SPEAK TO THE FOLKS... "Why me?!"... I was so out of my element!!!! But God is so good... Every nerve left my body the moment I grabbed the mic! I really don't remember what all I said but Anjelica seems to think I did well!!! PRAISE THE LORD! lol I introduced the first song... which happened to be a song I wrote in the parking lot of MTSU's campus... A simple worship song... My personal love letter to God... It went well... The crowd loved it!!!! One of the founders of a ministry that I'm in (MSK) was there... DEMETRUS STEWART... and she looked so pleased!... She had this smile on her face... like she was proud of us... It was something I needed to see! I'm glad I looked up... It made me even more comfortable on stage...

2nd song...
Jelly talked next... AND WHEN I SAY THAT GIRL PREACHED... she had the saints almost running around the church!!! LOL... ok ok... Maybe I'm over exaggerating a little... but I was so proud of her! I wish I could tell you what all she said... I can't... lol... but I know it was straight from God... HE WAS SOOOO UP IN THERE!!! I JUST LOVE HIM!!! The next song we did was called, "Broken"... Jelly took 'em straight to the throne room with that song! It was great!!!!... I'm sooo pleased with our gig!... and I know that it went well because God loves us sooo much... and He told us that He would be there!... When we were in the car praying, I handed the performance to Him... I'm glad I did... He handled everything.... from where we were on the program... to the set up!... I was thinking that it was gonna take forever to set up... but it didn't take long AT ALL... and I know it is because we allowed God to control everything... We told Him that it was His gig. We wanted everything to flow right... the way He wanted it to flow...and I honestly believe that it did!
If you don't know by now... I LOVE TO EAT!!!... and Guess what... I hadn't eaten all day!!!... well I had about 9 of my favorite cookies from this Bakery in Murfreesboro... a slushy from Sonic... and a milkshake from Diary Queen... THAT'S IT THOUGH!! So by the time we were headed back... I WAS ABOUT READY TO FIND A COW ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND JUST TEAR IT UP! lol... That's how hungry I was!!!... We decided to get something closer to the apartment... Why did it seem like it was taking forever to get there? At first I thought I was just being impatient because I was hungry... BUT NO!... I wasn't... lol WE WERE ON OUR WAY TO ALABAMA!!! We took 65-S... instead of 65-N!!!!... "COME ON, JESUS!!!!" By this time... I really was looking for a Cow... a horse... a DEER!! Anything... lol... But we ended up talking...which distracted King Stomach for a minute... We finally got to Franklin... and there wasn't a Micky D's (my favorite fast food restaurant) so we settled for Wendy's.... I GOT 2 DOUBLE STACKS (ketchup and cheese only) and a chocolate frosty... SAVED MY LIFE, I TELL YOU!!!... Then I got really...really sleepy...!!! I didn't want to fall asleep while Jelly was driving... and what do you know... I GOT A TEXT FROM GOOD OL' LOLA!!! That was God!!! lol
Lola's text!!!!!!
She was just asking how our gig went... That made me so happy!!!! I thank God for friends who care!!!! I told her that it was great and that I would tell her all about it tomorrow... and she was like, "GOD IS GOOD!!"... And I was close to tears when I read that...because He is!!! lol Come to find out... she was at home about to cry too... GOD IS JUST SO AWESOME!!! lol... I loved that!! I talked to my girl AJ for a minute and then her Jamaican boosky called... which was fine because I was sooo tired!!!!
So as you can see... OUR GIG COULDN'T HAVE BEEN BETTER!!! We didn't have anyone there to support us really... but I believe that was how God wanted it... We supported each other... like the sisters we are!!!! God knew what he was doing! lol
Quick Shout out...
I thank God for everybody who prayed for us... I recognize that we did well because of His grace and because of all those who stood in agreement with us in prayer!!!! I thank God for my mentor, Tamara who interceded for us ALL DAY LONG...and was able to tell us what "THUS SAID THE LORD"... I thank God for Darius, who desperately wanted to be there to support me but couldn't be there due to a game... Your kind words really comforted me! Thank you for who you are in my life! :) I thank God for Lola and AJ for also supporting us from afar!!! You guys are great friends!!!... AND I THANK GOD FOR JELLY.... DUDE WE DID IT!!!!! This is only the beginning!!! I love you, man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until next time,


  1. That's what's up! I really enjoyed reading this blog. God is doing some amazing things, CLEARLY! LOL. I can't wait to hear about the NEXT gig! Get ready, because IT'S COMING!

    You and your eagerness to eat is so hilarious to me! hahahaha

    Love ya!

