As promised... I'm gonna talk about the photo shoot!... but before I do that... I want to talk a little about the 4th!!!!!
I HAD TO WORK THAT MORNING... what the heezy?!... Who goes to OLIVE GARDEN on the 4th of July?!!!... I think I waited on a total of 5 tables... from 11am until like 3:30!!! MADNESS!!!!.... It's ok though!!... It was really nice outside so I was looking forward to leaving that place... taking a nap... waking up... and going with the girls downtown to see the fireworks!... WHY when I woke up it was raining cows, monkeys, and giraffes?! I WAS SO SAD, MAN! This was my first 4th away from home and it was beginning to look bad!!!!... BUT... I ENDED UP HAVING A BLAST!!! Sabrina got a babysitting job at the last minute ( HALLELUJAH.... PRAISE THE LORD), so the kids were gonna tag a long with us! I was soooo excited!!! I love hanging out with kids! So... I get to their house and I am WARMLY GREETED by the most gorgeous kids I've EVER seen!!! I MEAN BEAUTIFUL!!! lol... and they called me STIX!!! AHHH... I LOVE IT! I don't know how to spell their names so we're just gonna call them Girl and Boy K! :) They entertained us... THEY HAD MY STOMACH HURTING FROM LAUGHING SO HARD! I was in love!! lol... Girl K can sing, dude!!! and she had the most beautiful, long legs! She's 12... it's so obvious that she's athletic! She motivated me to run! My legs are SO gonna look like that! lol BOY K... IS A MESS!!! TOO CUTE... He has this amazing ear when it comes to music! The things he would hear in a song amazed me!... HE'S ONLY 7,GUYS! They both are gonna be great musicians! I just know it!!! They were sooo free... so happy... AND THEY LOVED MUSIC!! PERFECT... I want them... I wonder if they are for sell... Maybe I can buy two at Walmart... I'll check that out!... but yea... We didn't go see fireworks... We went to the movies to see Hannah Montana instead!!! I WAS SOOO EXCITED! I wanted to see that soooo bad when it came out... I WAS EVEN MORE EXCITED WHEN I FOUND OUT IT WAS AT THE DOLLAR MOVIE....DA BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!! This is getting long... and I still have to talk about the photo shoot... so speeding this up.... THE MOVIE WAS GREAT!!!... I HAVE 3 SONGS THAT I'M GONNA LEARN HOW TO PLAY THIS WEEK... I WAS STRAIGHT UP TAKING NOTES IN MY PHONE!!!... That movie was the motivation I needed to get back on the guitar!!! I'M READY MAN!!! LOL

Moving right along...
So me, Renee, and Jelly were talking the other day about what it means to be "girly, girl!" lol... We had the longest list of things that make up a girly, girl... and in all honesty... THEY ARE SOOO GIRLY, GIRLS!!!! LOL... They don't think so, but God and I know the business! Anyway... that conversation was all I could think about as Melissa was getting me ready for the photo shoot!!! IT WAS ALL SO GIRLY, GIRL!... LOL... so not ME!... but I enjoyed every bit of it!!! My nails were HOT PINK... I got my BUSHY eyebrows arched... Mel made up my face... put my hair up in the coolest mohawk...and I wore the shortest skirt known to man... GIRLY, GIRL!!! lol... I felt soooo comfortable in that skirt though! That's a first! I HATE SKIRTS AND DRESSES!!!.. HATE IT... HATE IT... HATE IT!... but for some odd reason it didn't bother me to wear it...Maybe because I knew it was for the photo shoot... I wouldn't be caught dead in that skirt if I were just going out! But yea... MELISSA DID AN AMAZING JOB styling us! She is the bomb, man! I can't wait to see how God moves her! She's gonna do big things! I just know it!... We took the pics downtown on the bridge! Let me go back just a little... This photo shoot wasn't about me at all! Sabrina needed a model for her portfolio... to show that she can work with other people and still look extra FAB!!!... I'm not a model... Get it?!... ok moving on!... so yea The photographer's name was Ginger!!!... a sweetheart! She was good too!!... She seemed to like us!!!! Sabrina was sooo FREAKIN' FIERCE!... The girl is the bomb!!! I was shocked! I didn't know she was that good! I loved watching her!!! Me on the other hand... LOL... I think I did ok! It wasn't really about me so it didn't matter! but yea... Overall... it was a great photo shoot! Everything went smoothly and I think she got some good shots!.. We'll see when she sends us the pictures next week!!! Maybe I'll post a few... We'll see!!!! After that... my feet were hurting... and King Stomach was singing a song that I hadn't heard in awhile!... It was time...
... TO EAT!!!
The whole time we were downtown all I could think about was food!!! I was trying to do like Sabrina and not eat before the shoot... MIND YOU... the shoot was at 6:30! Y'ALL KNOW I DIDN'T DO THAT RIGHT?! lol... I showed up to Sabrina and Mel's at like 1:00 with two corn dogs and an oreo blast from Sonic... AT LEAST I ATE LIGHT, RIGHT?! lol My stomach was surprisingly very flat! Sabrina's strategy works... don't eat... IT'S HARD THOUGH... So when we were done with the shoot... I had to get some real food in my stomach! We went to Demo's!!! I had only been one time before and that was 4 years ago... I couldn't remember what it was like but I didn't really care! I WAS HUNGRY!! The wait was 40 minutes long! I DIDN'T THINK I WOULD MAKE IT! God did something cuz I made it! COME ON, SOMEBODY!!! We got a free appetizer... which was ok but I was hungry!... It didn't even matter... I ended up getting the Fettuccine Imperial! It was sooo good! It was basically a fettuccine alfredo with chicken, ham, and my favorite... MUSHROOMS!!! IT WAS SOOO GOOD! I LICKED THE PLATE CLEAN! lol... Well I left maybe a piece of chicken... which I could have eaten but I felt super fat after Melissa looked at my plate and BUCKED her eyes in amazement! lol... THEY SHOULD KNOW ME BY NOW! Anyway... I'm about to take a nap before I head to work!!!! I'm supposed to go to this two year old's birthday party but I don't think that's gonna happen!!!!
Until next time,
I'm the girly girl?? But Stix, aren't you the one in the mini skirt??! LMBO!!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, that photoshoot was about YOU AND I...and you were freakin fierce! I love you Stixalicious!