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Saturday, July 11, 2009


OK!!! This may be a short blog... We'll see!!... First of all... it's 12:23am! I should be in the bed! It's my Sunday to help with Children's Church! I think I have to be there at 8am! I may get there a little later... in fact... I'm sure I'm going to get there later! It's hard getting up for church! lol... I can get up for anything else... but Church?!!!... that's another story! lol DON'T ACT LIKE I'M BY MYSELF!!!! *singing* "I PRAY FOR YOU... YOU PRAY FOR ME!!!!!"

My friend Mel Watkins just graduated from University of Phoenix... I THINK!... lol!!!! She got her M.B.A.!!!! Yeeesssssss... MY GIRL!!!! I'm so happy for her! That's pretty darn cool to me!!! She is done with degree TWO... shoot... I'M STILL TRYING TO GET DEGREE ONE! lol... Dang, Mel!!!... You going for another?! I LOVE IT!!!... Anyway... She had a cookout at her house! It was soooo much fun!!!! THERE WAS SOOOO MUCH FOOD!!!... I'M TALKIN' LIKE A LOT!!! I remember seeing barbecue chicken, macaroni and cheese (WHICH WAS FIRE... NOT FYE... BUT FREAKIN' FI-YER!!!), baked beans, hamburgers, hot dogs... You name it... they had it! I ended up eating a hot dog, mac n cheese, and baked beans! I had just eaten at 5 guys... but I HAD to eat!!!... It would have been rude not to... LOL... right?! So yea... we talked..ATE...laughed...I ATE...danced...SANG...I ATE AGAIN!!! It was fun! I love being around these girls!!... THEY FEED ME... AND WE HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!! Now that's what I'm talking about!!!

I should be sleep...
Anyway... I met a girl at the party tonight! I wish I could remember her name... but she really encouraged me, man!!! GOSH!!!! I WISH I REMEMBERED HER NAME!!!!... Wait! I don't think I ever asked what her name was?! MELISSA?!.. WHAT'S HER NAME?! I think I remember her saying... "oooo that's, Stix!" or something like that!!! She said that she reads my blog! I mean... she really was telling me everything she read!!! I couldn't believe it! I had to tell Melissa who was sitting close by! She started talking about my blogs.. as she spoke... I realized that she was talking about my blog about the 4th!!!! I was sooo shocked! She read a pretty recent blog, DUDE!! I asked her if she liked it... and she said that she did! A girl named Jessica Malenga was sitting close by and asked what I blog about... My blog follow friend (lol... just made that up!) responded and told her that I blog about my day... about nothing sometimes... AND IT'S INTERESTING!!!!!... all her words!!! YYYYEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! That's what I wanted to hear! She also said that she would go back every now and then and saw that I hadn't updated!!! She was really interested in what I was doing every day!!! OH.... EM... GEE (OMG)!!! How FRIKKIN' COOL!!! I never thought anyone other than my friends would read my blogs!... AND LIKE IT! That's pretty exciting! It encouraged me to continue on!... I love blogging... I love for people to read my blogs... I'M GONNA CONTINUE TO BLOG!!! SO THANK YOU, MY FELLOW BLOG FOLLOW FRIEND!!! :) I really appreciate you reading my blogs!!! COME BACK NAH, YA HEAR?! lol... I found out later that she doesn't even have a blog... She just loves reading blogs! Cool!!!! I LOVE IT!

Ok... I'm SLEEPY! I am so tired from all that dancing and singing!!!! It's time for me to go to bed!!!! I'm excited about hanging out with the kids in the morning!!! STIX LOVES THE KIDS!!!! LOL... LAME!!

Until next time,

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