::singing:: "When I first saw you, I said oh my!... That's a dream. That's my dream. I needed a dream when it all I seemed to go bad.... THEN I FOUND YOU!"
lol... Yep, St. Louis was that amazing!!! The city, I mean. The trip with the girls was a TRIP... in more ways than one! lol I can honestly say I had a good time inspite of the KATNESS that transpired. I was a bit frustrated with the group I went with, but I realized that some things are to be expected when you go on a trip with a group of girls with so many different personalities. When I came to that conclusion, I was able to move forward and have a good time. We went to a few lounges downtown and had a lot of fun! My dance partner, Renee, was there. I don't know why I need her to motivate me to dance! lol I have so much fun dancing when she's around!!
On Sunday, I hung out with my Godmommy and Godsister. I had not seen them since I was like 6 or 7. My sister found me on facebook about 6 months ago and we hit it off. I remembered a lot about her and realized that not much had changed. As soon as I knew I was going to St. Louis I contacted her to make sure they would be in town. I'm so glad I did! We had brunch at a pretty cool restaurant. I can't remember the name of it for some reason. We sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather while catching up on what's new with all of us. The food was AMAZING! I had an omelete that pretty much changed my life! Good stuff!
My mom and dad lived in St. Louis for the first few years of my life. I was able to see where we used to live as well. Now that was pretty cool. After telling my mom about that experience, she shared some really cool stories. I don't remember the good times my parents had. It was nice to hear how in love they were at that time. St. Louis was their happy place. They probably should have stayed there.... *shrugs*... moving on...
I was able to go to the African Street Festival with my sister while my godmommy pampered herself at a nail salon. We had such a good time. The park that we visited was perfect and all I could think about was playing under one of those trees. I can honestly see myself living there. My lease is up in July... I'm trying to talk myself OUT OF leaving in a few months. lol... I'm actually thinking about renewing my lease for 10 months and possibly moving to St. Louis in May. That would give me enough time to save and try to find a job. I'm praying about it though..
Sunday was awesome! I really enjoyed the time I spent with them. I think if it were not for seeing them, I would not have enjoyed my trip as much... REAL TALK!
So yea, that was my weekend. I honestly had evey intention on bailing out on the crew that weekend. I'm glad that I was able to go! I left St. Louis thinking about a lot and very hopeful to see what's in my future! We shall see...
Done for now...
Until next time,
♥ Stix
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I don't think I'll ever understand "people." Not everybody.. but "those people" that judge you because you choose not to do or say certain things. When people learn that I choose not to use curse words and am doing my BEST to stay away from alcohol (I slip every now and then... lol), I get the side eye. Noses are suddenly turned up at ME!!!! huh? WHY AM I BEING JUDGED?! I don't quite understand it. I have never judged anyone for doing the things that I have chosen not to do. I've always encouraged people to "do them!" While I don't agree with the lifestyle, I've learned that we all learn differently. I have done some of those same things, but made a decision to do differently after reading scriptures and seeing how they weren't adding anything positive to my life. So again I say, WHY AM I BEING JUDGED? Why can't I be accepted the way I have accepted you?! smh... People are so weird.
I have a gay friend at work who is determined to hook me up with a girl! lol WHY??? I am in no way interested in girls... contrary to what I may "look like" I'm interested in. Yes, I'll admit... I don't like to wear dresses the way the "average girl" may like to wear dresses. My style IS inspired by men! lol SO! That makes me gay?? I didn't think so, anyway! My style, my personality, nor my lack of interest in dresses has kept any guy from approaching or having interest in me. lol ok, digressing now!
My assumption is that this gay guy now feels that he has to hook me up with a girl so that he can feel "comfortable" being who he is and/or expressing his interest for men to me! lol... I didn't judge him before and I don't plan to judge him now! smh... Now, if only he really understood that!
smh... sometimes I HATE people! It doesn't make it right... just how I feel sometimes! *shrugging that off while adding a little dougie to it*
Oh, but wait... I LOVE HIM... just hating him this very moment! lol Give me about 5 mins or so... I'll be cool!
feeling better already....
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
I have a gay friend at work who is determined to hook me up with a girl! lol WHY??? I am in no way interested in girls... contrary to what I may "look like" I'm interested in. Yes, I'll admit... I don't like to wear dresses the way the "average girl" may like to wear dresses. My style IS inspired by men! lol SO! That makes me gay?? I didn't think so, anyway! My style, my personality, nor my lack of interest in dresses has kept any guy from approaching or having interest in me. lol ok, digressing now!
My assumption is that this gay guy now feels that he has to hook me up with a girl so that he can feel "comfortable" being who he is and/or expressing his interest for men to me! lol... I didn't judge him before and I don't plan to judge him now! smh... Now, if only he really understood that!
smh... sometimes I HATE people! It doesn't make it right... just how I feel sometimes! *shrugging that off while adding a little dougie to it*
Oh, but wait... I LOVE HIM... just hating him this very moment! lol Give me about 5 mins or so... I'll be cool!
feeling better already....
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
Work is pretty slow this morning so I found myself scheming through Angela Simmon's blog!
soapbox moment:
Angela Simmons has always been a best friend in my head. lol She lives the way I live in "dreamland." I was introduced to her on Run's House and connected with her in so many ways. She's a tomboy who loves fashion. She's a virgin because she WANTS TO BE! She has this cool accent that I've always wanted! lol She has this free spirit that I can't really explain! She seems so nice and carefree! We are the same age... She was born almost exactly a month after me! Pretty cool right?! lol... but I digress...
* does the Cat daddy off of soapbox*
I just found a quote on her blog that I am about to have FRAMED AND PUT NEAR MY FRONT DOOR! There is a prayer that I pray every morning that kind of lines up with this quote!!! Enjoy!
Good stuff, right?!
Until next time,
soapbox moment:
Angela Simmons has always been a best friend in my head. lol She lives the way I live in "dreamland." I was introduced to her on Run's House and connected with her in so many ways. She's a tomboy who loves fashion. She's a virgin because she WANTS TO BE! She has this cool accent that I've always wanted! lol She has this free spirit that I can't really explain! She seems so nice and carefree! We are the same age... She was born almost exactly a month after me! Pretty cool right?! lol... but I digress...
* does the Cat daddy off of soapbox*
I just found a quote on her blog that I am about to have FRAMED AND PUT NEAR MY FRONT DOOR! There is a prayer that I pray every morning that kind of lines up with this quote!!! Enjoy!
"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard.
Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let
the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride
that even though the world may disagree, you
still believe it to be a beautiful place."-- Unknown.
Good stuff, right?!
Until next time,
♥ Stix!
Monday, May 23, 2011
UPDATE: I got the job!
Remember me telling you guys about an interview about two weeks ago?! Well, I'm a bit late in updating you guys, but I GOT THE JIZ-OB! I started last week and I am absolutely LOVING IT! The work is pretty hard, but the challenge is exactly what I needed! I would much rather use my brain than take about 100 or so calls a day saying the same crap over and over again! Man, that got old!
So yeah, God has definitely blessed me! My new manager is DUMB COOL and is ALL THE WAY laid back! We can listen to music, blog (clearly... lol), and surf the web, as long as we get our work done! I love it! My team is pretty cool as well! I sit next to the sweetest lady with breast cancer! I nearly cried when she told me that she had it. She is soooo high on life! She doesn't complain and she is full of wisdom! I just love her!! Keep her in your prayers please! Thx!
I have sooo much more to say, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to share! smh... I wish I didn't care! So yeaaa... I guess that's it for this blog!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Remember me telling you guys about an interview about two weeks ago?! Well, I'm a bit late in updating you guys, but I GOT THE JIZ-OB! I started last week and I am absolutely LOVING IT! The work is pretty hard, but the challenge is exactly what I needed! I would much rather use my brain than take about 100 or so calls a day saying the same crap over and over again! Man, that got old!
So yeah, God has definitely blessed me! My new manager is DUMB COOL and is ALL THE WAY laid back! We can listen to music, blog (clearly... lol), and surf the web, as long as we get our work done! I love it! My team is pretty cool as well! I sit next to the sweetest lady with breast cancer! I nearly cried when she told me that she had it. She is soooo high on life! She doesn't complain and she is full of wisdom! I just love her!! Keep her in your prayers please! Thx!
I have sooo much more to say, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to share! smh... I wish I didn't care! So yeaaa... I guess that's it for this blog!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Let's give it up for one of my dreadlock role models....


Be inspired... I AM!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Monday, May 9, 2011
"Sick thinking: 'I hate the my job!' Healthy thinking: 'Man, I'm happy i have a job!"--Rev. Run
Now... If I could only apply this healthy thinking to my every day life!!
Last night I came across a scripture that pretty much put me in my place!
"Laziness casts one into a deep sleep and an idle person will suffer hunger." -Prov 19:15 (NKJV)
Guys, I have been so lazy lately! I don't want to work! (This may have something to do with the fact that I am bored at my job! I need a challenge!) I come home and don't want to do homework!! I've just been one lazy MUG!! I dream about where I want to be, what I want to do, and how I'm going to get there! I can't possibly plan to receive any kind of reward and I'm not doing anything!! smh... My pastor back home once said, "Perseverance is its own reward!" She may have been paraphrasing James 1:4 which states "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
Why in the world has that been so hard for me lately?!!
I made the decision last night to do some things differently!! I gotta develop some type of healthy routine that will keep me going!! This includes getting to work early. I've decided that I WILL NOT turn on my T.V. until I've done housework, homework,...SOMETHING productive!!! No social networking early in the morning, but instead focus on prayer and devotion!! Some things have to change!! We'll see how it goes! So far, I feel like I've put myself on punishment! LOL... I'm praying that this change will help bring out MY BEST ME!
I'm done!
I have an interview this week! I'm pretty excited about the possible promotion! Keep me in your prayers!!
Praying the best for you all!
Until next time,
♥ Stix!!
Now... If I could only apply this healthy thinking to my every day life!!
Last night I came across a scripture that pretty much put me in my place!
"Laziness casts one into a deep sleep and an idle person will suffer hunger." -Prov 19:15 (NKJV)
Guys, I have been so lazy lately! I don't want to work! (This may have something to do with the fact that I am bored at my job! I need a challenge!) I come home and don't want to do homework!! I've just been one lazy MUG!! I dream about where I want to be, what I want to do, and how I'm going to get there! I can't possibly plan to receive any kind of reward and I'm not doing anything!! smh... My pastor back home once said, "Perseverance is its own reward!" She may have been paraphrasing James 1:4 which states "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
Why in the world has that been so hard for me lately?!!
I made the decision last night to do some things differently!! I gotta develop some type of healthy routine that will keep me going!! This includes getting to work early. I've decided that I WILL NOT turn on my T.V. until I've done housework, homework,...SOMETHING productive!!! No social networking early in the morning, but instead focus on prayer and devotion!! Some things have to change!! We'll see how it goes! So far, I feel like I've put myself on punishment! LOL... I'm praying that this change will help bring out MY BEST ME!
I'm done!
I have an interview this week! I'm pretty excited about the possible promotion! Keep me in your prayers!!
Praying the best for you all!
Until next time,
♥ Stix!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Something Different...
Ok, so I have to tell you about my day!!

I spent my morning shooting a music video!...
Last week, Lecrae did an online casting call for some extras for his video! They were looking for 10 urban males between the ages of 18-25 and 2 urban females between the ages of 18-25.
YA GIRL WAS PICKED to be one of the girls!!! How cool is that?!
I was told that I would play a "hood girl" in the neighborhood... I had no idea how to dress for the video so I brought everything... HEELS, SHIRTS, JACKETS... You name it, I brought it!
When they heard that I brought heels, they asked if I would wear them! I went from being the "hood girl" to the "pretty girl" in the neighborhood that would walk by and be hissed at by the main character of the video....
It was freezing outside and raining!! After walking by the guys about 8 or so times, I WAS DONE! lol They asked if I would stick around in case they needed me... so I did!
Once they realized that they didn't need me, I was out! I met Lecrae and that was that on that...
I'll be sure to post the music video when it hits YouTube!! Let's hope that I didn't embarrass myself! lol *crossing fingers*
♥ Stix

I spent my morning shooting a music video!...
YOU: "ooooo!!!"
ME: "IKR... sounds fancy, huh?!"
Last week, Lecrae did an online casting call for some extras for his video! They were looking for 10 urban males between the ages of 18-25 and 2 urban females between the ages of 18-25.
YA GIRL WAS PICKED to be one of the girls!!! How cool is that?!
I was told that I would play a "hood girl" in the neighborhood... I had no idea how to dress for the video so I brought everything... HEELS, SHIRTS, JACKETS... You name it, I brought it!
When they heard that I brought heels, they asked if I would wear them! I went from being the "hood girl" to the "pretty girl" in the neighborhood that would walk by and be hissed at by the main character of the video....
It was freezing outside and raining!! After walking by the guys about 8 or so times, I WAS DONE! lol They asked if I would stick around in case they needed me... so I did!
Once they realized that they didn't need me, I was out! I met Lecrae and that was that on that...
I'll be sure to post the music video when it hits YouTube!! Let's hope that I didn't embarrass myself! lol *crossing fingers*
This event was very small, but it shows how I've grown!! I'm so proud of me! Me VOLUNTEERING my time to be in a music video without my friends... and not knowing anyone goes against who I AM... WAS!! I don't know where the courage came from, but I'm so glad I volunteered!!
This is the beginning of a NEW ME... #geeked
♥ Stix
Monday, May 2, 2011
Just Because...
I just spent the last hour reading old blogs... lol
Reading back on them reminded me of ALL THE MESS I've been through and just how blessed I am today!! God is so good..
And now I'm blogging.... just because!..
Speaking of "Just Because..."
Remember the flowers that I received from my friend on Valentine's Day?!..
Can you believe that I've received flowers almost EVERY FRIDAY since then?! Attached to them have been cute little "Just Because" notes!.. so sweet!! IDK, guys! I think I'm being pursued... LOL
We talk on the phone every day and no conversation is the same! The time seems to fly right by with little or no silence! I'm thoroughly enjoying our friendship!
I had not seen him since our trip to Los Angeles and really miss SEEING him! Well... He came to Nashville last weekend to visit his family and we had the opportunity to hang out!
I won't go into too much detail, but I will share a little about our visit on Friday night!
He showed up with flowers, lol, and a bag full of stuff!! I opened the bag and found movies, my favorite candy, hot chocolate (which i can drink year round), and TWO wedding magazines!! If you guys remember, I blogged about my happy place and it is sitting in my living room with wedding magazines and junk food! I thought he read that in my blog, but he didn't. I shared it with him some time ago and he remembered.
This guy is freaking amazing!
So anyway... we spent the evening watching movies, eating junk food, and scheming through wedding magazines! I'm sure he was the least bit interested, but he was a good sport! lol
This guy is freaking amazing... (oh, I said that already!)
*jumps on soapbox*
I hope when reading this, you guys don't feel like I'm rubbing this in your face!! That's really not WHO I AM! I hope that this blog gives you hope! I want everyone to experience what I am experiencing with this guy. I believe that every woman deserves this treatment! Don't get it twisted though, I am in no way "mooching" off of him either! I do for him as well! I LOVE to see him smile and find myself thinking of what I can do or buy to make him feel the way I feel! The feeling is mutual on both ends!! I'm not selfish and I AM NOT a gold digger!! I still feel that in some ways I don't deserve this from him! I'm learning to let that go though! This is a new chapter in my life, it's not like it was before. I've changed, he sees that, and he has forgiven me! It's about time I forgave myself!
*dougies off of my soap box*
So yea.. we hung out a few more times after that and we had a good time!!
I'm happy.. He makes me happy!!
I'm good!!.. Life is STILL GOOD!
Praying the same for you guys!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Reading back on them reminded me of ALL THE MESS I've been through and just how blessed I am today!! God is so good..
And now I'm blogging.... just because!..
Speaking of "Just Because..."
Remember the flowers that I received from my friend on Valentine's Day?!..
Can you believe that I've received flowers almost EVERY FRIDAY since then?! Attached to them have been cute little "Just Because" notes!.. so sweet!! IDK, guys! I think I'm being pursued... LOL
We talk on the phone every day and no conversation is the same! The time seems to fly right by with little or no silence! I'm thoroughly enjoying our friendship!
I had not seen him since our trip to Los Angeles and really miss SEEING him! Well... He came to Nashville last weekend to visit his family and we had the opportunity to hang out!
I won't go into too much detail, but I will share a little about our visit on Friday night!
He showed up with flowers, lol, and a bag full of stuff!! I opened the bag and found movies, my favorite candy, hot chocolate (which i can drink year round), and TWO wedding magazines!! If you guys remember, I blogged about my happy place and it is sitting in my living room with wedding magazines and junk food! I thought he read that in my blog, but he didn't. I shared it with him some time ago and he remembered.
This guy is freaking amazing!
So anyway... we spent the evening watching movies, eating junk food, and scheming through wedding magazines! I'm sure he was the least bit interested, but he was a good sport! lol
This guy is freaking amazing... (oh, I said that already!)
*jumps on soapbox*
I hope when reading this, you guys don't feel like I'm rubbing this in your face!! That's really not WHO I AM! I hope that this blog gives you hope! I want everyone to experience what I am experiencing with this guy. I believe that every woman deserves this treatment! Don't get it twisted though, I am in no way "mooching" off of him either! I do for him as well! I LOVE to see him smile and find myself thinking of what I can do or buy to make him feel the way I feel! The feeling is mutual on both ends!! I'm not selfish and I AM NOT a gold digger!! I still feel that in some ways I don't deserve this from him! I'm learning to let that go though! This is a new chapter in my life, it's not like it was before. I've changed, he sees that, and he has forgiven me! It's about time I forgave myself!
*dougies off of my soap box*
So yea.. we hung out a few more times after that and we had a good time!!
I'm happy.. He makes me happy!!
I'm good!!.. Life is STILL GOOD!
Praying the same for you guys!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
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