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Saturday, June 26, 2010
A word I HATED!!!!!!!!
How can a word so small, so simple have so much power over a person's feelings?!/ their actions?!
People will do ANYTHING for love.
It feels good.
It hurts.
IT'S SCARY!!!...
I never thought we'd meet again! I never wanted to see it again!! Yes, it brought me so much happiness, but also brought about the worst pain I've ever experienced! Once over it, I made the decision to never let THAT KIND of love happen again!! or so I thought!
8 months into my relationship, LOVE found its way back into my life! I fought like heck to prevent it from coming back! I didn't want it! I was afraid! Somehow it managed to slither its way back in and I honestly don't regret it! I'm happy again! Although I couldn't forget the pain of love, I forgot the pleasure of love! IT FEELS SO DARN GOOD!!! lol
Jeremy and I have grown so much as a couple and individually! After a few rocky months, things are starting to smooth out! We both were terrified of love and had no desire to welcome it into our relationship! Neither of us could fight it. Allowing love to flow naturally into our relationship was the best thing we could have done. Everything is right now! We have accepted each other, flaws and all, with a smile!!! lol Definitely love.
Jeremy has shown me love like I've never experienced before! He would never hurt me, physically or emotionally. He would never take advantage of me! He treats me like a queen. He never lets me open my own doors. When I had a car, he never let me drive! lol... (sounds weird right?!) He verbally expresses his feelings for me! (Yea, I know! I didn't think guys did that in America, either!) lol This dude kisses my forehead, loves to look into my eyes, and has torn down every wall I built around my heart! Believe it or not... these were the things I didn't know how to embrace or accept. I didn't know what to do with all of that! I had never seen a guy express love like that to a woman!! I wasn't prepared to receive that kind of affection!... but he was patient! =) GOD, I LOVE HIM!!!!
I've found 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 to be so true!
LOVE IS... patient and kind!
LOVE IS NOT... rude, selfish, or mean!
LOVE DOES NOT... count up wrongs that have been done!
LOVE... takes no pleasure in evil and REJOICES in truth!
LOVE... accepts ALL THINGS!
LOVE ALWAYS... trusts, hopes, and endures!
LOVE... never dies!!! <--- I PRAY TO GOD IT DOESN'T!!
LOVE and I are cool now!! lol I can't imagine spending a day without it!
My prayer is that my little sisters, my girl-friends, cousins, and even those females I don't know get to experience this kind of love!!! I want God to present to every Ruth in the world their Boaz!!! :)
Don't give up hope, ladies!! God knows who your Boaz is!!! Be patient, pray for him (that he remains on the right path), and GET READY FOR THE WILDEST ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFE!!! lol
Oh wait... All this talk about Ruth and Boaz... you guys DO know what I'm talking about, right?! I encourage you to read the book "Ruth" in the bible if you don't. Don't worry... it's only 4 chapters long! It's one of my favorite books!!! A great love story actually!!! that you guys know that I've become the mushiest, most love struck girl in the world... I'll end this blog and you can go about your happy lives!! lol
I'm out for now!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Friday, June 25, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Today's videos stuck!!! They all are stuffed with occult symbols and images. I won't even go into all that with you guys! I'm sure you've heard all about it! It's nothing new. If you haven't heard about it or know nothing of the Illuminati, I encourage you to check out this site... Vigilant Citizen.
That very site is what brought on this blog. I go on this site whenever I hear a new song or see a new video that I think has hidden messages in it!!! I went to it today after thinking about Lady Gaga's new video "Alejandro." SMH! Guys, it's soooo sad!!! Again, I won't go into detail about all of that! Check out the site if you're interested!
I'm blogging to let out some frustration!!! I'm mad! Guys, THE DEVIL IS BUSY!!! He is doing everything in his power to gain as many souls as he can before his time is up!!! And boy, is he getting creative!!! These artist are brainwashed... I often wonder if they realize that they are basically being used as puppets to destroy souls!!! He isn't hiding anymore... He is coming and he isn't playing!!!
AND WHAT ARE WE (God's chosen few) DOING?!?! Where are our music videos and LIFE CHANGING SONGS?! Believe it or not... the songs and videos in "the world" ARE, in fact, life changing!!! They aren't bringing about positive life changes... but some type of change takes place. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TO STOP HIM?! God, WHAT CAN WE DO TO STOP HIM?! I want to see Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and all these other artist saved, man!!! I want to see people like them use their platforms to lead souls to CHRIST!!! I want to see music and videos that bring about the same kind of change... if not BETTER!! I'm tired of seeing us sit around and do nothing! I'm tired of us being so distracted with ourselves that we forget about THOSE SOULS that are being captured by the devil!!! That dude has NO AUTHORITY!!! HE CAN BE STOPPED!!!
I hear people say that they want to sing for God, but I don't think they realize just how big that is!!! It's about more than singing about His love at this point! Don't get me wrong... a good worship song will have me on the floor... but I think at this point in life... in these last days... Christian music should have the same objective as the world's music!!! THE SOULS ARE WHAT WE NEED!!!
Get it?!
Got it?!
LOL!!! I challenge you today to pray about what YOU could do to assist in gaining souls!!! I mean, really!! Heaven is about to be THE BOMB!!! Why not help other people get there?! God has given us all a gift or talent... Allow Him to anoint it and it be used to edify the kingdom. LET'S WIN SOULS FOR CHRIST!!! SHHOOOOOTTT!!!
Ya feel me?!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I'm JUST ME!!!
I'm not that girl that can be categorized or put in a box! I am so many things!
I am quiet... I am loud.
I am awkward... I am cool.
I am funny... I am LAME!!
I am ghetto... I am smart!!
I love God... and still have a great life!!!
I don't cry... but I'm sensitive!!
I am blunt... I am... umm... what's the word...POLITE
I am indecisive... I am... INDECISIVE!!! LOL
I am analytical...
I am the opposite of MOST GIRLS!!
I am Jessica...
I am Stix...
I am Jess...
I am Jessica Stix...
I am THIS...
I am THAT!...
I AM...
I AM...
I AM!!!!!!
Get it?!
Got it?!?
I am not perfect!!! I AM FAR FROM PERFECT!!!
I'm just JESSICA...
I'm just me!!!
Sorry guys! Another random blog!!! That was so for me!!! And now that I've got that out... I can go to sleep!!! HAPPY SUNDAY!! :D
♥ Stix
Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Beauty Exclusive: Cheryl "Salt" Wray

Just in case some of my followers are cool like me and love Salt n Pepa... here are some of their fan pages:
Salt's Fan Page
Salt N Pepa's Fan Page
Salt's Twitter Page
Pepa's Twitter Page
Bam!!! There ya go!!! ;)
I'm out for now!!
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Nothing much... Just writing!
I think a lot... maybe too much... and one day if I don't get it together I'm sure it will be the death of me!!! One day... I'll be able to just LIVE!!.... without caring... just DO ME!!!
But until then... I'll just do the best I can!!!
Anyway... This post won't be long at all... in fact I'm done!!! Have a great day!!! Always praying for you guys!!!
Until next time,
Monday, June 7, 2010
Good liar or Good writer?!
The other day I had to write a discussion for my Human Development class. I logged into my classroom thinking it would be as easy as the others and... IT WASN'T!!! Throughout the course I had done all of my reading, but I didn't do the reviews at the end. I mean, FOR WHAT?! I wasn't going to get a grade on them... besides they were boring maps anyway!!!
Well, after reading the discussion question for this week I wished I had done those stupid maps! lol Turns out, I had to write a small paper on the maps and what I had learned from them. I didn't feel like taking the time to do the maps so I looked over them and started writing!!!!
This made me think... Either I'm a darn good writer... or I'm a darn good liar!!!
*looks around... raises both hands...* Lord, *in my Mr. Brown Voice* "I'M SOOORRRYYY!!!" LOL
Until next time,
♥ Stix
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Long hair don't care?!...

I remember walking around with my daddy's t-shirts on my head so I could see what it felt like to have something bouncing on my shoulders when I ran. My cousins laughed, but for once I felt just a tad-bit "normal." This issue haunted me until high school.
I tried just about every hairstyle out there just to keep from feeling so ugly. I wore the "hood wrap", cut my hair in a cute bob, then the halle berry cut, braids, kinky twists, and even a sew-in! I tried it all! Don't believe me?! When my hair started falling out, my mom made the beautician cut off the dead hair and I had to wear FINGER WAVES!!!!!... FREAKIN' FINGER WAVES, DUDE!!! That was the most embarrassing few weeks of my life. SMH!! I still haven't forgiven my mom for that one!
The summer of my junior year I decided that I would no longer get a perm. I couldn't take the chemical burns anymore. I begged my mom to let me keep kinky twist in my hair for a year. She agreed and that was the last time I ever had to worry about a perm!! I was so happy! My best friend, Sequoia, decided that she was over perms too. It was a transition that we went into together. We had each other for support. Lord knows I was gonna need it once I saw what my hair looked like without a perm.
A year later... THERE I WAS... .... No kinky twist or perm!... Just a head full of jet black, NAPPY HAIR!!! lol I loved it!!! At first, I was a little jealous because Sequoia's 'fro was a lot curlier than mine. lol smh Girls... and their issues! I got over it! No one's hair is the same! I couldn't hate on her 'cuz she had waves in the front! lol
Eventually I got tired of the 'fro. I had done every style I could think of. My mom was getting tired of combing it out for me and I couldn't really do it on my own when I went off to college. My mom was alot better at it than I was. My press would only last so long. I knew it was time for something new. Sequoia and I talked about getting 'locs, but neither of us were bold enough to do it. Finally I said I was gonna do it. She was all for it as well!... when it was time to do it... SHE SLICK PUNKED OUT ON ME!!! I didn't think I could do it alone, but I HAD TO! I was so over the 'fro!!!
My sister and I were going on a cruise with my cousin, Lauren's family. I figured I would do it then. My mom was against it so I decided not to talk to her about it anymore. Once on the trip, Lauren twisted my hair and the rest was history!!! LOL... I know!!! BAD GIRL!! When I came back from my seven day cruise, my mom didn't realize what I was doing! lol She thought it was a cute two-strand twist 'do! smh She figured it out once it started looking all bad!!! I had to go 4 months without touching it. You can imagine how nappy it had gotten by then!!!
Anyway... here I am 4 years later with my "long hair!" lol smh!! It's not all it cracked up to be!!! I LOVE my hair, don't get me wrong, but I do get tired of it in the summer. LONG HAIR CAN BE HOT!! I've heard that sooo much growing up! Now I get to see for myself!! So... any day, any month, any YEAR now, this hair will be gone!!!! I haven't decided if I will cut it off or cut it in a cute little "Whoppi Goldberg" bob! *shrugs* I'm not sure! I still have time to figure that out!

Anyway... #thatisall