I was sitting at work, bored out of mind, and realized after reading old blogs that I haven't updated you guys on a few things!!! So... that's what this blog is all about... Just a few updates!!
Remember I told you guys that I had a gig last week?! It went well!!! We didn't rehearse until the day before... which I HATE doing! I'm a perfectionist when it comes to playing. That may have a lot to do with me caring sooo much about what people think about me... If I were to mess up, my whole world is JACKED!!!! BAD NEWS!!! The bridge of my guitar broke the day before as well... so I had to play my roommates electric guitar! I wasn't happy about that at all. I mean... YES, I plan to be the next Orianthi Panagaris, but I'm not there yet! I don't have the skills for that thing! The electric guitar is not meant to be played like an acoustic guitar... and that's pretty much what I had to do that day!!! UGH!! Anyway... it's over... and everyone enjoyed it. I heard that from my mentor. She wasn't even there... so that's good!... The sucky part of all of this is my guitar is sick! ;( I haven't had time to check out how much it will cost to get her fixed... but I will definitely be doing that in the near future. In the meantime, that artist I told you guys about will be painting my guitar on Friday! Ha... BOO-YAAAHHHHH!!! I'm pretty geeked about that!
Did you gain the weight?!
Sooo... yea... about that!!! lol... The DAY after I wrote about my AMAZING plan to gain weight... I got crazy sick. I'm talkin'... vomiting and pooping (sorry...T.M.I.?!) all over the place! lol... I was thinking it was just some virus... My friend Sabrina seems to think I went a little overboard with the change in my eating habits... I never found out what exactly the cause was... but I gave up on my plan. I have gained 5lbs tho!!!!!! BOO-YAAAHHH! <--- (yep, you get another one of those!) My pants are fitting better and my stomach is big again! LMBO!!! gross, right!? Well, my friend Renee and I decided to workout together! I'm pretty excited about it. I don't see myself doing anything hardcore because my muscles tone up very masculine like! LOL So... I'll be doing a little cardio here and there... and some floor exercises! I'll keep you guys updated on that as well!
Umm... that dress?! Stuck it in the closet for another occasion. I exchanged the sizes and it's cute on... but it isn't THE DRESS!!! lol I'm trippin or something!... I need to be completely satisfied with my outfit or else I will have the worst time. I know me! So... I'm looking again. My boyfriend wants us to shop together on Wednesday... I really am discouraged... I HATE being so EXTRA long sometimes... but I may go. It'll be fun shopping with him... try on a dress or two for him and make his day! HA!
>That modeling thing didn't work out! Turns out they were one of those agencies that wanted to take all of your money and then show you a thing or two! NOT INTERESTED!... moving on!
Ok... I believe that's all on the updates!!
DUDE!!! I found a new hobby!!! PAINTING MY NAILS!!! lol Weird, right?! Ever since I saw this nail tutorial on YouTube I've been trying new things with my nails. Now that I don't work at Olive Garden anymore I can paint my nails ANY COLOR and not have to worry about getting in trouble for it! I'll post pics every now and then! I've only done two designs so far!!! Here ya go!

Ok! If this phone rings one MORE time! I guess I should end this blog and get back to my job, huh?! Quick shout out to my new followers. A few people I know and some I don't. I hope you guys continue to read and comment! Idk HOW you found me, but I'm glad you did!
Niecy Small is one my new followers! She's cool! Her blog is a fashion blog! I LOVE IT! She has a quote on there that I thought was so cute and so TRUE!! "If it doesn't make sense, it's probably fashion!" Check her out!
Jalisa Lowe is another new follower of mine. She is my MSK sister. Her blog is a lot like mine. It is more personal!... very interesting tho! I hope she keeps it up!
Anyway... click on their names! Maybe you'll find them interesting enough to follow!!!!
I'm outta here!!!
Until next time,
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