I've been keeping a secret from you guys!!! Months ago my best friend, Sequoia, and I started planning a trip to ATL with no intention of really going!! LOL That is one of our favorite things to do... DREAM! Turns out that finally one of our dreams became REALITY!!! We actually went on the trip and even better... I went to the BEST CONCERT OF MY LIFE while we were there!... "THE FRESH FEST 2010" OMG, DUDE!!! I'm not even playing! That concert was sooo hype! I'll come back to that though!
I had plans to blog about the trip last Wednesday but I wasn't sure we were going until the day of the trip! Yep, we had already made plans to go! Yep, we had already bought our tickets for the concert... but stupid stuff kept happening that had us thinking the trip was off. First... it snowed in ATL the day before we were leaving! Secondly, my money was disappearing! I had just gotten paid... but ALL OF MY BILLS were due the week of the trip!... and I was not about to come back to my bills not being paid!!! Thirdly, my car decided that it didn't want to act right so we couldn't take it to ATL!! Guys, we almost got discouraged! BUMP THAT!!! We rebuked the devil and spoke into existence that we were going on the trip... AND GUESS WHAT!!! We left on Thursday!!!... WITH MONEY, A CAR, AND NO SNOW IN THE FORECAST! We were soooo READY! We knew this was about to be a good trip!

The fun started as soon as we hit the road! Neither one of us thought to bring CD's! LOL... that didn't stop our show! We talked... laughed... and scanned the radio the entire time! We heard some AMAZING songs that we had never heard in life! We both are MUSIC JUNKIES so we listen to all kinds of music! We learned that old school and country music/spirituals hold the MOST RIDICULOUS chord changes, harmonies, and lyrics! It was great! I knew in the beginning that I couldn't have picked a better person to go on this trip with! I keep forgetting how much my best friend and I are a like!!!
Our 6 hour drive to Atlanta turned into a 9 hour drive because our GPS lead us to a closed road due to construction. We were staying with my godmother. We thought if we put her address in Aunt Shelby (we named the GPS) would lead us right on there! WRONG! I called Janet (my G-ma) only to find that she doesn't know where she lives either! LOL At this point we were sleepy, hungry, and just ready to get there!! We made the best of this time too... going off on both Janet and Aunt Shelby in the process!
Janet's house is huge! We both had our own bedroom and bathroom! Well, I shared a bathroom with Janet... but it worked because she was never there! It was great! We lived like we were in a hotel only it was free! We had a key and had free reign to leave in and out when we pleased! THE BOMB!!!
NOTHING could ruin this day! I was hype when I woke up! You guys know I'm a HUGE fan of Salt!!!... a HUGE fan of old school music! This was the day I would be in the same room with both! I couldn't contain my excitement! I've waited my whole life for this!!! LOL... w/e SHUT UP!
I thought about it literally all day! We had a long day ahead of us so we headed out pretty early! The weather was PERFECT!!! It wasn't too hot or cold and the sky was clear!!!...Great day already!!!! We have a friend who goes to school in Atlanta. Unfortunately she was headed back to Memphis for her spring break. We met up with her at the airport and chilled until her plane took off! We had so much fun people watching! We later went to the Lenox Mall and The Cheesecake Factory. We fell in love with a store called Urban Outfitters! I'm shopping there for my spring and summer clothes! MAN... those clothes were sooooo ME/US! The Cheesecake Factory was somewhat a bad idea! It took up a lot of time (well ATL traffic had something to do with it too) and we got sick! We were racing to the bathrooms! MAN... note to self: Never EAT at the Cheesecake Factory again! I'll eat dessert... and DESSERT ONLY!

After spending a lot of time in the bathroom, we started getting ready for the concert! We were running so late! I was scared that we weren't going to make it. Atlanta is not a place where you can leave the house 30 minutes early and be where you need to be! It's too big for that! I was starting to think I was gonna miss the concert. I was trying not to think negative... but I forgot that my G-ma is Ms. Negative herself! She kept telling us that we weren't gonna make it... laughing at us.. JUST BEING SUPER NEGATIVE! She made me sooo mad! Like 4real! I couldn't look at her. She realized what she was doing and did her best to calm down! She can't help it though... She was still going at it! UGH! I made my way down those steps and was about to be out the door. I couldn't take it anymore. I was gonna wait on Sequoia in the car! Thank God she was just as ready to get out of there as I was!!!
We got to the concert ON TIME... (thx to NO traffic and my crazy driving) NOT wearing what we wanted! Janet was such a distraction... we were more focused on getting away from her than on our clothes! It was cool though! We were still fresher than the old, drunks that showed up! lol... They came in costume! It looked like they couldn't wait to bring out their Adidas gear, rope chains, nugget rings, and more! It was hilarious! One lady even went so far as to cut her hair in the asymmetrical style... "the OLD way"! I wasn't impressed! and HOW about these people were eating popcorn...AT A CONCERT?! Guys, get it together! I'm convinced... old people don't get it! LOL So funny!

I know this is getting long.. but I have to pause to SHOUT OUT THE BEST, best friend IN THE WORLD! Sequoia was just as hype about this concert as I was... and she didn't know much about hip hop... yet alone... ANY OF THE SALT N PEPA SONGS! ok... SCRATCH THAT... she knew a few lines of each chorus! I LOVE MY BEST FRIEND!!! We straight acted up at this concert! We didn't compromise and curse when everyone else did... and We kept saying we loved JESUS when they said they loved HIP HOP! lol It was fun... Everyone in our section knew we were young and saved! They were cool with it! They laughed tho!
This concert beats any concert I've been to in life!... and I've been to a lot of concerts! Everyone was sooo hype... soooo into the music! Everyone was cool with everybody... and we all got down with the music! My favorites were SALT N PEPA (of course) and Doug E Fresh & Slick Rick!

We missed the first act trying to park. It was Big Daddy Kane! I heard we didn't miss much! Biz Markie was next! He was cool! He looked so "regular" but he kept the crowd hype! We all went wild when he ended his set with "Just a friend." Doug E Fresh (the original, human beatbox) and Slick Rick (the greatest Storyteller of ALL TIME) stole the show for a second with their SICK skills! They are a great duo! The crowd was HYPE their entire set! We alll lost it when they ended with one of their greatest hits "La di da di!" Whodini... umm... he was cool! The dancers were the most entertaining! I wish I could have recorded their routines! Old school dances are sooo cool!... Salt n Pepa KILLED at the end!!!! I'M SOOO SERIOUS!!! I was so hype! I don't even remember what everyone else was doing!!!! lol THE BOMB!!! All of the artist gave shout outs to the 70's babies... BUT DO YOU KNOW Salt was THE ONLY ONE who acknowledged 80's babies!! (and we were the only 2... NO LIE! LOL) And THAT my friends is why I LOVE HER!!! lol... along with her uncompromising love FOR GOD!!! You better believe she gave God praise their ENTIRE set!! It was great! Spinderella also had her own part in the show playing some ATL songs from when I was in high school! After that, S-N-P came back out and ended with two great hits of theirs: "Whatta Man and Push It!" Too hype... Their set was over and then Salt gave one more shout out to God by doing STOMP! Dude! Sequoia and I were too hype on this song! That song is symbolic for when Salt got saved and when I fell in love with her ALL OVER AGAIN! I loved Salt N Pepa long before this... but when she gave her life over to Christ.. I couldn't have been more happy! So cool... anyway... She was reminding us to be grateful for what we have and to praise God anyway for what we don't! I LOVED IT!!! The show couldn't have ended any better!...and then it hit me... THE CONCERT WAS OVER!
I LOVE going to concerts...and then I HATE going at the same time! I hate having to LOOK BACK on the memories of a concert! I would much rather live in the moment FOREVER!! LOL... but anyway... I'll wrap this up!
We had great, safe wholesome FUN!!! We started and ended each day with prayer! Our ultimate goal was to have fun and not think about any problems back home! AND WE DID JUST THAT!! I am proud to say that my best friend is now a new member of the baby old school/true school fan club! lol Oh... I had another goal on this trip! I REALLY wanted to meet Salt! ;( DIDN'T HAPPEN!... but I did tweet her and guess what... SHE TWEETED ME BACK!!!! BOOOOYYYAAAHHH!!! That by far made my weekend! Salt knows that there is a young, skinny girl with 'locs (ok... she may not know what I look like, but w/e) WHO LOVES HER!! lol I can go on with my life now! HA
Anyway... that's all for now! I apologize for this being so long! I'll do better to blog each day of the experience instead of trying to bunch it all up in one blog! Gotta get a new laptop first though! Anyway... I added a few pics to try to make up for being so KAT with the long blog! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! TTYL!
Until next time,
Yeeeeeees Stix! I'm slick jealous of how much fun you had!!!! : - )
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed yourself and made it back safely. I hope I can take a trip sometime soon!
This was a FUN BLOG entry to read! Loved it! : - )