What's up, guys?! It's been a minute. I pray all is well with my followers!!! I have a few new things to share with you guys and I'll be on my way!!
I have a new phone guys!!... AND BOY AM I ADDICTED!! It's the new blackberry curve 8530! She has become my new best friend! We're doing everything together these days! lol I've been updating my twitter none stop, checking my email, texting, adding ring tones for my friends, listening to the radio!... lol You name it, I've done it! I LOVE HER! Man... I've had this lame Verizon prepaid phone to help me catch up with other bills for the last few months. I went through this phase where I had to give up some things in order to get my life back together financially!!!... Getting rid of my cool phone was one of those things! Now that I have a new job and making more... I can manage to treat myself a little again! YESSS!!! IT FEELS GOOD! ;) Say hello to my new baby!!! I think I'll call her "Lady Curve!" lol

Remember I told you that my boyfriend bought me tickets to the John Mayer concert for Christmas?! Well... The concert was Wednesday!!! That concert has me on this high!! lol... I don't want to come down!!! JOHN MAYER IS A BEAST ON THE GUITAR!!... You guys know that!!!... He straight up KILLED IT that night! HE SHOWED OUT!!!... and his voice!!! LORD JESUS!!! What a gift?! He is talented all around!!! I really enjoyed myself!!! The band that opened for him was called, " Michael Franti & Spearhead!" They were the bomb too!!! They performed a lot of reggae music! I LOVE reggae music... it was hard to stay in my seat!!! Jeremy showed off a move or two! I was impressed! I found out Jeremy could sing too!!! He has a nice little voice! TOO CUTE!! Anyway...Check 'em out! They were pretty cool!!!
I met a guy on Facebook through my play brother, Kortez, who is an artist! He painted the coolest design on my brother's guitar. I LOVED it so much that I contacted him and asked if he would mind painting on my mine. He asked me a few questions to see what I like... and BAM... he created a design! It's very simple... but PERFECT!

The cross of course represents my LOVE FOR CHRIST, the lavender flowers represent my favorite color and my love for playing in the park... the music notes represent WORSHIP! While those are just notes... he's actually going to put the sheet music for my favorite worship song "How Great is our God" in it. He's a musician too... He can read music! THE BOMB!! I have a gig on the 17th so I can't get it to him until after then! I'M SOOO EXCITED!!! ;)
Playing around before our gig...

(I was really feelin' my outfit!!!)
This is a very random blog so bear with me..LAST THING!
A lady from church asked me to write a song for a showcase they were having for Valentine's day about a month ago. She heard a song that I wrote awhile ago and assumed that writing music comes easy for me!!! lol... IT DOESN'T! I don't think that's my gift! I told her this and told her about my friend's A.J. and Sabrina who i knew could help her out in that area! She told me that she would get back to me later... Well, she did... only this time she wanted me to play at her showcase!! I hadn't played in awhile nor did I have a desire to. I went through a few things and wasn't up for playing with people or in front of people. I just wanted to go back to the old days where it was just me and my guitar! Well, I prayed about it and God spoke to me very clearly. I was definitely holding on to something that I needed to let go. I asked my roommate if she wanted to play and she was down for it immediately... I found out that the theme for the song was "Amazing Love"... and I knew right then what song was appropriate. There is a worship song called "Amazing Love" that takes me STRAIGHT IN!! lol... I learned it... presented it to Anjelica... and again... she was down!!! We practiced here and there... and BAM..(IDK what's up with this "bam" stuff lol) showtime came... TONIGHT!
I was nervous... but I had a peace about it all! My boyfriend was there to support me! I needed someone there. I always do! I'm so glad he came! ;) He actually took off from his second job to be there!... LOVE HIM! THANKS, BABE! I'm a perfectionist when it comes to playing. I like to know how I did... if there is something I could do better... whatever!! We had to play twice... Once at 7:30pm and again at 9:30. We were fourth on the list of performers. When our names were called, I spoke while Jel fixed the mics... I was so nervous! I don't remember what I said... I DO remember not being able to put the mic back on the stand! LOL... NER-VOUS!! The first show went smoothly!... Jeremy said the same! He is the most honest person I know... so I expected him to say a lot more... but he said nothing but great things! I was pleased.... YAY, GOD!!... and US!
The second show was a different story. I think we get a little too relaxed when we have to play twice. I know I messed up! I forgot a chord! LOL... I was so upset! I HATE messing up!!! UGH! Whatever... it's over now! I wish Jeremy was there for that show. I had sooo many questions that I wish he could answer for me!!! Anyway... what's done is done! I left before the second show was over. I had to be at work at midnight!!!
... which is where I am now! Overall, I was pleased with our performance. We have to play again on the 17th at an MSK event. I'm not sure what exactly we'll be playing... I'll let you know!!!
Anyway... It's starting to get a little busy at work... so I guess I'll end it here!
I wish you all a HAPPY Valentine's Day!... Remember... it's just the 14th of February! Don't get so caught up in the hype!!! It's not ALL 'DAT!!!!... SHOOT! lol
Until next time,
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