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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

...not much to say, but I'M BLOGGING ANYWAY!

lol...You can't tell me that wasn't HOT!!!

Ok... I really don't have anything to say... but since blogging is the BOMB!!.. I'm doing it anyway!


I figured out what I'm going to do about the dress!!! I'm going back to exchange it for the S. The small most definitely fits like a potato sack, but I remembered that I'm going home this weekend! I can get my grandma to take it up for me!!! ::sigh:: Don't you just love granny's!! ;) PROBLEM SOLVED!!! I'm officially geeked again about my dress! HA!!

Jeremy and I had a good time on Valentine's Day. He bought me a rose... (I HATE ROSES!!) lol... but I played it off well!!! It's the thought that counts! He made up for it with dinner and a movie though! We went to see "Valentine's Day!"... go figure! It was a lot better than I thought it would be!!... It actually had a good story line! I didn't expect that at all... and of course it was funny!

Umm... what else! Gotta gig on Wednesday... haven't practiced... and I have NO IDEA what i'm wearing! Not good...

Ok... I'm ending this one!!!

Thank you for reading!!!! I'm outtie...

Until next time,

P-ce!!! <--- Thx, J! I kinda owe him for this! ;)


  1. I'm happy you were able to get your dress situation figured out. It is a cute dress. Sorry I couldn't help you more - life is a mess as I'm sure you know. Anyway - it's a supercute dress, we gotta find you some fly heels to make it pop!

  2. It's cool, homie! Praying for you guys! ;)

    Yes... My shoe most definitely has to be the bomb... since the dress is so simple! Glad you like it! ttyl
