*in my ICE CUBE voice!!! LOL*

(HAPPY 69th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!)
... BUT bump that! My whole weekend was good! ;) I went home for my grandma's... *clears throat* excuse me... GRANDMOTHER'S (she's bourgeois! lol) surprise birthday party. It ended up being a lot of fun. My mom and aunt planned this about a month ago... I was pretty hype about celebrating another year with the best grandma... umm... grandmother EVER!
The party was at Panera Bread! I wasn't too excited about that... but.. HEY!... it wasn't my party! A lot of her close friends came as well as a few of my cousins and godmothers. It was an all girl's event. My grandmother was totally surprised and very happy to see everyone! We ate... laughed... cried!!! It was great! My aunt thought it would be a good idea to share funny or memorable memories that we had of our grandma. Most of them were stories of how great she is! It brought her to tears. I try to be extra hardcore and hold back my tears most of the time... but when my grandma...mother cries it's like I can't hold them back to SAVE MY LIFE! Her crying makes me cry every time! lol I HATE it! A few ppl mentioned her two best friends that she lost last year. That broke her down for real! I can only imagine how hard it was for her to celebrate her birthday without her closest girlfriends!!! After everyone spoke, it was pretty much time to go. Of course she couldn't say goodbye without thanking everyone and giving words of wisdom! She is sooo full of wisdom! She spoke on relationships! Something I definitely needed a little advice on! One thing that stuck to me was... "If you want your husband to treat you like a queen, you must first treat him like the king that he is." What man wants to honor a woman, who doesn't honor him! That's the secret of her and my granddad's relationship! HE TREATS HER LIKE A QUEEN!!! In the morning, her coffee is made before she wakes up, he runs her bath water when she's coming in from work... and he does it because he LOVES HER! And she turns right around and caters to his every need! I LOVE IT!!! I pray that one day I will be that to my husband. Not only because I want it in return... but because he deserves to know how special he is to me!!! YYYYEEESSSSSS, GRANDMA!!! (<---I give up!... SHOOT! lol)
Uh-oh! I can see this blog getting really long in the near future! I'll cut it short from here!
My grandad wasn't able to spend anytime with her on her birthday so we had a dinner at my aunt's house after church. We invited all of the guys to come! It was so much fun! We played the "remember when" game and nearly died from laughter! MAN, I LOVE MY FAMILY!! We ate GOOODDD too! I miss them already. I think I'm about to start my cycle or something because I'm over here tearing up just thinking about them! UUUGGGHHHH!!! (GET YOURSELF TOGETHER, STIX! SHOOT!) I left a lot sooner than I wanted, but it was raining outside and I wanted to do most of my driving while it was still light outside! I said my goodbyes and then everyone came together and prayed for me! I kept hearing that dang on phrase "We're so proud of you!" Before I could roll my eyes and be discouraged, I remembered something my friend Sabrina told when I talked about this with her. lol She said, "You aint pregnant are ya? Are ya on drugs?! Did you kill a man? NO! YOU DIDN"T! Let them BE proud of you!" She reminded me that they CAN be proud of me! I haven't gone off and gotten pregnant, I've still managed to hold on to my virginity these long and hard 5 years (LOL)... and I'm still doing my best to please God in every aspect of my life! So... instead of rolling my eyes... I smiled and bowed my head to pray!
Thanks, Sabrina!!! See... that's why we need friends!!! Oh and btw, I couldn't remember what exactly she said... Do you know this girl reminded me in my comment box?! Don't believe me?! Go look!!! I made the correction in my blog!!! LOL Gotta love, Sabrina! ;)
I'm outtie!
Until next time,
LOL. Glad you had a great time with your family Stix!
ReplyDelete-I think I said something along the lines of "You aint pregnant are ya? Are ya on drugs?! Did you kill a man? NO! YOU DIDN"T! Let them BE proud of you!"
LOL Did I get it right? *snickers*
YYYEEESSSS!!!! THAT'S IT!!! I'm about to go and correct my blog!!!! THX, HOMIE! ;)