In my Ludacris voice: "BALLLOONS!" lol You'll have to be Sabrina to get it! *shrugs* Sorry, guys! ;)
One year, 71 blogs, and 16 followers later.... I must say this has been one HECK of a year!!! LOL... so lame!!
I never knew blogging would be so much fun, so therapeutic, so... umm... THE BOMB! Ha! I can't imagine life without it now. Journaling is fun and I still do it quite often, but blogging is definitely where it's at for me!
Just a small recap:
Remember that band that I used to talk about ALL THE TIME... and then all of a sudden I stopped talking about it?!... Well, unfortunately that band is no more!!! Nothing to be sad about or anything. I've come to realize that some things and people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I guess that was just a fun season in my life. ;) Although I don't consider myself a band member anymore, I am still a guitar player. I don't play as often because I'm ready to learn more. When I move back to Murfreesboro this summer, taking lessons is going to be priority!
Ok... that was one... what about this...?
Remember those girls I blogged about in June?! Yea,... Sabrina, Melissa, and Sophie!? Turns out those girls are still in my life and we have all grown extremely close. They are definitely a blessing and I love them with all OF MY HEART! I thank God for them daily! Great things are happening in their lives now.... and it's only gonna get better from here! You should check out their blogs... Just click their names. Sophie doesn't have one... but you can check out her twitter. ;) She's on facebook too... I think twitter shows more of her sweet, loving personality!
I mentioned AJ in that blog as well. We are still super close!!! That's my homie, for life! Check out her blog too! She's back in school... still writing every now and then... and NEEDS to be working on her book! Once you read her blog you'll know what I mean.
Jel is doing great as well. She'll be done with her Master's soon... and is still playing the guitar. She's got a lot going on too. Check out her blog to stay updated on what's going on with her! :)
Umm... I think I mentioned Renee in that blog. I didn't upload a picture though. I LOVE RENEE! That's my girl. Whenever I'm going through or need prayer... I know she's just a phone call away. She's my prayer partner and a really good friend. I think she understands me the best out of everyone, honestly. She's like a sister to me. ;)
Ok... I said small, right?! I'll wrap it up. I've had so much fun this year... A lot happened... Good and bad... I don't think I would change anything though. Everything happened for a reason... and I'm happy with where I am, honestly!!
Anywhoo...I'm outta here! I got a couple of movies from Redbox a few minutes ago... I said I needed to be done with this blog by 4am so I can get started! LOL!... it's 3:54am! BAM! ;)
Keep checking out my blogs... You never know WHO I'll be one day! HA!Until next time,
Stix ♥
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