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Sunday, April 4, 2010

"For me He died, THAT'S LOVE!!!!"

Resurrection Sunday was awesome!!! I had so much joy in my heart and the weather was absolutely gorgeous! I don't think I saw one cloud in the sky! My Easter Sunday was spent away from home, as usual, that can be very hard! My family does an excellent job of making me feel included though! I received warm calls from them all wishing me a happy Easter and keeping me informed on the dinner!!! I LOVE THEM SO!

After work I went home and took a small nap so I wouldn't be too out of it at church. My friends and I chose to go to second service because we knew first service would be ridiculously PACKED!!! Thank God we stuck with that decision. It wasn't nearly as crowded as first seemed to be! Church was AWESOME! Unlike your usual Easter service, our church put on a play. I loved it! It wasn't a traditional "hung Him high, stretched Him wide" kind of play either! It spoke on different areas in a person's life that seems to be the "stone or "obstacle" that can block them from having a true, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the very one that died for us... and would die for us again if He had to! It was great. It focused on areas such as: shame, pride, greed, and lust! I don't know about first service, but a lot of people were blessed and were saved during second service. It was a beautiful sight! Man, I love my church! We didn't do anything all traditional and yet God still showed up and people's lives were forever changed! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, BORN AGAIN!!!! You betta reach your world for CHRIST!!!! HA!

I wore a dress today guys and I didn't feel weird about it at all! Believe it or not I think I'm starting to get used to wearing them! I felt very comfortable in it! I can see myself wearing them more often! Little Stix is finally growing up and accepting the fact that it's totally normal to be feminine! LOL!! That sounds so weird... but it's so not like me to be that way!... Growing up a tomboy, I thought I'd never see the day where I would be carrying a purse (still getting used to that one), wearing nail polish, and buying dresses just because. My family is a bit shocked by it too!

Anyway... the rest of my day was fun! I spent some time with my "other family" after church, took a small nap, and then hung out with the girls! After a LONG 21 days of fasting, we had ribs, green beans, mac n cheese, and rolls!!!! Oh and I can't forget the different flavors of SODA!!! Yes, God! That was fun! We laughed it up and ate like we hadn't had food in years! I love my girls!!! I can't picture life without them!!! We're all different, but we all manage to get along just fine! God knew what He was doing when He put us together!!! LOL

So overall, it was a great Easter away from home!!! I pray you guys enjoyed your day as well!!! Anyway... I have a few shows to catch up on at work, so I'll end this here!

Until next time,

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