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Monday, April 26, 2010

Community Day- "Let the WORD do the WORK!"

Guys! I had the craziest weekend! I won't go into too much detail because I want to spend more time on the experience I had at church today!!!... but how about my Saturday was CRAZY! I ended up having to work my shift (12pm-8am) and my friend AJ's shift (8am-4pm) because there was some stupid marathon going on and they blocked off the main exit and street to get to our job! She couldn't get to the building! MAN... 16 HOURS STRAIGHT?!?!? God helped me through that shift! It was soooo BUSY!!! I got home at around 5pm and was in bed by 6pm!!!! I woke up at like 7am!... Yep, 13 hours... and I still don't think I've fully recovered! CRAZY RIGHT?! ... Ok, on to the next thing!

Waking up at 7am wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! I honestly didn't think I would be able to wake up for church after experiencing such a hectic Saturday! I was shocked actually. Still a bit out of it, I managed to get out of bed to find clothes for church. Today was Community Day at our church. We take this day to minister to the community our church is in! I really wasn't feeling it, to be honest. I used to be so hype about ministering to people.... these days, not so much! I knew I needed to be there, so I pressed my way through. I was late too... but that was because I had to eat. I didn't want to be all grumpy and hungry when we ministered!

When I got there, my friend Sabrina was working the sign up table! She was able to get me on the team with my friend, Melissa. I was a little excited at this point. I made it in time for the end of intercessory prayer. (It was longer than usual) I was praying and still wasn't feeling it! Sister D, totally hearing from God, asked those to come to the altar who wasn't feeling it... or who felt like they were distracted! I was like, "Ok, God! You want to do something! I can already tell!" I was already a bit weirded out by how I would pray something and Sister D would say exactly what I said in my mind right after I said it! LOL! Kinda creepy, right?! I was starting to wonder if I was mouthing the words... and she was reading them! Anyway, so I went up there and allowed God to remove the distraction, the fear, and whatever else was keeping me from being able to press in! And from there... it was over! I was ready... and if the devil was right there we would have had at IT! HA! I received what I needed spiritually and was ready to go!!! PRAISE AND WORSHIP WAS OFF THE CHAIN!!! We were all so on FIRE! I was hype as ever!!!

After our bishop preached a brief sermon, we were on our way! I loved our group! Our leader was a lady named Valerie!... super sweet! We drove to our street and began to minister. We were able to speak to one man. He was so sweet. I enjoyed listening to him and prayed that God would do a new thing in him. He has such a sweet spirit. I know he would be a great add to the kingdom. I can see God using him to be a blessing to others. He looked like he had a testimony! As we made our way to another house, we realized that another team was assigned to our street. We spoke with them and decided that they would take one side and we take the other. We went to two more houses... both houses were empty! We prayed over their houses and were done! We called the church and asked if we could minister somewhere else because we were done in NO TIME! We were assigned another street, THANK GOD, and made our way there!

We were the only team on this street! Turns out, THAT is where God wanted us! We knocked on a couple of doors where the people chose not to greet us. That was fine with us. We still prayed over their house. We got to the third house and it seemed as though no one was there. We went out to the street and prayed. When we were done, I looked at the house again, and there an old lady stood! We went back over and spoke with her. She was really sweet. She had Alzheimer's disease. Her daughter told us as we continued to talk to the lady. We prayed for her... she was so sweet and cute as ever!

It was starting to get late so we decided we would put the door knockers on mailboxes and head back. I went to one mailbox and saw an old lady standing out the door looking outside. I thought it would be rude to just put the door knocker on her mailbox and ignore her so I went up to her door. Melissa followed me. I introduced myself, handed her the door knocker, and asked if she needed prayer. Turns out she was really going through and was expecting angels to come see about her. God told her we were coming! WOW! You really have to be in tune with the holy spirit to hear something like that... and KNOW FOR SURE... it was God! I loved it! We prayed for her and then she rejoiced! We rejoiced with her... and hugged her!

It turned out to be a great experience. Just think... we ALMOST didn't go on that street!!! God knew though! He set it up just right! I believe if for no one else, we were there for her! If you read this, I ask that you pray with me for that lady! I don't remember her name, but God knows! She looked like she doesn't eat often, and she told us that she is going through financially! I know God is going to come through for her!!!! Thank you in advance!

I was a bit timid about going out to minister TO those people. I mean really, how am I going to lead a soul to Christ? How do I do it?! I really thought there was some kind of deep way to do it!... but it's really not! I learned that today thanks to Ms. Valerie! It can simply start with a conversation! I'm about to show you... A few questions for you! Ask yourself this...

**Do you know JESUS CHRIST as your PERSONAL savior?!**
(How often are you two kickin' it?! Once a week? Every now and then?)

**If Jesus were to come today, where do you think you would go!? (Heaven? Hell?)**
(If your answer is unsure... like, " I HOPE I go to heaven"... there may be a problem!)

**If you're unsure, would you like to be sure today!?**

This is where the person or you will say the sinner's prayer! It's something like this...

"Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner.
I believe in You and that your Word is true.
I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins so that I may inherit eternal life.
I believe in my heart that on the third day He arose from the grave.
Forgive me for every sin that I've committed... those I know of... and those I don't.
Please come into my heart and be Lord and Savior of my life.
I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.
I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

It doesn't have to be just like that... and to be honest.. it doesn't even have to be that AT ALL! lol I know some people may not agree. God knows in your heart if you've accepted Him... He knows when you are just saying the prayer just to be saying it! I believe (this doesn't mean it's true) if you said, "Yes, Lord" and in your heart you wanted a new start... another chance to KNOW Him and do RIGHT by Him... then you're saved! *shrugs* But that's just me!!!

Anyway... I've rambled enough today! Seriously though, if you don't know Jesus as your personal savior... better yet... If you're unsure of where you're going to spend eternity, I encourage you to say "YES" right now!!! *smiles* I promise you will be glad you did! Think about it... "Almost" being saved won't get you to heaven!!! In the words of Brandy, "Almost doesn't count!" LOL CORNY!!!

I love you guys!!!... and I leave you with this! ;)

Until next time,

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