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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Have you ever wanted to put up a status on Facebook that truly expressed how you felt at the moment but feared that it would be taken the wrong way or out of context?!... I'm so in that situation right now!... and since I don't feel comfortable doing it there... I'll just blog about it here!!! You don't mind do you?!... Thx!!

I was on Facebook tonight and read a few status' of Cheryl Wray. They were soooo on point with what's going on around me right now! I wanted to share one, but I just knew it would cause a FB war or something! Lord knows that I'm over drama!!!! I can't do it anymore! Anyway... God definitely speaks through this woman! and I'm not just saying that because she's one of my favorite people right now! Read this:

"You are being delivered from people and their drama, from the way you've allowed them to affect you in the past. It has not always been their actions but your over reaction to their behavior that causes stress. Take control of your emotions. Lord help us to stop taking foolishness soo seriously. Thank you!!"-Cheryl Wray

LOL... When I read that! I laughed... and thanked God for showing that to me! I needed that and I know a few others that may be able to do something with that as well!!! God is so good! He knows that I will over react about something someone did or said... and stress like crazy!... when really I could have just prayed about it and let it go! I loved that! It's a reminder to me that it's not always me ... and I can't take everybody so seriously! I gotta chill!!! YEESSS! SO ON POINT!!! RHEMA QUOTE! lol Quick lesson: I said rhema quote to be funny... but a "rhema word" means a word from God... or a word from God for the now! GET IT?! K... moving on!

Here's another one: I needed this one too!

"When we think we are soo good and are "convinced" that we are "always" the victim, it is debilitating and stunts true growth. We can never see where we can be better, no one is good but God. God help me to see where I can change and take responsibility. I'M TAKING MY POWER BACK."- Cheryl Wray

I loved this one as well!!! I want to grow to be this GIANT in the spirit!!!... I don't want to end up a midget because I'm "too good" to see where I'm wrong or "too perfect" to see that I'm really not! LORD KNOWS I'M IMPERFECT! I loved the prayer at the end of the quote! Lord, help ME to SEE where I can change and take responsibility! That prayer shows maturity! It takes a mature person to know that change starts with YOU!.. it's not always the people around you!

These two quotes are definitely going on my bathroom mirror... along with a few others! God is speaking to me... and I want to make sure I retain all that He is downloading into my spirit!!!

For everyone that is reading, this blog is more for me than for you!... Although I pray that it blesses someone like it blessed me!!!! I was reminded... ON FACEBOOK... that God is always speaking! I'm learning to be still and listen... or wait for the next Twiter update or FB status! lol I'm reminded with each new day that Christ is my peace! No one can give me peace like He can! I end up disappointed when I put that expectation on people!

lol... I'm laughing as I type this blog!!! I'm so happy right now! I was telling a friend that I have so much joy right now! I'm amazed that it hasn't gone anywhere! Even when I'm surrounded by mess... it's still there! I can't explain it! it's so God! I'm learning... I'm growing... and I'm having fun while doing it! IT FEELS GOOD!

Last one:

"It is God's job to JUDGE...
It is the Holy Spirit's job to CONVICT...
And it is my job to LOVE..."
-Billy Graham

I'll never forget this quote. My friend, Sophie, shared this with me last year. It definitely changed the way I look at people... and myself! I'M LEARNING TO LOVE... like Jesus!!!

I'm just full of quotes tonight!!! lol These are helping me! I've learned that when I change my way of thinking... my actions change also! I have to recite scriptures... and read quotes out loud now to help me change! LOL... cause Lord knows my thoughts ain't (#country) always HOLY!!! WORK ON ME, LORD!

Ok... I'm done! TTYL! Love ya!

Until next time,


  1. :) GOd is good! and ohhh i like ur new layout sis! :)

  2. Thx, baby girl!!! I'm trying to get on your level!!!!
