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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

And Another one!!!

Soul ties... What do you know about them?! Listen as Preston Perry and Itohan Omolere from Spoken Life Project in Chicago explain exactly what they are and how God can bring you out!!!... IF YOU LET HIM!!! ENJOY! ;)

*snap snap*


Until next time,

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Alright... I'm back at it again!!!! <--- ppsshhh! LAME!

I had not planned on blogging tonight, but after hours of surfing the web I found something that you guys might find as interesting as I did! You all know that I LOVE music... all kinds of music... but what I love the most is that "hard to find" music! THAT RAW, undiscovered TALENT!!! I found an African girl, around my age, who currently resides in France... AMAZING TALENT!!! She is not my favorite vocally, but the girl has MAJOR potential! She is very creative.. and she plays a lot of different instruments! She mastered the guitar!!!.. so you know I'm really feeling her, right?! Here are two videos that stood out to me! She has a lot of original pieces on youtube as well as a few covers! I hope you enjoy it!!! Oh and that SHE IS IRMA!!! lol MY BAD!

"WHO'S LOVIN' YOU"- Jackson 5
"I KNOW"- Irma
Was she not THE BOMB?!... I thought so anyway!!! Check out more ---> HERE
That's all for now!!
Until next time,
Oh... and P.S.- The trip to Fl got cancelled. Turns out who I was going with didn't get approved to be off those days!!! :( It's all good... need to work anyway! I got a car to buy!!!! ;)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Passion 4 Christ Movement

Sometimes when I'm bored at work, I watch movies, BLOG, surf the web!... but no matter how late or early it is... I ALWAYS make sure that I visit my favorite website!...!

I ENCOURAGE you to check it out! It's a youth church full of teens and young adults, all brothers and sisters in Christ, who are on fire for God! I LOVE THEM! If I ever get the opportunity to go to L.A., I'm going to that church! I often pray that I will find the right people, those peculiar people, who stand out!... who love God unconditionally and still have a joyful, fun-filled life. The people at this church are exactly the type of people I want to meet! They all seem so happy, so cool with each other, SO YOUNG! Often times, I meet young people who are "on fire for God", but they live like the MOTHERS... ELDERS.. and DEACONS of the church. lol I know that sounds mean, but it's true!!! Maybe it's a "Southern thing!" It's my desire to love God and be used by HIM all while remaining fun, YOUNG, and happy! I don't really see that here. I've seen it only once first hand in my entire life!... and that was when I meet the youth in Jamaica! Sometimes in TN I feel like I've found those people and then I'm disappointed when it seems as if they are too high and mighty to have good, wholesome fun... and in some ways are competitive!... For example, if I share what God has done for me, they feel like they have to "1-up" me!... And it's not everybody... just a few people that I've met in my years of being in Nashville! I'm yet praying for the souls of the youth here! Something has to change in order for us to get on the level that the youth in L.A. are on. I don't see the unity! *GAG ME!*

My friends are the closest thing I have to that!!! And believe me... They are ALL SAVED, SANCTIFIED, AND FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST! I just look forward to the day that we are all getting crunk and doing the "dougie" to Jesus Music!!! LOL!!! preferably my "Jesus Music"... but that's a whole nother blog for another day! Just know... ya girl is working on music again!!! YUUUUPPPPPP!!!! Anyway...

There are two girls in particular that I want to meet. Both are young and minister through spoken word. Their testimonies are both powerful and they REALLY have a heart to save the lost! I LOVE IT!!! Blair Wingo seems really cool. She is also the spokesperson for P4CM! I'm not sure how old she is, but she seems to be around my age. The other girl is Jackie Hill. She is a minister as well and an ex-homosexual!... How about she is only 19 years old!!!! She is SO REAL... I've already used her videos to minister to a few people that struggle with homosexuality!!! I can only share so much in my own words... Here are two videos of the girls! I hope that you guys are blessed by these! I WAS!

Anyway, that's all for tonight! I was just on the site and felt inspired to VENT a little! I pray all is well with you guys!!!

Until next time,

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'M DANCING!!!... Shoot!

Ok... Enough with the wreck already! I'm tired of talking about it... and I'm sure you're tired of reading about it! My friend Sabrina knows a lot of people out of town and they have been worried sick about all of us due to our facebook status' or whatnot!!! I love that they care, but at the same time I need to make sure that what I'm speaking is not causing people to feel sorry for me! I really am OK and I hope that my facebook status', my twitter updates, or my blog entries don't say anything different from what I'm feeling! My situation isn't the best but God works out every situation for MY good, so I'm good! Amen?!... AMEN!

I decided that this year I would have fun! I wouldn't allow any situation to come in the way of my happiness... be it MONEY... PEOPLE...DRAMA... whatever! I'M HAPPY THIS YEAR and that's THAT on THAT! The fun began with my trip to Atlanta! I LOVE to travel!... and I plan on doing a lot of that this year! Next stop... FLORIDA! I've been invited to go to Destin, FL at the end of the month and I gladly accepted! I can't wait! I have to get my guitar fixed so I can play on the beach! This is a much needed trip!... and I'm ready to go! LIFE IS STILL GOOD, FOLKS! lol Who said you can't dance in the rain when the storm comes?!! SHOOT! I'M DANCING! I'm going to Texas in May with a close friend! **LET THE GOOD TIMES, AH-ROOOLLLLL!!!!**

Speaking of my guitar!!!... I don't think I ever uploaded a picture of my guitar since the guy painted it! I LOVE IT!!!

I really don't have much else to say! I'll be sure to keep you updated on everything concerning my wreck when I know more!... and... I'll upload pics from my trip when I return! HA! This is gonna be so much fun!

SORRY SO RANDOM... I had to change the atomosphere on this here blog before it became the most HATED blog ever!!!

Until next time,

Monday, March 15, 2010

This TOO Shall Pass!!!




I'm still working on changing my thoughts! lol!!! As you can see, I'm getting better! Today was different. I can't call it a bad day... and it wasn't the best day! It was NEUTRAL! I received text messages and phone calls all day! Some I answered... some I didn't! I'm just not in the mood to explain every little detail to people right now... and those who I've talked to so far want to know EVERY LITTLE DETAIL!!!!

I spent some of my day sleeping... another part of the day on the phone with people about my court date and my car... and the last part chilling before it was time for work! I'm learning quite a few lessons as I go through this. Some are hard, but definitely something I need to learn and grow from. Others are not so bad! I'm just ready to see what the end will be! Things are still looking kind of shaky, but I know it will all work out for my good! I base my life on Romans 8:28! "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who[b] have been called according to his purpose."... AND THERE IT IS! Plain and Simple!

Keep me in your prayers as I continue on this journey of growth in a lot of areas in my life!


Lol! Remember that song?! I liked it for like a week! I'm not really a fan of gospel music anymore. That's why I'm laughing at my subtitle. Good song though... and very appropriate for what I'm about to tell you.

I was speaking with the guy who towed my car today and he was telling me about the damages. Mind you, I can't really tell you what my car looked like other than what I described in the last blog. My hood is scrunched up and the bumper in the front was hanging down really low. I couldn't really bring myself to look at it any more than that. He didn't realize it, but as he shared what damages where done I couldn't help but Thank God. It took a lot not to cry over the phone. God was right there with me! Yea.. I know the scripture that says He will never leave nor forsake me... but I actually had PROOF that He was there! lol...

I was told that my air bag came out later... as he was towing my car! That to me was a blessing! I drive really close to the steering wheel. That's how I hit my head on it. If that airbag had gone off at the time, my face would have been all jacked up! THANK YOU JESUS!!!! He also shared that my battery had been pushed so far back that it was almost in my car. IT COULD HAVE SHOT THROUGH MY WINDSHIELD!!!! GOD IS GOOD, GUYS!!!! "God blocked it... He wouldn't let IT be so!" I love Him!

I've tried to complain... I've tried to worry... I've come close to crying again... but I'm done! I'm all cried out! God has shown Himself too much. He loves me... and I can tell! I feel safe and I have an indescribable peace about it all! I know God will work it out! Phillipians 4:7 says, "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

So I'm good... and I'm getting better every day!!! Ttyl

Until next time,


Sunday, March 14, 2010

**GOD KEPT ME!!!!**

Remember when I said I would post a pic after I attended the wedding on Saturday? Well, I have some NEWS for you guys!!!...

Saturday was the most HECTIC day for me! I had so much to do and I wasn't sure if I would have enough time to do it all! I had not done my hair... My nails weren't painted... I still had to pick up my dress from the dry cleaners!!!! It seemed like my to do list just kept growing!... but somehow I managed to get it all done... and was making pretty good time!

By 1:25pm I had managed to finish my hair, take my shower, and was ready to put on my clothes! WHY when I put on my stockings THEY TORE?! First of all, I THINK STOCKINGS ARE FOR GRANDMA'S! I really didn't want to wear them... but my friends thought it would be best that I did. I completely honored their suggestion because they know better than I do how to wear dresses... and what to wear with them. When that happened, I was frustrated! I quickly did my makeup, put on the rest of my clothes, and made my way to Macy's. I get there and they DID NOT have the stockings that I originally bought. I went with some very similar!

I was still making good time. My plan was to make it to the wedding at 1:30... but as long as I made it there at or before 2pm I was good. Well guys, at 1:55pm I was just about there! I could literally see my exit and......


I hit this car from behind! I remember (it all happened so fast) looking down and when I looked up my head hit my steering wheel... HARD!!! I could not believe it! God is so good... My friend Melissa called me IMMEDIATELY after I hit the car asking where I was as if she saw the whole thing! She was at the church saving me a seat! That was GOD... I needed someone to know what was going on... someone I knew would intercede for me!!!!

So that happened... and I sat there for what felt like 2 or 3 minutes completely disoriented! I mean... I didn't know what to do! I wanted to check on the people but I had to get myself together first. I was out of it... I was shaking... my head was hurting a little! I just needed to breathe!... So I did, and tried to make my way out of my car!... MY DOOR WOULDN'T OPEN!!! What the heck?! I climbed over to the passenger seat, in my dress, to go and check on the people I hit. They seemed to be doing fine... shook up just as I was! The passenger in the car was a bit of a drama queen!!! LOL!... but hey!... We'll see what comes of that later. They called the police, so from there I waited.

I knew my friend Renee wasn't far behind me. She was on her way to the wedding as well. I called her and she was there in no time! I NEEDED her there! She was so supportive! I called my mentor as I waited for Renee and she drove FROM MURFREESBORO to be there for me! I love her sooo much! She is like my second mom! She always looks out for me!... definitely a Godsend!

The ladies that I hit went to the hospital! I was hurt, but I didn't want to go to the hospital... I just wanted to get my ticket and leave! The process was a lot longer than I thought! There were a few issues that needed to be resolved. Tamara, my mentor, took over from there and asked Renee to leave! From there... LOL... I'll have to throw up the "To be continued..." sign!...

A LOT HAPPENED from that point on! It looks like the worst situation of ALL TIME... but I know this will make for one POWERFUL testimony! I can already see where God is at work! Today's sermon "Fight On" was confirmation for me! I have a lot of fighting to do... but once this is over!... You better believe I will let you guys know! I WILL say that I have some PRAYING FRIENDS! The situation could have gone A LOT differently than it did! THANK YOU GOD FOR GRACE!!!!!!!!!! I could tell they were praying! After calling them later, I told them that someone was praying!... they told me that they were in the bathroom praying for me!! ! LOL... I'm crying just typing this! They were there for me and I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH! Remember this blogger friends... YOU NEED FRIENDS!!! They are a few of the many vessels that God uses to help, encourage, and bless you!!! I'm learning that more now than EVER!!!

After I left the scene, Tam took me to the reception and I had a great time. I almost went home because my head was starting to KILL ME!... but I wanted to see Jeremy... and I knew he wanted to see me. My friends told him what happened! I was a little upset about that at first. I didn't want him to be worried about me when he should have been celebrating on his sister's wedding day! It was cool though. I'm glad they told him... because I don't think I could have done it. I found out later that he would have been mad if he didn't know as soon as it happened!

I thought I was gonna cry when I saw him. He was sooo compassionate. He cared sooo much! You would think I would be used to it by now! He's just so dang on sweet! He hugged me tight... kissed the knot on my head... and didn't force me to tell him anything. His main concern was that I was ok... And I was when I was with him. We danced... and laughed... as if nothing ever happened! It ended up being a really good evening! I'm glad I decided to go!

Kim (his sister) and Rashad are the cutest couple I've ever seen in life! My favorite couple in the world is Heathcliff and Claire Huxtable! Kim and Rashad make for a close second! They are best friends... and it shows! They had such a good time together! I LOVED IT! I'll be praying for them! God definitely had something to do with their relationship! BEAUTIFUL!

Here are a couple of questions I've been asked a lot! If you have any questions... feel free to ask!


A lot better today! After the reception I was in so much pain. I'm not sure if I did too much... or if it was just the aftermath of the accident. I did have a huge knot on my head. Thank God that's gone. I have a small bruise now!!! I've been popping pills like crazy though. If my head still hurts tomorrow, I'm gonna have to go to the doctor! 4real! Ugh... You guys know I'm not too excited about that one!


I can't really say right now. I hit them pretty hard. I didn't really look at my car... lol... I mean, I looked at it... but I didn't really look to see what kind of damages were done. My grill is destroyed, the hood of the car is pretty much scrunched up like a balled up piece of paper, and under the hood... IDK! Tam said my battery and engine looked pretty jacked. I'll keep you guys updated on that one!


Lol... Everyone knows that I DON'T LIKE DRESSES! I wore that dress for him!... and he LOVED IT! He complimented me all night! I'm glad he liked it! I've actually decided to wear them more often.... I wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought I would be! I've decided that I will wear one dress a month to church until I am completely comfortable! lol Jeremy will be happy to know that!


lol... Ok I made that question up! I said all of that to say... I HAVE NOT ONE PICTURE FROM SATURDAY!!! LOL... Maybe I'll put the dress back on... and style my hair the way I had it that day while I still have the curls... Umm... naaawww! I probably won't do that!... but there will be other times where I wear a dress!... TRUST! ;)

I think that is it!!!!

To allll of my friends, THANK YOU! You know who you are! I shouted you guys out on Facebook! You guys are a blessing! Thank you for your encouragement, your love, and your prayers!!! Thank you Sabrina, Melissa, and Sophie for letting me stay over the other night and for watching over me! You guys are awesome!!! AJ!!! HOMIE! Thank you for praying! I know you would have been there if you could!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! God couldn't have given me better friends!

BABY!!!! YOU ARE THE BOMB.COM!!!!! Thank you for being there, for keeping me distracted, for all the LOVE you've shown! You know you're the best boyfriend I've ever had right?! LOL (how many times have I said THAT!!)

Ok... I'm done! Keep me in your prayers... and I'll continue to pray for you! ;) lol I love you guys more than you know!... Those I know... and those I don't! BE ENCOURAGED!

Until next time,


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

n OTHER newS!!!

**THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**


Nope...not the one that I've been talking about for the last few weeks!!! I found one today for only $3 at a store in Opry Mills!!! AND IT'S SO CUTE, GUYS!!!

ONE PROBLEM: The zipper is broken!!!!

Easy fix though! I'm taking it to the dry cleaners when I get off so they can press the dress out for me and fix the zipper!!!! I finally found a dress... AND IT'S THE ONE!!! lol I actually feel really cute in it too! YAY!!

I'm shopping with my friends Melissa, Sophie, and Sabrina to find a shoe for it tomorrow! You won't get to see it until after the wedding though. :( My boyfriend reads my blog... I want the dress to be a surprise! Sorry guys!

I'll post a few pics after the wedding Saturday!!!

Ok... that's all for tonight!!!

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Have you ever wanted to put up a status on Facebook that truly expressed how you felt at the moment but feared that it would be taken the wrong way or out of context?!... I'm so in that situation right now!... and since I don't feel comfortable doing it there... I'll just blog about it here!!! You don't mind do you?!... Thx!!

I was on Facebook tonight and read a few status' of Cheryl Wray. They were soooo on point with what's going on around me right now! I wanted to share one, but I just knew it would cause a FB war or something! Lord knows that I'm over drama!!!! I can't do it anymore! Anyway... God definitely speaks through this woman! and I'm not just saying that because she's one of my favorite people right now! Read this:

"You are being delivered from people and their drama, from the way you've allowed them to affect you in the past. It has not always been their actions but your over reaction to their behavior that causes stress. Take control of your emotions. Lord help us to stop taking foolishness soo seriously. Thank you!!"-Cheryl Wray

LOL... When I read that! I laughed... and thanked God for showing that to me! I needed that and I know a few others that may be able to do something with that as well!!! God is so good! He knows that I will over react about something someone did or said... and stress like crazy!... when really I could have just prayed about it and let it go! I loved that! It's a reminder to me that it's not always me ... and I can't take everybody so seriously! I gotta chill!!! YEESSS! SO ON POINT!!! RHEMA QUOTE! lol Quick lesson: I said rhema quote to be funny... but a "rhema word" means a word from God... or a word from God for the now! GET IT?! K... moving on!

Here's another one: I needed this one too!

"When we think we are soo good and are "convinced" that we are "always" the victim, it is debilitating and stunts true growth. We can never see where we can be better, no one is good but God. God help me to see where I can change and take responsibility. I'M TAKING MY POWER BACK."- Cheryl Wray

I loved this one as well!!! I want to grow to be this GIANT in the spirit!!!... I don't want to end up a midget because I'm "too good" to see where I'm wrong or "too perfect" to see that I'm really not! LORD KNOWS I'M IMPERFECT! I loved the prayer at the end of the quote! Lord, help ME to SEE where I can change and take responsibility! That prayer shows maturity! It takes a mature person to know that change starts with YOU!.. it's not always the people around you!

These two quotes are definitely going on my bathroom mirror... along with a few others! God is speaking to me... and I want to make sure I retain all that He is downloading into my spirit!!!

For everyone that is reading, this blog is more for me than for you!... Although I pray that it blesses someone like it blessed me!!!! I was reminded... ON FACEBOOK... that God is always speaking! I'm learning to be still and listen... or wait for the next Twiter update or FB status! lol I'm reminded with each new day that Christ is my peace! No one can give me peace like He can! I end up disappointed when I put that expectation on people!

lol... I'm laughing as I type this blog!!! I'm so happy right now! I was telling a friend that I have so much joy right now! I'm amazed that it hasn't gone anywhere! Even when I'm surrounded by mess... it's still there! I can't explain it! it's so God! I'm learning... I'm growing... and I'm having fun while doing it! IT FEELS GOOD!

Last one:

"It is God's job to JUDGE...
It is the Holy Spirit's job to CONVICT...
And it is my job to LOVE..."
-Billy Graham

I'll never forget this quote. My friend, Sophie, shared this with me last year. It definitely changed the way I look at people... and myself! I'M LEARNING TO LOVE... like Jesus!!!

I'm just full of quotes tonight!!! lol These are helping me! I've learned that when I change my way of thinking... my actions change also! I have to recite scriptures... and read quotes out loud now to help me change! LOL... cause Lord knows my thoughts ain't (#country) always HOLY!!! WORK ON ME, LORD!

Ok... I'm done! TTYL! Love ya!

Until next time,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"once upon a time...NOT LONG AGO!!!"


I've been keeping a secret from you guys!!! Months ago my best friend, Sequoia, and I started planning a trip to ATL with no intention of really going!! LOL That is one of our favorite things to do... DREAM! Turns out that finally one of our dreams became REALITY!!! We actually went on the trip and even better... I went to the BEST CONCERT OF MY LIFE while we were there!... "THE FRESH FEST 2010" OMG, DUDE!!! I'm not even playing! That concert was sooo hype! I'll come back to that though!

I had plans to blog about the trip last Wednesday but I wasn't sure we were going until the day of the trip! Yep, we had already made plans to go! Yep, we had already bought our tickets for the concert... but stupid stuff kept happening that had us thinking the trip was off. First... it snowed in ATL the day before we were leaving! Secondly, my money was disappearing! I had just gotten paid... but ALL OF MY BILLS were due the week of the trip!... and I was not about to come back to my bills not being paid!!! Thirdly, my car decided that it didn't want to act right so we couldn't take it to ATL!! Guys, we almost got discouraged! BUMP THAT!!! We rebuked the devil and spoke into existence that we were going on the trip... AND GUESS WHAT!!! We left on Thursday!!!... WITH MONEY, A CAR, AND NO SNOW IN THE FORECAST! We were soooo READY! We knew this was about to be a good trip!

The fun started as soon as we hit the road! Neither one of us thought to bring CD's! LOL... that didn't stop our show! We talked... laughed... and scanned the radio the entire time! We heard some AMAZING songs that we had never heard in life! We both are MUSIC JUNKIES so we listen to all kinds of music! We learned that old school and country music/spirituals hold the MOST RIDICULOUS chord changes, harmonies, and lyrics! It was great! I knew in the beginning that I couldn't have picked a better person to go on this trip with! I keep forgetting how much my best friend and I are a like!!!

Our 6 hour drive to Atlanta turned into a 9 hour drive because our GPS lead us to a closed road due to construction. We were staying with my godmother. We thought if we put her address in Aunt Shelby (we named the GPS) would lead us right on there! WRONG! I called Janet (my G-ma) only to find that she doesn't know where she lives either! LOL At this point we were sleepy, hungry, and just ready to get there!! We made the best of this time too... going off on both Janet and Aunt Shelby in the process!

Janet's house is huge! We both had our own bedroom and bathroom! Well, I shared a bathroom with Janet... but it worked because she was never there! It was great! We lived like we were in a hotel only it was free! We had a key and had free reign to leave in and out when we pleased! THE BOMB!!!


NOTHING could ruin this day! I was hype when I woke up! You guys know I'm a HUGE fan of Salt!!!... a HUGE fan of old school music! This was the day I would be in the same room with both! I couldn't contain my excitement! I've waited my whole life for this!!! LOL... w/e SHUT UP!

I thought about it literally all day! We had a long day ahead of us so we headed out pretty early! The weather was PERFECT!!! It wasn't too hot or cold and the sky was clear!!!...Great day already!!!! We have a friend who goes to school in Atlanta. Unfortunately she was headed back to Memphis for her spring break. We met up with her at the airport and chilled until her plane took off! We had so much fun people watching! We later went to the Lenox Mall and The Cheesecake Factory. We fell in love with a store called Urban Outfitters! I'm shopping there for my spring and summer clothes! MAN... those clothes were sooooo ME/US! The Cheesecake Factory was somewhat a bad idea! It took up a lot of time (well ATL traffic had something to do with it too) and we got sick! We were racing to the bathrooms! MAN... note to self: Never EAT at the Cheesecake Factory again! I'll eat dessert... and DESSERT ONLY!


After spending a lot of time in the bathroom, we started getting ready for the concert! We were running so late! I was scared that we weren't going to make it. Atlanta is not a place where you can leave the house 30 minutes early and be where you need to be! It's too big for that! I was starting to think I was gonna miss the concert. I was trying not to think negative... but I forgot that my G-ma is Ms. Negative herself! She kept telling us that we weren't gonna make it... laughing at us.. JUST BEING SUPER NEGATIVE! She made me sooo mad! Like 4real! I couldn't look at her. She realized what she was doing and did her best to calm down! She can't help it though... She was still going at it! UGH! I made my way down those steps and was about to be out the door. I couldn't take it anymore. I was gonna wait on Sequoia in the car! Thank God she was just as ready to get out of there as I was!!!

We got to the concert ON TIME... (thx to NO traffic and my crazy driving) NOT wearing what we wanted! Janet was such a distraction... we were more focused on getting away from her than on our clothes! It was cool though! We were still fresher than the old, drunks that showed up! lol... They came in costume! It looked like they couldn't wait to bring out their Adidas gear, rope chains, nugget rings, and more! It was hilarious! One lady even went so far as to cut her hair in the asymmetrical style... "the OLD way"! I wasn't impressed! and HOW about these people were eating popcorn...AT A CONCERT?! Guys, get it together! I'm convinced... old people don't get it! LOL So funny!

I know this is getting long.. but I have to pause to SHOUT OUT THE BEST, best friend IN THE WORLD! Sequoia was just as hype about this concert as I was... and she didn't know much about hip hop... yet alone... ANY OF THE SALT N PEPA SONGS! ok... SCRATCH THAT... she knew a few lines of each chorus! I LOVE MY BEST FRIEND!!! We straight acted up at this concert! We didn't compromise and curse when everyone else did... and We kept saying we loved JESUS when they said they loved HIP HOP! lol It was fun... Everyone in our section knew we were young and saved! They were cool with it! They laughed tho!

This concert beats any concert I've been to in life!... and I've been to a lot of concerts! Everyone was sooo hype... soooo into the music! Everyone was cool with everybody... and we all got down with the music! My favorites were SALT N PEPA (of course) and Doug E Fresh & Slick Rick!

We missed the first act trying to park. It was Big Daddy Kane! I heard we didn't miss much! Biz Markie was next! He was cool! He looked so "regular" but he kept the crowd hype! We all went wild when he ended his set with "Just a friend." Doug E Fresh (the original, human beatbox) and Slick Rick (the greatest Storyteller of ALL TIME) stole the show for a second with their SICK skills! They are a great duo! The crowd was HYPE their entire set! We alll lost it when they ended with one of their greatest hits "La di da di!" Whodini... umm... he was cool! The dancers were the most entertaining! I wish I could have recorded their routines! Old school dances are sooo cool!... Salt n Pepa KILLED at the end!!!! I'M SOOO SERIOUS!!! I was so hype! I don't even remember what everyone else was doing!!!! lol THE BOMB!!! All of the artist gave shout outs to the 70's babies... BUT DO YOU KNOW Salt was THE ONLY ONE who acknowledged 80's babies!! (and we were the only 2... NO LIE! LOL) And THAT my friends is why I LOVE HER!!! lol... along with her uncompromising love FOR GOD!!! You better believe she gave God praise their ENTIRE set!! It was great! Spinderella also had her own part in the show playing some ATL songs from when I was in high school! After that, S-N-P came back out and ended with two great hits of theirs: "Whatta Man and Push It!" Too hype... Their set was over and then Salt gave one more shout out to God by doing STOMP! Dude! Sequoia and I were too hype on this song! That song is symbolic for when Salt got saved and when I fell in love with her ALL OVER AGAIN! I loved Salt N Pepa long before this... but when she gave her life over to Christ.. I couldn't have been more happy! So cool... anyway... She was reminding us to be grateful for what we have and to praise God anyway for what we don't! I LOVED IT!!! The show couldn't have ended any better!...and then it hit me... THE CONCERT WAS OVER!

I LOVE going to concerts...and then I HATE going at the same time! I hate having to LOOK BACK on the memories of a concert! I would much rather live in the moment FOREVER!! LOL... but anyway... I'll wrap this up!

We had great, safe wholesome FUN!!! We started and ended each day with prayer! Our ultimate goal was to have fun and not think about any problems back home! AND WE DID JUST THAT!! I am proud to say that my best friend is now a new member of the baby old school/true school fan club! lol Oh... I had another goal on this trip! I REALLY wanted to meet Salt! ;( DIDN'T HAPPEN!... but I did tweet her and guess what... SHE TWEETED ME BACK!!!! BOOOOYYYAAAHHH!!! That by far made my weekend! Salt knows that there is a young, skinny girl with 'locs (ok... she may not know what I look like, but w/e) WHO LOVES HER!! lol I can go on with my life now! HA

Anyway... that's all for now! I apologize for this being so long! I'll do better to blog each day of the experience instead of trying to bunch it all up in one blog! Gotta get a new laptop first though! Anyway... I added a few pics to try to make up for being so KAT with the long blog! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! TTYL!

Until next time,