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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lesson Learned...

My friends are awesome!!!!
Ok!!!! First of all I SHOULD NOT be awake right now!!!! I sooo have to be at work in the morning...! I'm at Sabrina's apartment with Anjelica and AJ! We were just watching Tye Tribbett's live recording of the Victory album... STRAIGHT UP BLESSED MY LIFE!!!! I LOVE TYE TRIBBETT SOOO MUCH... He straight up does not care when He worships!!!... and HE IS SOOO GENUINE!!! I LOOK UP TO HIM!!!.. One day I'm gonna let go like that... GOD DESERVES IT!!!!... I HAVE to get over caring what people think! God DESERVES MY BEST PRAISE... AND HE'S GONNA GET IT!!!! lol... Isn't it weird how I talk about how I WANT to worship God but I can't do it! I have some serious issues!!!! lol... Pray For me!!! Ok... so anyway... I have to tell this!!! I HAVE THE COOLEST FRIENDS EVER!! We all are the BIGGEST HOLY ROLLERS...EVER! lol I KNOW God placed them in my life!!!... Why did one of my friends ( I won't even call her out right now... lol) STRAIGHT UP go into woship on Tye Tribbett's song "I STILL HAVE JOY!!"... I'm talkin' about SHOUTIN' LIKE SHE WAS AT CHURCH ON A SUNDAY MORNING!!!! LMBO... I LOVE IT!!!! I laughed at first because I thought she was playing but when I realized how SERIOUS she was... I couldn't help but be happy for her!!! God WAS SOOO PLEASED! I just know it!!! I know she got her breakthrough!!!... lol in an apartment at like 12 something in the morning!!!! SEE... GOTTA LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!! LOL
Blu 21 Update...
Ok... Let me go ahead and get this out of the way!!! OUR GIG... LORD JESUS I'M LATE... That was a LESSON!!! I can't even go into detail because it is sooo long ago, but God definitely showed me some things! Man... BLU21 is definitely anointed... and God definitely wants to do some things through us... but we have to put in the work! We haven't been doing that and I think it showed at this gig! Our endings sucked... my guitar was out of tune (this little boy kicked it over when he was on stage before we performed)... I could go on and on! But you want to know the cool thing... God STILL SHOWED UP!... People were still blessed by our music... NOTHING BUT GOD! I was sooo upset with our performance until I heard that! That's definitely what we were there for... BUT I promise you... I will never ever do another gig that way again though... I believe that God wants to use us as His vessel... GOD OPERATES IN EXCELLENCE... therefore my music will BE EXCELLENT... God deserves to use the best... And I want to be HIS BEST!... LESSON LEARNED!!!...
Speaking of learning lessons...
God has defintely been testing me a lot lately... my faith... my strength... how I love! God is trying to do some things through me! I can tell! It hasn't been fun or easy though! I've failed some test... LOL... and taking a few over!... But it's all good though... because I know ONCE I get through this... He is gonna use me!!! YEEEESSSSS!!!!! I'm excited!!! USE ME LORD!!!!
CHURCH WAS SOOO GOOD TODAY... And if God didn't speak through Elder Pete today... LORD, JESUS!!!! He was straight up stepping on my toes! Coming from Acts chapter 9, He talked about Saul's conversion!!! If you haven't read it... You should read it! I love that story... Later on in the story at verses 23-25 it talks about how the Jews were out to kill him... When Saul figured out their plan, his followers lowered him in a basket over a wall one night so he could get away. So anyway... the name of his sermon was "Hold on to the rope" or something like that... "Hold the rope"... UGH... Idk... that is bothering me now... but anyway... He talked about how we have to stop leaving our brothers and sisters behind... We have to hold on and don't give up on them! You never know who you are holding on to... They may be another Saul... another Jesus... just waiting to save the world... but if we let them go, they will never get to do what God has created them to do!!! MAN... IF HE DIDN'T STEP ON MY TOES!!! lol... I need to go back and pick up a rope or two...! I know I have left some people behind... but thanks to today's sermon... I'm going back to get them... Let's just PRAY they haven't fallen to the bottom! :) God is sooo good!... and to think... I wasn't gonna go to church today!!!!
Ok... FINALLY! The women's ministry at my church, FIHI (Fashioned In His Image) is planning a mission trip to Jamaica in August! Basically we are going to minister to the young people at a camp in Chapelton! I'm sooo excited! First of all... I LOVE KIDS!!!! I have this weird passion for them! lol... I could spend all day with a kid and lose track of the time!!!... so to know that I'm going there to be around kids is exciting! I was told that they are very stand offish at first... but that doesn't scare me! I love the challenge! I am looking forward to ministering to them! I LOVE GOING ON MISSION TRIPS! I've been on 4... this is my first one out of the country!!!! It has been awhile since I've been on one... and Lord knows I've been dying to go on another! I'm super excited... I still don't know how I'm going to pay for it... but I'm not worried about it... because GOD KNOWS!! I was able to make the first payment... so I'm believing that He is going to come through for the next 2 payments!!!!! Pray for and with me as I prepare to go! I want to go mentally, physically, emotionally, and of course spiritually prepared for what God has in store! I can't wait to blog about what all God is gonna do while I'm there!!!! THE TESTIMONIES ARE GOING TO BE THE BOMB.COM!!!! LOL
Ok... I'm soooo about to go to sleep!!! I have to work in the morning!!!!!... and it's freakin' 2am!!!! Gotta go!!!
Until next time,


  1. OOOOOOHHHHH that's what all that noise was! Dang, I was baout to be mad, cuz ya'll straight woke me up. Good deal.

  2. Yep, Lyssa!... sad to say but A SAINT went IN last night!!!! I feel sooo bad! I hope you got enough rest... I sooo know the feeling... You should have come out there and said something... but maybe not... the presence of God probably would have hit you too!!! LOL

  3. It wasn't me that went "in" just to let ya'll know! lol. Jessica, you are loved:)

  4. ARE a worshiper. and yes...we are some HOLY ROLLERS!!! lol
