Hey Guys! I saw "Julie & Julia" last night at my friend's house. Although I fell asleep for a minute, it was actually a good movie. It had its slow moments, but I really connected with it. Julia Child loved to eat... so therefore learned how to cook!! I LOVE to eat... but I can't cook! HA! Julie Powell was just an ordinary girl who wanted more out of life! So yea... Julie blogs in the movie (something I've grown to love, myself) to keep her mind off of her sucky life. She's a huge fan of Julia Child and loves to cook so she decides to cook 524 recipes in 365 days and blog about the experience!!!! She also blogs about the ups and downs of that year as well! I loved it... AND it was a true story! :) I'm sure I'll watch it again to see what I missed in the time I dozed off. Meryl Streep (a new favorite actress of mine) plays Julia and Amy Adams plays Julie. It's a movie that will make you laugh and want to eat!!! YOU SHOULD GO SEE IT!!... Here's a trailer:
Anyway... I said all of that to say that the movie inspired me in a way... I want my blogs to be about more than just my random life! lol... I gotta find something that I love doing that will be more interesting to read!... But until then... Here's a little about me:
I've been told by several family members and friends that I have way too many hang ups... lol I don't think so!!!... I'm a bit strange... but i don't think I have hang ups! lol What do you think?!
1.) I don't sleep well without my sleeping bag!!! lol... What?! It keeps me warm!
2.) I have a slight foot phobia! If you want to be my friend, keep your feet as far away from me as possible! :) Easy, right?!
3.) I don't like fruit... I don't like salad... BUT I LOOOOVEEEE VEGETABLES! :) Ok... the only fruit I can tolerate are pineapples in a can!
4.) I HATE when people bite their silverware when eating their food! It makes my flesh crawl!!! The thought of it makes me cringe.
5.) I HATE when people smack their food!!! It's sooo gross!!! My boyfriend has that BAD!!
6.) I HATE being tickled!! It's NOT funny!!! It makes me very angry! lol... So ok... wait... If you want to be my friend, keep your feet away from me and don't tickle me! EASY, RIGHT?!
7.) I can't cook.. AT ALL!! I believe that is a gift from God! I really do... I can't even make KOOL-AID!!! :) I'm just not cut out for putting just the right amount in something to make it taste good!
8.) I probably shouldn't admit this, but I like dull pain! I find myself randomly popping myself with my hair ties and pinching myself! Pray, saints!
9.) I'm a huge kid!! I would much rather spend my day watching cartoons and playing with kids and their toys!
10.) I can only eat my hamburger with ketchup and cheese only!!!! All of the other stuff is just too much! Maybe that's why I wouldn't make a great cook!!
**Ok!!!! That's enough! I'll do more when I'm feeling really random again!!!!**
Have an awesome day!
Until next time,
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