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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

**Randomly blogging**

I'm not really sure why I'm blogging right now!... just felt like blogging!!!!

Random thing #1
I'm in Memphis right now... kind of wishing I were back in Nashville! No reason... no one has upset me or anything... I just love being in Nashville. I wish ALL OF MY FAMILY would just pack their stuff and move to Nashville. I miss my family... LIKE A LOT!! I hate being away from them... but I also hate Memphis!!!! Every time I come home I'm reminded of why I left!!...but being around my brothers and sisters always make it hard for me to leave!!! They are just so darn cute!!!

My little brother, Kameron and I were talking today! He's 6 now and in the 1st grade! He showed me some note that this girl named Kennedy gave him!!! She gave him her number and told him to call her if he wanted to play with her!!! LOL... WHAT THE HECK?! I asked him if he was gonna call her just to see what he would say... and he was like... "UMM... YEA!!!... I was like... "HOW ABOUT... NO!!!!" lol Dang... he's getting numbers already?!!! Don't get me wrong... the boy is cute... but that's ridiculously scary... No girl that age should know anything about giving a boy her number!!!! Were you guys doing that?!.... I WASN'T!!! lol... PRAY SAINTS!!!

Random thing#2
I've really been enjoying myself these last few days! I've been super happy for no reason!!! With all the crap that's going on in my life... I can't help but be happy!!! LOL... it doesn't make much sense!... but hey... When you serve a great God like mine... you are given this weird peace when one should be FREAKIN' OUT!!! You know... that peace that surpasses all understanding?! (Phillipians 4:7)

My friends are awesome!!! I can't say that enough! I love having friends who are just like me!!! FUNNY... LOVE FASHION... LOVE HANGING OUT... LOVE MUSIC... LOVE GOD!!!... that kind of thing!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!! And I love you ALL!!! Thanks for putting up with me!!!!... THE BOMB.COM i tell ya!!!!

I have a new "friend" in my life now and he has really been the bomb! I love being around him... aside from the mushiness of our friendship... he is soooo much fun!!!... a much needed addition in my life. For a second... I was getting bored with my routine!!! THANK GOD FOR "HIM"!!!! There is something about this one, guys!!!! I feel like I've known him forever!... I'm sooo comfortable around him! It doesn't make sense! He's super cool... and we have so much in common!!! It's scary how fast we've gotten close!... but it feels so right!... so normal! He is bringing out a side of me that I don't know all that well!!!! I'm different!!!... and I kind of like it! LOL... uh-oh!!!! What's happening to me?!!...

Random thing#3
I've been thinking about my uncle an awful lot lately!!! He died when I was about 12... Yea... yea... I should be soooo over his death, right?! LOL... I am!!!... I can't help but think what life would be like if he were still here though! I know we would have been close. We had a lot in common!!! He LOVED fashion... LOVED MUSIC... and LOVED GOD!!! I just found out that he was a licensed minister like last week!!! Wow... you would think that I would know that!... I just connected with one of his closest friends on facebook and she has been telling me things about him that I didn't know! Hearing about him and the type of person he was reminds me of myself! That is sooo cool! IDK how heaven will be exactly... I've heard so many different stories, but I hope I get to talk to him again! I wonder if that is possible... I need to go read Revelations or something and see if it says anything about what heaven is really like... or if you guys know... let me know!!!

Here's a youtube video of him!!!... Disclaimer: HE WAS EXTRA... lol... one of those singers that does a lot... but people love it!!!... AND YOU THINK I'M SKINNY?! HA!!! Everyone on my dad's side is that small... SEE... I'm not much of a stick after all... if you compare me to him anyway!

Random thing#4
Speaking of singing... did you guys know that I came from a family of singers?! Yep... everyone on my dad's side can sing... EXCEPT FOR ME!!! That's why I play the guitar! I had to do something to feel like I belong! When I got to Memphis today, my little sister Jamie and I had our own little jam session! I actually sang with her... we did that little song I wrote!!! It was fun... she can really sing! I think I almost cried... I didn't realize how good she was! WOW!... I really wish I could sing... Anyway... I found my aunt and granddad on youtube as well... Here are some clips if you want to check them out!

This is my aunt Niecy... Her name is Melvia "Chick" Rodgers!!!! OMG!! I FREAKIN' LOVE HER VOICE! I'M HER BIGGEST FAN! The bomb... She sings all over the world. She was in The Netherlands here... Check this one out... you'll like it!!

Another one... told you I was a fan!!! lol DUDE... SHE'S GREAT!!! I wish I could go on the road with her!...

Ok...This is my granddaddy... Rev. Melvin Rodgers!!!! lol He can sing too... He's a bit extra as well!!!... but the bomb nonetheless!!!!... THIS CLIP IS HILARIOUS!! FEEL FREE TO LAUGH... I DID!!! LOL

... See how little they are!!! JUST SKINNY!!!

ANYWAY... I've done enough!!!! I think I'm about to go to sleep!!!!

Until next time,

Friday, August 21, 2009


August 2, 2009

Wow!! What a day! I slept well at Auntie Maxlene's house... I actually got pretty cold with the fans blowing on me. I didn't expect that at all! She woke us up at like 7:40... and it was time to start our day. While we were getting ready, she was making breakfast. She made ham, eggs and toast. She also served fruit and a salad with it. She set the table so nicely! You guys know I didn't eat the fruit or the salad... but the ham, eggs, and toast were really good. We all sat together and talked... and ate... and talked some more. I'm really going to miss her when we go to Chapelton, Jamaica... where camp will be held!

Our plan was to take our luggage with us to church because we wouldn't be going back to Auntie Max's house. We were running really late so we decided we would come back for them later.
Our trip to church was quite a ride!!!! She was all over the place. I was pretty sure that we were going to crash. I've never called on Jesus' name so much at one time before. lol I'm pretty sure I was getting on HIS nerves... but I needed him!!!!! lol When we got there... we were like right on time! Church was set to start at 9... we got there at like 9:30 and church hadn't even started yet... WHAT?!... Talk about CP time!!!!

Church was so great. Jamaicans know how to worship!!!! There isn't any time constraint to church!!! They love on God until they feel lead to do otherwise! I loved it!!! You don't get that in the states anymore!!!... which is sooo sad!!! God can't move like He wants because we have to make sure the saints are out at a certain time!!!!... We gotta stop boxing God in like that! It's so not fair... The first song that they did was... "Come, now is the time to worship." For some reason that song brought tears to my eyes. I was doing everything in my power not to cry. I was so happy to be in Jamaica... It was like everything God had done fore me in the last week was flashing before my eyes like a movie. It was amazing. They did like 5 or 6 other songs, with breaks in between for communion and offering. Speaking of communion, It was so different from our communion... well the grape juice was pretty much the same... but the bread was different. You know we get the hard, cracker like stuff... They actually have a loaf of bread that you pick a piece from... lol Why did Anjelica pick off like a huge, biscuit sized piece... lol it wasn't that big but I was like, "Dang... I should have gotten a little more!" The bread was good... very moist, and tasty! I liked it a lot.


So finally after a few more songs, it was our turn. Jelly didn't want to speak... so I did. I didn't say much. I introduced us, introduced our song, and asked if they would join in with us... if they felt lead. Apparently "How Great Is Our God" is one of their favorite worship songs. Everyone joined in, stood up... IT WAS GREAT! God showed up and we all began to worship together! I loved it... the drummer and pianist joined in with us!!! It was awesome, guys! I felt like I was in a band!!! I loved that feeling. We played standing up for the first time. I was proud of us! My guitar was in tune, God moved, AND WE HAD AN ENDING!!!! lol YEEESSSSS!!!! After service, people greeted us and told us how great we were! We met a guy named Paul who plays the guitar. He wants us to play alongside him this week at camp. I'm pretty excited about that! The people are so nice... so friendly here!!!

Sis. Janeth preached! I enjoyed her sermon... After that, the preacher wanted all of the youth of his church to come to the front to be prayed over. They were all about our age. I think God is transitioning them to a new level!!... to minister... to teach... to mentor. I was really happy for them. Later on in the service, the pastor asked if anyone needed healing. Those who needed healing came forward and guess who prayed for them... ONE OF THE YOUTH!!! Wow... he didn't have a title either! Then they prayed for Born Again... guess who prayed over us... ANOTHER ONE OF THE YOUTH!!! I loved that. I'm not used to people my age being allowed to do such major things in the church... and without a title. I can't wait to get to know these kids!!!!

The fed us after church! We had wild rice (THE BOMB), sweet and sour fish (gross AND it looked like chicken), and chicken (REALLY GOOD)! We had some kind of red orange juice which was pretty good too. So far I'm pleased with our meals. It might not be as bad as I thought. I'm still not eating as often as I will like to, but I'm eating... AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS!!!

The next group was not gonna be here until like 3:30 so we sat around and chilled... We got a little tired of that so Jel and I decided to walk around outside. As we headed outside we heard a guitar and this BEAUTIFUL VOICE coming from another room. It was the youth from the church. Paul was playing... and a girl was singing at a table. We found out later that her name was Tokgui. Some more people from the group were listening and worshipping. They were having their own little worship concert. SO COOL!!!... THEY ARE SOOO ON FIRE FOR GOD!!! I love it!!! They are really nice too!!! I'm extra excited about getting to know them! This is about to be fun!!! I already know!

Auntie Max came by and picked us up!!! We had one last chance to talk with her!! Man... I'm gonna miss her!!! :( I found myself getting really sad when I realized that I probably would never see her again... She isn't helping out with the camp because she has to work! :( We got our luggage... talked... got back to the church... took pics... said our goodbyes... and she was gone!!!!... her, her really cool accent, and her super cool truck!!! :(

The second group finally got to the church... at like 5:30! Man... what is up with this CP time!!!! We still have one more group to come, but they aren't getting in until late. We all got on the bus and made our way to Chapelton. The 2 hour ride was super bumpy, I'm sure... I don't remember most of it because I fell asleep. I was sooo tired!!!!

We got to Chapelton and stopped at a church!... It was around 9 or so I believe. Some people from the Fergus-Simpson foundation (the foundation that started the camp) greeted us, we got our room assignments, then we made our way to the houses we would be staying in. So far it's only me, Jel, Ms. Anna, Tammy, and Tianna. Ms. Ivy's house is really big! As we walked up to her door, we were greeted by her 5 dogs!!! BOY WERE THEY SCARY!!! 3 of them are gated in, but they can still see us and they pretty much were trying to get out... to eat us!!!! The other 2 are free to roam and they barked at us too... but they are some little punks! They ran away as we walked toward them. The dogs behind the gate remind me of Will Smith's dog in "I AM LEGEND" when he had the same disease as the other people. I'm gonna keep my eye on them. They will not eat me for breakfast... lunch... OR DINNER!!!! lol

Anywhoo... Now I'm laying on the bed... HOT... writing... listening to this random preacher and his congretation shout at the church down the street... and thinking about someone. I MISS HIS VOICE!!! I wonder what he's doing now... if he's thinking about me... WHAT THE HECK?!.. STIX, GO TO BED!!!

Until next time,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

YAY!!!! I'M 22!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!- 08/19/1987

Yesterday was the big day... I FINALLY TURNED 22!!! I've been waiting all year for this!!! Although I'm still young, I don't feel like it! YAY!!! lol

My day was pretty much the bomb! I didn't do a whole lot... but I shared it with some pretty amazing people! By 12 midnight, the party had already started!!! I was at my buddy AJ's house with Melissa and Sabrina. We decided to write some random R&B song about... umm... NOTHING! It was soooo much fun!!! I didn't write any lyrics... I just rapped on it!!! Dude, the song is hilarious!!! I really enjoyed it! While all of this was going on, I checked my facebook and by 12:05 I had already received 5 birthday wishes!!! YAAAYYYY!! I was getting excited by this point! We finished the song at like 1 or 2... can't really remember... and then we all made our way home.

When I got to my apartment... I found a cute little purple bag with 3 recycled balloons on it! lol Too cute... I opened it and found a cute little card, a gift certificate to a nail salon, a cool guitar history book, a self-help book, and some hand cream!!! I LOVED IT!!!!! THANKS ANJELICA!... my first gift of the day!!!! I knew my day was gonna be the bomb!

I ended up spending most of my day with my girl Renee!!! We had a lot of fun! I didn't make many plans... I knew for sure that I wasn't spending it in the apartment though. I LOVE window shopping... well I LOVE buying even more... but since I have no money I'll stick with the window shopping. We went to the Opry Mills mall and I pretty much looked around!!! I had sooo much fun!!!! There's nothing cooler than fashion!!!! I ended up buying a pair of sunglasses and a really cool hat!!!! I wore the hat the rest of the day... My hair looks a hot mess!!! lol

After going shopping, I was ready to eat!!! You guys know i LOVE bbq nachos... so of course I wanted to go to Neely's!!!! THE BOMB.COM!!!! I loved it!!!! I completely forgot that Renee didn't eat beef... Thank God they had turkey nachos. She loved it!!! YAY!!!! I ended up getting a Sock-it-to-me cake too! IT WAS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!

It was getting close to bible study time so we headed back to my apartment to chill for a minute! We had been listening to India Arie's, "Testimony Vol. 1: Life and Relationships" the entire day!!! It really had me reflecting on my year.... This cd was constantly in rotation last year. It brought back so many memories! I couldn't help but thank God for bringing me through! It was a pretty tough year... with heart break, not being in school... financial situations!!!! 22 IS GOING TO BE GREAT... I JUST KNOW IT!!!! I can already see where I've come from!!!! Anyway... "I CHOOSE" came on as we were headed back... That's my anthem!!! We acted a fool to this song! It was fun... I started declaring stuff... started speaking things in my life!!! It was fun!!! I'm so glad Renee was with me... I didn't realize how much of a fan she was... It was fun singing songs with her!!! lol... That sounds lame!!!

So anyway... bible study was good!!! The bomb actually!!! It was basically a recap from Bishop's last sermon!!! He talked about Miraculous Relational Manifestations! That sermon helped me take a look at myself and those around me...and see what changes I need to make in my life! It was definitely a sermon I needed at the time...

After bible study, I went to Sabrina and Melissa's... OF COURSE!!!... lol I started my day with them... and I was going to end my day with them!!! Why... cuz THEY'RE THE BOMB, DUH!?!! I wish AJ could have been there too! Melissa bought me a cupcake from Gigi's cupcakes and a cute happy birthday balloon!!! The cupcake was sooo good!!!! I loved it!!! I have plans to go back there in the near future! THANK YOU, MELISSA SOOOO MUCH!!! We all ended up just chilling and joking around downstairs about that song we wrote!!! LOL... and then somehow the movie Love Jones was brought up!... Sophie had it... so we all ran upstairs and watched it!!! I forgot just how awesome that movie was. I LOVE mushy, love stories... so of course I enjoyed it!!!!
When the movie was over, I made my way back to the crib!!!!! See... I didn't do much, but I accomplished my goal... I didn't stay in the house... and I had A GREAT DAY!!!!
I went back to work Thursday and two of my friends from work got me something!!! How sweet!!! My friend Cailsey got me a cute little bag and made me a mixed cd! We always talk about music... I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm sure it's the bomb. My other friend, Melissa (SO BEAUTIFUL, GUYS!!!) bought me something too. I will get it today....

Anywhoo!!! That is all!!!! I haven't forgotten about my Jamaica blogs... I'll start that back up soon!!!

Until next time,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

God IS GOOD**Jamaica**Day 1**Saturday

AUGUST 1, 2009
Alright... as promised I'm journaling so I won't forget to tell you guys anything! I really prefer blogging... writing down everything is so lame! (lol)... to me anyway! These are gonna be kind of long! I'm gonna make them as interesting as possible, ok?! :)... I hope you enjoy it!


So... I'm at the airport... reflecting on all God has done in preparation for this trip!!!! I can't help but think about how good He is, dude!!!! I can remember when I went to the interest meeting after church one Sunday! I knew I wanted to go on the trip... I knew I couldn't afford it though! What an awesome opportunity it would be to minister to little kids (my fav. little creatures LOL) in another country! I talked to my mentor about it (something I always do when I'm contemplating making a decision) and she said with so much confidence, "YOU'RE GOING TO JAMAICA!" I was like "yea... yea"!!! So I walked in that... I prayed about it... and I went to most of the meetings still not knowing how I was going to pay for it! When it was time for payment one... I HAD IT... and it didn't come out of my pocket! By payment two... I was afraid! I have an issue asking people for money so I didn't ask anyone... Payment three came around and I still didn't have payment two! UH OH! What had I gotten myself into?!... "I didn't hear from God... I'm not supposed to be on this trip" was all I could think! Well... I received a call from a lady at the church... and what do you know... SOMEONE MADE MY LAST TWO PAYMENTS!! WOW! The lady (keeping her name confidential) told the person who called me that God told her that I was supposed to be on this trip and she wanted me to be spiritually prepared for it... instead of worrying about how I would pay for it!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! I don't want to make this too long and I still have a lot to cover so... FAST FORWARDING....

By Wednesday 7/28... I still had no passport! I just knew I would have it by then!!! WRONG!!! I went through a lot to make sure I had it on time... it wasn't there... GOD WORKED IT OUT... I had my passport 2 hours before my flight on Saturday!!! CRAZY, RIGHT!!! lol but hey... GOD WANTED ME ON THE TRIP!!! I didn't have to come out of my pocket at all for this trip!... A few people came together and paid for my trip... My family came together and bought all the things I needed (skirts, toiletries, towels... you name it, they bought it)... My mom paid my rent... and for my passport!!!... I even had $150 in spending money! Didn't think I would have that much... LOOK AT GOD!!!! He's so good, man! He did it all with me struggling with pride!!! lol... I didn't want anyone to know that I was financially jacked... and when everyone found out... THEY WERE MORE THAN HAPPY TO HELP! I'm learning to let self die... daily!!!(1 Cor 15:31) Because when I do... God always turns around and blesses me! See... I'm not even gone yet and I'm learning stuff! WOW! I'm telling you, man!... God is the best thing that ever happened to me...and it's beyond what He has done for me! He's the best friend... the best comforter... HE'S IT, I tell you! LOL... trust me! GIVE HIM YOUR LIFE TODAY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY... It will be the best decision ever... MOVING RIGHT ALONG...

As I was driving home from Memphis I decided to cut my radio off and spend time with God... #1... I thought it might help me stay awake because it was so late... and #2 I always do it... and I feel so good afterwards... is that selfish?! Anyway... I don't remember how long I had been talking to him... but at around 12:40 something I had this weird urgency to fast... First of all, I was like... "HECK NO!... I JUST BOUGHT ALL THESE SNACKS TO EAT WHILE I WAS DRIVING... I am not about to fast right now!"... but the feeling wouldn't go away... soooo I decided to go on the fast at 1a.m.! lol... THAT GAVE ME 20 minutes to be fat!!! ha! SELFISH AGAIN, HUH?!... I knew I wanted to hear from God concerning my trip... so I knew it was a good idea! I wanted to know what my assignment was when I got to Jamaica! I knew I would be playing with Blu21... but I had this feeling that God wanted to do more through me!... So I prayed... and I fasted... my stomach got flatter... AND FLATTER! lol... But I was excited!

Just before I was to check myself in... You know... go through the whole shabang of being frisked and stuff... I got a phone call from my mentor saying that God gave her a word for me! YESSSS!!! Mind you... she didn't know that I was fasting... and I knew I was gonna hear from Him...I just didn't think it would be through her! I promised to call her back when I got "to the other side!" :) I'm not gonna tell you what all He said now... I will reveal those things as I go through the week... as they happen basically!!!... The word was on point... scary... but on point! I've known for a long time that God would eventually take me to "this place"... just didn't think I would be out of the country when it would happen!... it's soooo NOT ME... I'm gonna feel uncomfortable, but hey... this is what God wants... I've dreamed about it in the past... so with His help I'm going to do everything He said! Ok... I'll stop talking about it... seems like I'm being unfair... lol...

Hmmm... I've heard from God now... I wonder if it's ok for me to eat... MOVING ON!!!...

We got to Kingston at around 7 or 8ish... don't remember! Anjelica, Mr. and Mrs. Minnis, Brian, Camille, her husband, and myself are the only ones here! The rest of the crew will be here tomorrow! They have experienced delay after delay that they have to stay in Miami overnight...HMM... I wonder what God is doing?!!... Why did He want us to be here on time?!... or maybe it just happened and there's no deep meaning behind it! lol... who knows?!... He does!

Going through Customs was hilarious! The Jamaicans were so stone-faced and mean! I understand that they have to do their job... BUT DANG!... put a smile on your face! They were interrogating the mess out of us! You know me... I wanted to get smart with them so bad... but I was with the Lord's folks...and I knew they had the power to keep me from exiting the airport... So I kept my cool!!!

After we got through "the hustle and bustle" (always wanted to say that...since I've heard it anyway) of those meanies... we proceeded outside and was warmly greeted by Jessica Malenga, Auntie Janeth, Uncle Jerome, and their son Samuel! **Ok... side note... In Jamaica... everyone older than you is Auntie or Uncle... k?!...** We all put our things on a bus and we headed to meet with the people we would be staying with for the night! Anjelica and I had the privilege of staying with Auntie Maxlene Joy! She is so nice... and has the coolest pick up truck! Of course you all know that they drive on the opposite side of the road... which was pretty darn interesting! JAMAICANS DRIVE CRAZY!!!! Remember that! It always looks like they are going to hit whatever is in front of them and then they swerve over at the very last second! SCARY I TELL YOU!

Auntie Maxlene Joy took us to KFC before we got to her house! Auntie Janeth and her family were in the truck too... She was taking them home on the way... We all ordered... Jelly and I got 15 hot wings, 4 biscuits, and 2 Kola Champagnes (Jamaican cola... THE BOMB.COM!!!)! After everyone ordered... the total came to $2,222... Jamaican dollars... which is really about $20 US! SO CHEAP!... Wow... I think I like Jamaica already!! 6 people ordered and we only paid $20... THE BUSINESS!!! There ended up being a 15 minute wait for our chicken though! Apparently KFC is the place to go at night... WOW!

Auntie Janeth asked if we would play at church tomorrow since the other crew wouldn't be in Jamaica in time! Of course we were cool with it... We are going to do, "How great is our God." I hope they like us... scratch that... I hope God shows up... and the song ministers!

Auntie Maxlene's house is really nice! It's pretty darn big!... It kind of reminds me of a beach house. I love it!... I love her so far! She is so nice... She isn't the kind of nice where the person smiles all the time... and basically waits on your hand and foot! She shows her love in a tough way... She is very blunt... but she means everything she says in love! I LOVE IT!... We all sat at the table and ate together... something I'm not used to... My family only does this on Thanksgiving! I really enjoyed it...I think I will incorporate this in my home when I have a family!

She got to know us... we got to know her!... We all were very comfortable talking! It was like we've know her for a long time! Her accent is so super duper heavy... and she does not slow down for us!... which is cool... I'm catching on!... We're even learning a thing or two... "uno" means yall/more than one!!! So when she says... "Uno no ready"... She means "Y'all not ready?!" or... "You guys aren't ready?!" lol Cool right?!... She made us clear the table... like we were her kids! lol I loved it though! I felt like we weren't guest... like we were her grandchildren coming to visit! I don't like being treated like I'm special... I'm weird...

It's pretty hot in her house... There is no A/C!... which was expected! She has plenty of fans though!... I'm sure we will be fine!

We practiced our song a few times just before bed and Auntie Maxlene came in and listened... pretty soon she was singing along right with us!... She can't sing a lick but I loved that she joined in... Goodness... I love her...
OK... I'm hitting the sack now!... Day 1 has been pretty cool!

Until next time,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


OK... I'M BACK!!!!! YYYAAAYYY!!!... Couldn't be happier, actually! I had a great time in Jamaica... A GREAT TIME... but when it's time to go it's time to go! lol... 10 days is a long time to be away from what I'm used to! I missed my mom, my friends, and my family!!!!! It's by God's grace that I made it! lol... seriously! I got really homesick toward the end... but a lady who was on the trip with me helped me understand why I was so ready to go... I wasn't there to play... I made sure that I was mentally, physically, and even spiritually prepared for this trip!... After I was done with my assignment... I was DONE! lol... I wanted to relax... I didn't want to stay up all night... I just wanted to chill! Yep... there was a beach... I enjoyed it... Yep there was a lot of food... which was ok!... But I was ready to get back. I was a bit stand offish at the end! I get tired of PEOPLE fast... I started seeing things that weren't cool... Church people are funny! Their personalities can be a bit much after about 5 I couldn't take it anymore! I just needed to get away... be by myself! I'm sure people perceived it as an attitude... or I was being lame!... For once... I didn't care! A lot of people misinterpret my looks (somebody called it the memphis look... whatever that means)!!! lol... Oh well... I can't control it!!! ANYWAY... I HAD FUN!!!!... :)... I think I had more fun with the kids than at the resort... ALL OF IT WAS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE! lol... I hope I don't sound extra deep!... or like I'm venting... too funny! I'm not... just thought I'd put out there how I feel right now!

***A brief summary***
GOD MOVED LAST WEEK!!!! God showed me a lot!!!! I can't wait to share with America what I learned in Jamaica!!! They don't play when it comes to God... young/old... They know God's voice... they know how to worship and they don't care what they look like! WE ARE SO BEHIND!!!... I feel like I needed to see that! I'm ready to be there... God is taking me to a new place and I'm ready to teach... to minister... to do whatever it takes to help our youth to get to that point! Starting tomorrow I'll post blogs about my experience from day to day! I'm gonna do one a day!... I wrote in my journal a lot... I don't think I missed anything... I talked about the kids... the heat... the water... I even counted how many mosquito bites I had at the end of each day!!! lol You're gonna love it... I hope so anyway!

Lately I've been so confused about what steps I need to be taking in my life... If you've been reading my blogs then you know all about it... Well... God revealed EVERYTHING to me last week! I was hearing from God so much... and he was confirming it through the most random people! I talked to a Jamaican guy on the beach on Saturday... and God spoke through him! It was amazing... I'm done wishing... I'M DREAMING NOW... and soon all of my dreams are gonna become realities! JUST WAIT... Thank you God!

So yea... Stay tuned!!!!! I HAVE A LOT TO SHARE...

Until next time,

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I'M OFFICIALLY OFF TO JAMAICA!!!!!! MY PASSPORT JUST GOT HERE TODAY... LOL (long story) so it was official the moment the Fedex guy handed it to Anjelica... who handed it to Whitney... who then handed it to me!!!!! I still have a few little things to do so I'm making this as short as possible... Quick shout to everybody who supported me and helped me prepare for this trip! Without God, your money, encouragement, support... I wouldn't be on this trip! I really believe that!!!! So thank you!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!