Random thing #1
I'm in Memphis right now... kind of wishing I were back in Nashville! No reason... no one has upset me or anything... I just love being in Nashville. I wish ALL OF MY FAMILY would just pack their stuff and move to Nashville. I miss my family... LIKE A LOT!! I hate being away from them... but I also hate Memphis!!!! Every time I come home I'm reminded of why I left!!...but being around my brothers and sisters always make it hard for me to leave!!! They are just so darn cute!!!
My little brother, Kameron and I were talking today! He's 6 now and in the 1st grade! He showed me some note that this girl named Kennedy gave him!!! She gave him her number and told him to call her if he wanted to play with her!!! LOL... WHAT THE HECK?! I asked him if he was gonna call her just to see what he would say... and he was like... "UMM... YEA!!!... I was like... "HOW ABOUT... NO!!!!" lol Dang... he's getting numbers already?!!! Don't get me wrong... the boy is cute... but that's ridiculously scary... No girl that age should know anything about giving a boy her number!!!! Were you guys doing that?!.... I WASN'T!!! lol... PRAY SAINTS!!!
Random thing#2
I've really been enjoying myself these last few days! I've been super happy for no reason!!! With all the crap that's going on in my life... I can't help but be happy!!! LOL... it doesn't make much sense!... but hey... When you serve a great God like mine... you are given this weird peace when one should be FREAKIN' OUT!!! You know... that peace that surpasses all understanding?! (Phillipians 4:7)
My friends are awesome!!! I can't say that enough! I love having friends who are just like me!!! FUNNY... LOVE FASHION... LOVE HANGING OUT... LOVE MUSIC... LOVE GOD!!!... that kind of thing!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!! And I love you ALL!!! Thanks for putting up with me!!!!... THE BOMB.COM i tell ya!!!!
I have a new "friend" in my life now and he has really been the bomb! I love being around him... aside from the mushiness of our friendship... he is soooo much fun!!!... a much needed addition in my life. For a second... I was getting bored with my routine!!! THANK GOD FOR "HIM"!!!! There is something about this one, guys!!!! I feel like I've known him forever!... I'm sooo comfortable around him! It doesn't make sense! He's super cool... and we have so much in common!!! It's scary how fast we've gotten close!... but it feels so right!... so normal! He is bringing out a side of me that I don't know all that well!!!! I'm different!!!... and I kind of like it! LOL... uh-oh!!!! What's happening to me?!!...
Random thing#3
I've been thinking about my uncle an awful lot lately!!! He died when I was about 12... Yea... yea... I should be soooo over his death, right?! LOL... I am!!!... I can't help but think what life would be like if he were still here though! I know we would have been close. We had a lot in common!!! He LOVED fashion... LOVED MUSIC... and LOVED GOD!!! I just found out that he was a licensed minister like last week!!! Wow... you would think that I would know that!... I just connected with one of his closest friends on facebook and she has been telling me things about him that I didn't know! Hearing about him and the type of person he was reminds me of myself! That is sooo cool! IDK how heaven will be exactly... I've heard so many different stories, but I hope I get to talk to him again! I wonder if that is possible... I need to go read Revelations or something and see if it says anything about what heaven is really like... or if you guys know... let me know!!!
Here's a youtube video of him!!!... Disclaimer: HE WAS EXTRA... lol... one of those singers that does a lot... but people love it!!!... AND YOU THINK I'M SKINNY?! HA!!! Everyone on my dad's side is that small... SEE... I'm not much of a stick after all... if you compare me to him anyway!
Random thing#4
Speaking of singing... did you guys know that I came from a family of singers?! Yep... everyone on my dad's side can sing... EXCEPT FOR ME!!! That's why I play the guitar! I had to do something to feel like I belong! When I got to Memphis today, my little sister Jamie and I had our own little jam session! I actually sang with her... we did that little song I wrote!!! It was fun... she can really sing! I think I almost cried... I didn't realize how good she was! WOW!... I really wish I could sing... Anyway... I found my aunt and granddad on youtube as well... Here are some clips if you want to check them out!
This is my aunt Niecy... Her name is Melvia "Chick" Rodgers!!!! OMG!! I FREAKIN' LOVE HER VOICE! I'M HER BIGGEST FAN! The bomb... She sings all over the world. She was in The Netherlands here... Check this one out... you'll like it!!
Another one... told you I was a fan!!! lol DUDE... SHE'S GREAT!!! I wish I could go on the road with her!...
Ok...This is my granddaddy... Rev. Melvin Rodgers!!!! lol He can sing too... He's a bit extra as well!!!... but the bomb nonetheless!!!!... THIS CLIP IS HILARIOUS!! FEEL FREE TO LAUGH... I DID!!! LOL
... See how little they are!!! JUST SKINNY!!!
ANYWAY... I've done enough!!!! I think I'm about to go to sleep!!!!
Until next time,