Yesterday was the big day... I FINALLY TURNED 22!!! I've been waiting all year for this!!! Although I'm still young, I don't feel like it! YAY!!! lol
My day was pretty much the bomb! I didn't do a whole lot... but I shared it with some pretty amazing people! By 12 midnight, the party had already started!!! I was at my buddy AJ's house with Melissa and Sabrina. We decided to write some random R&B song about... umm... NOTHING! It was soooo much fun!!! I didn't write any lyrics... I just rapped on it!!! Dude, the song is hilarious!!! I really enjoyed it! While all of this was going on, I checked my facebook and by 12:05 I had already received 5 birthday wishes!!! YAAAYYYY!! I was getting excited by this point! We finished the song at like 1 or 2... can't really remember... and then we all made our way home.
When I got to my apartment... I found a cute little purple bag with 3 recycled balloons on it! lol Too cute... I opened it and found a cute little card, a gift certificate to a nail salon, a cool guitar history book, a self-help book, and some hand cream!!! I LOVED IT!!!!! THANKS ANJELICA!... my first gift of the day!!!! I knew my day was gonna be the bomb!
I ended up spending most of my day with my girl Renee!!! We had a lot of fun! I didn't make many plans... I knew for sure that I wasn't spending it in the apartment though. I LOVE window shopping... well I LOVE buying even more... but since I have no money I'll stick with the window shopping. We went to the Opry Mills mall and I pretty much looked around!!! I had sooo much fun!!!! There's nothing cooler than fashion!!!! I ended up buying a pair of sunglasses and a really cool hat!!!! I wore the hat the rest of the day... My hair looks a hot mess!!! lol

After going shopping, I was ready to eat!!! You guys know i LOVE bbq nachos... so of course I wanted to go to Neely's!!!! THE BOMB.COM!!!! I loved it!!!! I completely forgot that Renee didn't eat beef... Thank God they had turkey nachos. She loved it!!! YAY!!!! I ended up getting a Sock-it-to-me cake too! IT WAS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!
It was getting close to bible study time so we headed back to my apartment to chill for a minute! We had been listening to India Arie's, "Testimony Vol. 1: Life and Relationships" the entire day!!! It really had me reflecting on my year.... This cd was constantly in rotation last year. It brought back so many memories! I couldn't help but thank God for bringing me through! It was a pretty tough year... with heart break, not being in school... financial situations!!!! 22 IS GOING TO BE GREAT... I JUST KNOW IT!!!! I can already see where I've come from!!!! Anyway... "I CHOOSE" came on as we were headed back... That's my anthem!!! We acted a fool to this song! It was fun... I started declaring stuff... started speaking things in my life!!! It was fun!!! I'm so glad Renee was with me... I didn't realize how much of a fan she was... It was fun singing songs with her!!! lol... That sounds lame!!!
So anyway... bible study was good!!! The bomb actually!!! It was basically a recap from Bishop's last sermon!!! He talked about Miraculous Relational Manifestations! That sermon helped me take a look at myself and those around me...and see what changes I need to make in my life! It was definitely a sermon I needed at the time...

After bible study, I went to Sabrina and Melissa's... OF COURSE!!!... lol I started my day with them... and I was going to end my day with them!!! Why... cuz THEY'RE THE BOMB, DUH!?!! I wish AJ could have been there too! Melissa bought me a cupcake from Gigi's cupcakes and a cute happy birthday balloon!!! The cupcake was sooo good!!!! I loved it!!! I have plans to go back there in the near future! THANK YOU, MELISSA SOOOO MUCH!!! We all ended up just chilling and joking around downstairs about that song we wrote!!! LOL... and then somehow the movie Love Jones was brought up!... Sophie had it... so we all ran upstairs and watched it!!! I forgot just how awesome that movie was. I LOVE mushy, love stories... so of course I enjoyed it!!!!

My day was pretty much the bomb! I didn't do a whole lot... but I shared it with some pretty amazing people! By 12 midnight, the party had already started!!! I was at my buddy AJ's house with Melissa and Sabrina. We decided to write some random R&B song about... umm... NOTHING! It was soooo much fun!!! I didn't write any lyrics... I just rapped on it!!! Dude, the song is hilarious!!! I really enjoyed it! While all of this was going on, I checked my facebook and by 12:05 I had already received 5 birthday wishes!!! YAAAYYYY!! I was getting excited by this point! We finished the song at like 1 or 2... can't really remember... and then we all made our way home.
When I got to my apartment... I found a cute little purple bag with 3 recycled balloons on it! lol Too cute... I opened it and found a cute little card, a gift certificate to a nail salon, a cool guitar history book, a self-help book, and some hand cream!!! I LOVED IT!!!!! THANKS ANJELICA!... my first gift of the day!!!! I knew my day was gonna be the bomb!
I ended up spending most of my day with my girl Renee!!! We had a lot of fun! I didn't make many plans... I knew for sure that I wasn't spending it in the apartment though. I LOVE window shopping... well I LOVE buying even more... but since I have no money I'll stick with the window shopping. We went to the Opry Mills mall and I pretty much looked around!!! I had sooo much fun!!!! There's nothing cooler than fashion!!!! I ended up buying a pair of sunglasses and a really cool hat!!!! I wore the hat the rest of the day... My hair looks a hot mess!!! lol

After going shopping, I was ready to eat!!! You guys know i LOVE bbq nachos... so of course I wanted to go to Neely's!!!! THE BOMB.COM!!!! I loved it!!!! I completely forgot that Renee didn't eat beef... Thank God they had turkey nachos. She loved it!!! YAY!!!! I ended up getting a Sock-it-to-me cake too! IT WAS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!
It was getting close to bible study time so we headed back to my apartment to chill for a minute! We had been listening to India Arie's, "Testimony Vol. 1: Life and Relationships" the entire day!!! It really had me reflecting on my year.... This cd was constantly in rotation last year. It brought back so many memories! I couldn't help but thank God for bringing me through! It was a pretty tough year... with heart break, not being in school... financial situations!!!! 22 IS GOING TO BE GREAT... I JUST KNOW IT!!!! I can already see where I've come from!!!! Anyway... "I CHOOSE" came on as we were headed back... That's my anthem!!! We acted a fool to this song! It was fun... I started declaring stuff... started speaking things in my life!!! It was fun!!! I'm so glad Renee was with me... I didn't realize how much of a fan she was... It was fun singing songs with her!!! lol... That sounds lame!!!
So anyway... bible study was good!!! The bomb actually!!! It was basically a recap from Bishop's last sermon!!! He talked about Miraculous Relational Manifestations! That sermon helped me take a look at myself and those around me...and see what changes I need to make in my life! It was definitely a sermon I needed at the time...

After bible study, I went to Sabrina and Melissa's... OF COURSE!!!... lol I started my day with them... and I was going to end my day with them!!! Why... cuz THEY'RE THE BOMB, DUH!?!! I wish AJ could have been there too! Melissa bought me a cupcake from Gigi's cupcakes and a cute happy birthday balloon!!! The cupcake was sooo good!!!! I loved it!!! I have plans to go back there in the near future! THANK YOU, MELISSA SOOOO MUCH!!! We all ended up just chilling and joking around downstairs about that song we wrote!!! LOL... and then somehow the movie Love Jones was brought up!... Sophie had it... so we all ran upstairs and watched it!!! I forgot just how awesome that movie was. I LOVE mushy, love stories... so of course I enjoyed it!!!!

When the movie was over, I made my way back to the crib!!!!! See... I didn't do much, but I accomplished my goal... I didn't stay in the house... and I had A GREAT DAY!!!!
I went back to work Thursday and two of my friends from work got me something!!! How sweet!!! My friend Cailsey got me a cute little bag and made me a mixed cd! We always talk about music... I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm sure it's the bomb. My other friend, Melissa (SO BEAUTIFUL, GUYS!!!) bought me something too. I will get it today....
Anywhoo!!! That is all!!!! I haven't forgotten about my Jamaica blogs... I'll start that back up soon!!!
Until next time,
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