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Friday, August 21, 2009


August 2, 2009

Wow!! What a day! I slept well at Auntie Maxlene's house... I actually got pretty cold with the fans blowing on me. I didn't expect that at all! She woke us up at like 7:40... and it was time to start our day. While we were getting ready, she was making breakfast. She made ham, eggs and toast. She also served fruit and a salad with it. She set the table so nicely! You guys know I didn't eat the fruit or the salad... but the ham, eggs, and toast were really good. We all sat together and talked... and ate... and talked some more. I'm really going to miss her when we go to Chapelton, Jamaica... where camp will be held!

Our plan was to take our luggage with us to church because we wouldn't be going back to Auntie Max's house. We were running really late so we decided we would come back for them later.
Our trip to church was quite a ride!!!! She was all over the place. I was pretty sure that we were going to crash. I've never called on Jesus' name so much at one time before. lol I'm pretty sure I was getting on HIS nerves... but I needed him!!!!! lol When we got there... we were like right on time! Church was set to start at 9... we got there at like 9:30 and church hadn't even started yet... WHAT?!... Talk about CP time!!!!

Church was so great. Jamaicans know how to worship!!!! There isn't any time constraint to church!!! They love on God until they feel lead to do otherwise! I loved it!!! You don't get that in the states anymore!!!... which is sooo sad!!! God can't move like He wants because we have to make sure the saints are out at a certain time!!!!... We gotta stop boxing God in like that! It's so not fair... The first song that they did was... "Come, now is the time to worship." For some reason that song brought tears to my eyes. I was doing everything in my power not to cry. I was so happy to be in Jamaica... It was like everything God had done fore me in the last week was flashing before my eyes like a movie. It was amazing. They did like 5 or 6 other songs, with breaks in between for communion and offering. Speaking of communion, It was so different from our communion... well the grape juice was pretty much the same... but the bread was different. You know we get the hard, cracker like stuff... They actually have a loaf of bread that you pick a piece from... lol Why did Anjelica pick off like a huge, biscuit sized piece... lol it wasn't that big but I was like, "Dang... I should have gotten a little more!" The bread was good... very moist, and tasty! I liked it a lot.


So finally after a few more songs, it was our turn. Jelly didn't want to speak... so I did. I didn't say much. I introduced us, introduced our song, and asked if they would join in with us... if they felt lead. Apparently "How Great Is Our God" is one of their favorite worship songs. Everyone joined in, stood up... IT WAS GREAT! God showed up and we all began to worship together! I loved it... the drummer and pianist joined in with us!!! It was awesome, guys! I felt like I was in a band!!! I loved that feeling. We played standing up for the first time. I was proud of us! My guitar was in tune, God moved, AND WE HAD AN ENDING!!!! lol YEEESSSSS!!!! After service, people greeted us and told us how great we were! We met a guy named Paul who plays the guitar. He wants us to play alongside him this week at camp. I'm pretty excited about that! The people are so nice... so friendly here!!!

Sis. Janeth preached! I enjoyed her sermon... After that, the preacher wanted all of the youth of his church to come to the front to be prayed over. They were all about our age. I think God is transitioning them to a new level!!... to minister... to teach... to mentor. I was really happy for them. Later on in the service, the pastor asked if anyone needed healing. Those who needed healing came forward and guess who prayed for them... ONE OF THE YOUTH!!! Wow... he didn't have a title either! Then they prayed for Born Again... guess who prayed over us... ANOTHER ONE OF THE YOUTH!!! I loved that. I'm not used to people my age being allowed to do such major things in the church... and without a title. I can't wait to get to know these kids!!!!

The fed us after church! We had wild rice (THE BOMB), sweet and sour fish (gross AND it looked like chicken), and chicken (REALLY GOOD)! We had some kind of red orange juice which was pretty good too. So far I'm pleased with our meals. It might not be as bad as I thought. I'm still not eating as often as I will like to, but I'm eating... AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS!!!

The next group was not gonna be here until like 3:30 so we sat around and chilled... We got a little tired of that so Jel and I decided to walk around outside. As we headed outside we heard a guitar and this BEAUTIFUL VOICE coming from another room. It was the youth from the church. Paul was playing... and a girl was singing at a table. We found out later that her name was Tokgui. Some more people from the group were listening and worshipping. They were having their own little worship concert. SO COOL!!!... THEY ARE SOOO ON FIRE FOR GOD!!! I love it!!! They are really nice too!!! I'm extra excited about getting to know them! This is about to be fun!!! I already know!

Auntie Max came by and picked us up!!! We had one last chance to talk with her!! Man... I'm gonna miss her!!! :( I found myself getting really sad when I realized that I probably would never see her again... She isn't helping out with the camp because she has to work! :( We got our luggage... talked... got back to the church... took pics... said our goodbyes... and she was gone!!!!... her, her really cool accent, and her super cool truck!!! :(

The second group finally got to the church... at like 5:30! Man... what is up with this CP time!!!! We still have one more group to come, but they aren't getting in until late. We all got on the bus and made our way to Chapelton. The 2 hour ride was super bumpy, I'm sure... I don't remember most of it because I fell asleep. I was sooo tired!!!!

We got to Chapelton and stopped at a church!... It was around 9 or so I believe. Some people from the Fergus-Simpson foundation (the foundation that started the camp) greeted us, we got our room assignments, then we made our way to the houses we would be staying in. So far it's only me, Jel, Ms. Anna, Tammy, and Tianna. Ms. Ivy's house is really big! As we walked up to her door, we were greeted by her 5 dogs!!! BOY WERE THEY SCARY!!! 3 of them are gated in, but they can still see us and they pretty much were trying to get out... to eat us!!!! The other 2 are free to roam and they barked at us too... but they are some little punks! They ran away as we walked toward them. The dogs behind the gate remind me of Will Smith's dog in "I AM LEGEND" when he had the same disease as the other people. I'm gonna keep my eye on them. They will not eat me for breakfast... lunch... OR DINNER!!!! lol

Anywhoo... Now I'm laying on the bed... HOT... writing... listening to this random preacher and his congretation shout at the church down the street... and thinking about someone. I MISS HIS VOICE!!! I wonder what he's doing now... if he's thinking about me... WHAT THE HECK?!.. STIX, GO TO BED!!!

Until next time,

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