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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So much to say... NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!!

DDDUUUDDEE!!! I haven't done this in forever!!!!! I've been working like crazy lately and haven't had the time to blog!!! I've missed it sooo much! I really enjoy doing this!!!... just wait until I get a video camera!!! You guys are gonna see more cool blogs!!!!

UGH!!... IDK!!! So much has happened.... I met Cece Winans for the second time, I've been hanging out with "the group" almost daily... I COULDN'T DRIVE MY TRUCK FOR LIKE 3 DAYS... what the heck?!... MICHAEL JACKSON DIED!!!! :(... My friends and I went to Atlanta for a day... good times!!!.... The BET AWARDS SUCKED!!!... I think I'm in love with Maxwell!!!... Someone made the second payment on my trip... LOOK AT GOD!!!!!!!... I have a photo shoot with, Moma Sabrina Friday!!... super excited!!! I wonder if I can wear a boyfriend blazer and a cute fluffy skirt or something... AAAUUUNNTTTIIIE MELISSA!? lol AS YOU CAN SEE THAT IS A TOTAL OF 9 BLOGS that I have missed out on!!! Not cool!!!! It's ok though!...
OOOhhh... while I think about it... Guess what I'm eating?!... give up?!.. left overs from Sunday! lol... That sounds kind of gross, huh?!... IT'S STILL GOOD! Darius took me to J. Alexander's for dinner Sunday!!! It was good! I decided to do something different and NOT order chicken fingers and fries!!!! Instead I ordered the Grilled Pork Tenderloin, cured in-house with Thai "BANG BANG" sauce, and Smashed Potatoes!!!! OMG!!!... FRIKKIN' AMAZING! It was sooo good! I really could have finished it there... but our server was new and kept coming over like every two seconds!!! When she offered to box it up I went ahead and said, "Yes" very politely too... cuz Lord knows I just about went off on her because I wanted to finish!!! But LOOK AT GOD... Now I can eat it today!!! COME ON, SOMEBODY!!!! :)
Finally... I know what I want to talk about!!! So... Yesterday I worked a double!!!!... I was working with some of my favorite people so it wasn't that hard! We had a lot of fun... even though it was SLOW AS CRAP IN THERE!!!!... My boy, Braxton was there!!! I love him so much, guys!!! He is soooo talented! He and another guy I work with, Bret... (who I think is my husband! He is sooo cute!!! AND HE PLAYS A MEEAAANNN GUITAR! LOVE HIM)... started a band called Furiosity9! Click on their name to see their myspace page!!!... and disregard their layout! lol... They're men... pray for them!!!! I'M LIKE THEIR NUMBER ONE FAN!!!! lol And they know it! Braxton writes the songs, is lead vocalist, and plays the guitar... HE IS AN AMAZING SONG-WRITER!!!... and he and Bret put the music together! Bret is the lead guitarist! They also have a drummer and a bass player! The bass player also sings... he sings the harmony parts! I got the opportunity to meet the other two last night! Cool dudes!!!! Let me go back... I LOVE BANDS!!!... ALL KINDS!!!! LIVE MUSIC IS WHAT I LIVE FOR!!! I'm a ROCKSTAR... I CAN'T HELP IT!!! lol Anyway... so Braxton invited me to their practice last night! I was sooo excited!!! That's all I could think about at work that night!!! As soon as I got off... I headed to their house! I've been to their house a lot of times so it was nothing to get there!!!! So there I was.... sitting there... taking in Braxton's voice.... Bret's amazing solos.... THE TIGHTEST BASS LINE I'VE HEARD IN AWHILE... and THE SICKEST DRUMS, DUDE!!! I was feeling it!!! And though they are SO FAR from being a christian band... I WENT IN!!!! lol The music was almost too much for me!!!! I'm serious! The boys are amazing!!!! I can't wait to go to their gig next week!!!! I learned the chorus to each song soooo fast! I'm gonna be like a little groupie at their show! I'm excited!!!! Dude... They were working on endings to their songs... I think I know why Blu21 struggles with that... WE HAVE NO DRUMMER!!! The drums really are who the depend on for their endings!!! I can't really explain it!!! But... all i know is... WE NEED A DRUMMER!!! I ended up leaving a little early because I really wanted to play!!! lol... I felt sooo inspired!!!! I got home and DIDN'T PLAY!!! lol... I prayed instead!!!...
"I PRAY, YOU PRAY, WE PRAY!!!"-CeCe Winans lol
As I headed home, my homie, Renee called me!!!! I love her, guys!!! She is one of my closest friends!!!...really!!! I was telling her about some stuff that I was struggling with...Relationally!!!... and what do you know, THE GIRL HAD ALREADY BEEN THROUGH THAT! See, God knows just who to send you!!! She helped me out sooo much!!!! And what I love the most about her... she told me things that kind of hurt!!! lol... She told me what I needed to hear instead of what I wanted to hear! NOW THAT'S A REAL FRIEND!!!! She said only what God had given her... and what's funny is that my mentor had already said some of the same things!!!... Like I've said before... If it is from God, YOU WILL HEAR IT AGAIN!!!! TRUST!!! Anway... We talked for about 45 minutes or so and she had to go... she had to work that night!!!!! She encouraged me to pray...and I did just that!!!! It felt good talking to God again! I really haven't been giving Him the time He deserves... and guess what... He has still been doing amazing things for me!!! HE DESERVES SOOO MUCH!!! I'm gonna do better!!!!
Anway... I need to get ready for DOUBLE #2... for the week!!!
Until next time,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


DUDE!!! I can't say it enough... I LOVE GOD... AND I LOVE THE FRIENDS HE HAS BLESSED ME WITH!!!! I'm so serious... THEY ARE SOOO FROM God!!!...
I've been a member of Born Again for about 7 months now and God finally answered my prayer! It couldn't have come at a better time! When I first joined, it seemed like the only people I knew were older women!... I'm talkin' like between the ages of 35 and like 50 something!... Don't get me wrong I love them all and I know God has placed them in my life... but I wanted more! I prayed that God would send me people my age from that church... not just anybody... but people that I could hang out with that LOVE GOD... the way I LOVE GOD!!!! People that I could hang out with who could find fun things to do outside of the club!!! Ya know?! The first friend that He sent me was Renee!!!! We met in my new member's orientation! I tell her all the time that I know God placed her in my life! She reminds me so much of myself! She is always trying to find more ways to please God!... She's a worshipper and she genuinely loves God!!!... I LOVE IT!!!! HER BIRTHDAY IS IN SEPTEMBER TOO... There are 2 other people that God sent into my life that I prayed for... AND THEY ARE BORN IN SEPTEMBER TOO!!! lol... Isn't that cool?! And then came AJ, Sabrina, Melissa, Sophie... but you know that story already!... Let me tell you about tonight...
After bible study Renee thought it would be a good idea to cook and hangout!!! She has been wanting to come to my apartment for awhile so she said she would come over... I can't remember how exactly all the plans came about... but we decided that we were gonna cook breakfast and chill at my apartment!! We told Sabrina and the crew and everybody was game! You know I had to stop by Aj's to see if she wanted to come! I could have called her but my phone was dead so I stopped by really fast and told her what was going on! She had to do her hair, but she said she would stop by for a minute! I met up with Renee at Kroger... by the time I got there... she was already done!!! I grabbed some plates, forks, cups and checked out!... We headed back to my crib and she and Anjelica cooked!!! We had pancakes, turkey sausage, eggs, oatmeal, biscuits, and orange juice.... (THE BOMB.COM!!!!! as Aj would say) what better way to top it off than with WORSHIP!!! LOL... We watched Ce Ce Winan's dvd... " Live in the Throne Room!"... ALL OF MY FRIENDS ARE CECE FANS... see... Another sign that God sent them my way... LOL... not really but hey... IT'S A PLUS!!!! It was great watching that again... It had been a minute!!!!! After we watched that we chilled for a mintue then AJ and Melissa left!!!! OH YEA... AJ CAME!!! I really didn't think she was gonna come! I was so glad she came!!!! That's my dawg, man! LOVE HER...
I learned how to play one of my favorite worship songs the other day, "Pour my love on you!" I let Anjelica hear it a few days later... She added a really cool ending to it and a transition into the song I wrote called, "God I love you!" Jelly wanted Sabrina to hear it so she asked me to come over so we could do it!!! To be honest, I wasn't in the mood to play! (Gotta put myself out there... before Jelly does!) lol I had started cleaning the kitchen and I kind of wanted to finish while I was in the mood... (Anjelica is cleaning the kitchen now... lol see what I mean)... So I stopped cleaning and we played the song for Sabrina, Sophie, and Renee!!!! MAN!!!!! I WISH I COULD HAVE GOTTEN IT ON TAPE!!!! Once we got to the first line, "GOD I LOVE YOU" everybody went in!!! MAN IT WAS GOOD!!!... The song is so simple... so personal... so PERFECT! I love that song... not because I wrote it (I never intended for anyone to hear it) but because IT'S SUCH A PERFECT SONG TO WORSHIP TO!!!! It could go on forever... like Lambchop's song!!! lol Anjelica started... and then Sophie asked if she could join!!! LORD JESUS!!! I already told you this girl LOVES THE LORD!!!!... SHE IS SOOO A WORSHIPPER!!!... She went in and her words were perfect... so intimate!!!! No one else was in the room!... It was just her and God... and then I forgot anyone was in the room! It was like I was playing... but Sophie was on the radio or something... lol I could hear her.. but she SO wasn't there! It was just me and God! I could feel Him... WHAT A SWEET VISIT IT WAS!... and then I heard Sabrina! That girl doesn't give herself enough credit! She can really sing! and her words were powerful as well!!!! We all were right there at the feet of Jesus... just worshipping!!! Me and Jelly on the guitar... Sophie, Sabrina, and Jelly singing, and Renee making a beat on the carpet! IT WAS PERFECT! GOD WAS PLEASED!!!!! I really wish we could have recorded it but then again I don't... That was for God... I'm learning that some things are meant for just me and God! I can't let everyone hear what I play to God because then it wouldn't be special anymore! Just like tonight... we all worshipped together and we can't even remember what all was said... When we heard it... IT WAS PERFECT... we all were in agreement... BUT ONCE IT WAS OVER... IT WAS GONE!!! That's how you know it was JUST FOR GOD!!! Man, it was perfect!!!... special... our gift to Him! I enjoyed every bit of it!!!!!
I'm off to bed now...
Until next time,

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lesson Learned...

My friends are awesome!!!!
Ok!!!! First of all I SHOULD NOT be awake right now!!!! I sooo have to be at work in the morning...! I'm at Sabrina's apartment with Anjelica and AJ! We were just watching Tye Tribbett's live recording of the Victory album... STRAIGHT UP BLESSED MY LIFE!!!! I LOVE TYE TRIBBETT SOOO MUCH... He straight up does not care when He worships!!!... and HE IS SOOO GENUINE!!! I LOOK UP TO HIM!!!.. One day I'm gonna let go like that... GOD DESERVES IT!!!!... I HAVE to get over caring what people think! God DESERVES MY BEST PRAISE... AND HE'S GONNA GET IT!!!! lol... Isn't it weird how I talk about how I WANT to worship God but I can't do it! I have some serious issues!!!! lol... Pray For me!!! Ok... so anyway... I have to tell this!!! I HAVE THE COOLEST FRIENDS EVER!! We all are the BIGGEST HOLY ROLLERS...EVER! lol I KNOW God placed them in my life!!!... Why did one of my friends ( I won't even call her out right now... lol) STRAIGHT UP go into woship on Tye Tribbett's song "I STILL HAVE JOY!!"... I'm talkin' about SHOUTIN' LIKE SHE WAS AT CHURCH ON A SUNDAY MORNING!!!! LMBO... I LOVE IT!!!! I laughed at first because I thought she was playing but when I realized how SERIOUS she was... I couldn't help but be happy for her!!! God WAS SOOO PLEASED! I just know it!!! I know she got her breakthrough!!!... lol in an apartment at like 12 something in the morning!!!! SEE... GOTTA LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!! LOL
Blu 21 Update...
Ok... Let me go ahead and get this out of the way!!! OUR GIG... LORD JESUS I'M LATE... That was a LESSON!!! I can't even go into detail because it is sooo long ago, but God definitely showed me some things! Man... BLU21 is definitely anointed... and God definitely wants to do some things through us... but we have to put in the work! We haven't been doing that and I think it showed at this gig! Our endings sucked... my guitar was out of tune (this little boy kicked it over when he was on stage before we performed)... I could go on and on! But you want to know the cool thing... God STILL SHOWED UP!... People were still blessed by our music... NOTHING BUT GOD! I was sooo upset with our performance until I heard that! That's definitely what we were there for... BUT I promise you... I will never ever do another gig that way again though... I believe that God wants to use us as His vessel... GOD OPERATES IN EXCELLENCE... therefore my music will BE EXCELLENT... God deserves to use the best... And I want to be HIS BEST!... LESSON LEARNED!!!...
Speaking of learning lessons...
God has defintely been testing me a lot lately... my faith... my strength... how I love! God is trying to do some things through me! I can tell! It hasn't been fun or easy though! I've failed some test... LOL... and taking a few over!... But it's all good though... because I know ONCE I get through this... He is gonna use me!!! YEEEESSSSS!!!!! I'm excited!!! USE ME LORD!!!!
CHURCH WAS SOOO GOOD TODAY... And if God didn't speak through Elder Pete today... LORD, JESUS!!!! He was straight up stepping on my toes! Coming from Acts chapter 9, He talked about Saul's conversion!!! If you haven't read it... You should read it! I love that story... Later on in the story at verses 23-25 it talks about how the Jews were out to kill him... When Saul figured out their plan, his followers lowered him in a basket over a wall one night so he could get away. So anyway... the name of his sermon was "Hold on to the rope" or something like that... "Hold the rope"... UGH... Idk... that is bothering me now... but anyway... He talked about how we have to stop leaving our brothers and sisters behind... We have to hold on and don't give up on them! You never know who you are holding on to... They may be another Saul... another Jesus... just waiting to save the world... but if we let them go, they will never get to do what God has created them to do!!! MAN... IF HE DIDN'T STEP ON MY TOES!!! lol... I need to go back and pick up a rope or two...! I know I have left some people behind... but thanks to today's sermon... I'm going back to get them... Let's just PRAY they haven't fallen to the bottom! :) God is sooo good!... and to think... I wasn't gonna go to church today!!!!
Ok... FINALLY! The women's ministry at my church, FIHI (Fashioned In His Image) is planning a mission trip to Jamaica in August! Basically we are going to minister to the young people at a camp in Chapelton! I'm sooo excited! First of all... I LOVE KIDS!!!! I have this weird passion for them! lol... I could spend all day with a kid and lose track of the time!!!... so to know that I'm going there to be around kids is exciting! I was told that they are very stand offish at first... but that doesn't scare me! I love the challenge! I am looking forward to ministering to them! I LOVE GOING ON MISSION TRIPS! I've been on 4... this is my first one out of the country!!!! It has been awhile since I've been on one... and Lord knows I've been dying to go on another! I'm super excited... I still don't know how I'm going to pay for it... but I'm not worried about it... because GOD KNOWS!! I was able to make the first payment... so I'm believing that He is going to come through for the next 2 payments!!!!! Pray for and with me as I prepare to go! I want to go mentally, physically, emotionally, and of course spiritually prepared for what God has in store! I can't wait to blog about what all God is gonna do while I'm there!!!! THE TESTIMONIES ARE GOING TO BE THE BOMB.COM!!!! LOL
Ok... I'm soooo about to go to sleep!!! I have to work in the morning!!!!!... and it's freakin' 2am!!!! Gotta go!!!
Until next time,

Monday, June 1, 2009


It's been a minute and I have absolutely NO excuse this time!... so I'm going to stop making them!!! lol I believe this blog is going to be filled with PURE RANDOMNESS... like the utmost RANDOMEST blog ever!!!!! I know I made that up! HA!

was pretty cool! I went to the OG and worked 'til about 5! I had plans to work a double but I made pretty good money and decided not to!
My friend Renee and I text pretty much every day and today she told me that she was going to a church event! I told her I would go too. We are members of the same church, Born Again Ministries! B.A.C. has a pretty cool College and Young Adult ministry.This summer they are having this cool hangout type thing on Mondays... It's called, "College and Young Adult CONNECTIONS!" This was my first one and I must say... IT WAS PRETTY DARN COOL!!! It was about 11 of us there... I knew maybe 5 of them! lol Everyone was super cool and ARE SOOO ON FIRE FOR GOD!!! It was great being around them! I love meeting people my age who are on fire for God!!! I THINK IT'S SOOO COOL!!! Anyway... The minister over our ministry is Minister Reggie Madison! He is super cool... a really laid back guy! I enjoy listening to him teach! He is SO REAL!... I look forward to hearing him teach more.... Yea... so We just talked and ATE... well I didn't eat... I had just eaten at work so I was still pretty full... I KNOW RIGHT?!... so not like me! I heard it was pretty good though! One of the mothers at the church made it!!! I KEEP GETTING OFF TOPIC... anyway... Minister Reggie read from Daniel 1... He focused on Daniel and the three Hebrew boys! Those guys were DIE HARD followers of God!!! They believed in no other way... They stood up for what they believed... no matter what... THEY FEARED THE LORD... They didn't fear the king!!! Even when the king told them to do something... if it didn't line up with God's will, they didn't do it!!! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' 'BOUT! Great examples!!... so yea... We talked about every day situations on a college campus and how we should stand out the same way! Of course it's not always easy... We touched on that as well!!! It was good... I didn't really talk much! I guess I was just getting a feel for everyone! I said what I needed to say and was done... I wasn't really giving testimonies or talking for forever... I simply answered a question or two and listened to everyone else... I was asked to be on the commercial for the website! That was pretty cool! I'm a little nervous about seeing myself though!

God is definitely in the BLESSING BUSINESS!!! lol He has allowed me to meet some of the coolest people EVER!!!!... all cool in their own little way!!! "I'm gonna try out this whole picture on a blog thing... Let's see how I do..." ANYWAY... Ok... God SO put them in my life... these three girls all go to my church. I knew them all from a distance but now we are like COOL! lol I LOVE IT!...

I can't remember how I met them exactly but I remember Sabrina speaking to me randomly after church one Sunday. From then on she would compliment my outfit or just say hello! She was really sweet!... Well, recently she has been reading my blogs... and read about my band!!!! Come to find out... THIS GIRL LOVES MUSIC TOO!!! SHE WRITES SONGS, Y'ALL!!! What a gift! Well... She wrote a song for the kids in Jamaica (still gotta write about that trip)... and asked if I would put music to it!!!! I felt so DARN honored or something... I can't really describe the feeling but I know happy was somewhere in there!!!... not just because she asked me to do that... but because I knew that was what God wanted me to do! He had already told me that I was going to write a song for the trip... and that the kids would sing it... I just didn't know how... GOD KNOWS I CAN'T WRITE... See how God works?! HE'S SO AWESOME.. I keep trying to tell y'all!!! lol So last week we worked on the song... It's turning out pretty good! I'm excited about it! I can actually hear the kids singing it! Sabrina did an awesome job on it! So yea... after each session we would chill and it's been fun! THIS GIRL IS SOOO HILARIOUS!!!! FUNNY... FUNNY... FUNNY, I TELL YOU!!! I LOVE HER!

Melissa is one of her roommates. SHE IS SOOOO COOL... when I say cool... I guess I mean calm... ABOUT EVERYTHING!!! I LOVE IT! lol... HER BLOGS ARE FREAKIN AMAZING TOO... CHECK IT OUT!!! I don't know how I learned about her blog... but when I saw it... I was even more excited about blogging... For some odd reason I wrote on her facebook wall and told her how awesome I thought her blogs were and SHE STARTED READING MINE!!! AWESOME! lol She's so nice! So yea... I got a chance to get to know her... and SHE'S HILARIOUS... Her sense of humor is like nobody I know!... and I know some pretty funny people! She's super duper smart... AND AN AMAZING STYLIST!!!!!... She's soooo gonna be my stylist when I make it big!!!... OH AND SHE CAN COOK!!! Yep... You know she's a favorite, right?! lol DON'T YOU JUST LOVE THAT PIC!!! LOL... IT'S MY FAV!

Sophie is another one of her roommates!!! DUDE... SHE IS SOOO SWEET!!! lol She is one of the worship leaders at my church!!!! I love her spirit! She's sooo kind... sweet...! Idk... I can't explain it! You can definitely see the "JESUS" in her! She has the most beautiful voice!... She'll take you straight to the feet of Jesus with her voice!!!! lol I'M SOOO SERIOUS! She is sooo passionate about God!... Her love for God is sooo sincere and genunine!!! SHE LOVES HER SOME GOD! I LOVE THAT!!! I noticed that before I even had the opportunity to talk to her! When I met her... it was like meeting a celebrity!... and She was soooo nice! I didn't expect that... I don't think I expected her to be mean... I just didn't think she would be so warm!!!! I hope that people feel that when they meet me! lol I want to be that warm! I felt so comfortable around her... Anyway... I don't want to sound weird... so I'm gonna stop! She's super cool though! DUDE... SHE CALLED ME JESSE!!! I ABSOLUTELY HATE THAT!!!... but when she said it... IT WAS OK! lol SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON ALLOWED TO CALL ME THAT! It doesn't even bother me...! HA! HOW WEIRD!!!! lol... She also helped me... She may never know it though... I was struggling with the fact that I met Darius online... I would get so embarrassed when people would ask how we met... Well... She and her boyfriend met on the internet!!!! AND SHE IS SOOO OK WITH THAT!!! God uses different resources to help us find our mate... She helped me see that!!! THANK YOU GOD... and SOPHIE!!! lol

AREN'T THEY JUST ADORABLE?! I wish you guys could hang out with them!!! Everybody needs to know them! LOL!!

This is FUN!!!..
Ok... while I'm at it... How about I introduce you to the other two girls that I talk about a lot!!! First...

MY SIS... MY BESTIE... MY ROOMIE... BAND MEMBER... JELLY!!!! I've talked about her before... This is my girl!!! We haven't even known each other that long but I feel like I've known her forever!!!! I love her like a sister!!! We have a real SISTER relationship too!!! lol... She understands me... I understand her... She gets on my nerves... I get on hers... She knows ALLLL my business... i know hers... YOU GET IT RIGHT?! lol I thank God for her... I really do... She can sing too!!! Her voice is very unique!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!... SO DIFFERENT! She has a blog spot as well... CHECK IT OUT... SHE'S SOOO FREAKIN' SMART... AND SHE IS STRAIGHT PREACHIN'... lol well teachin'!!! She knows that Word now!!!...


MY HOMIE... AAAA JJJJJ KKKEEEZZZYYYY!!!! (AJ KEYS!)... I'm serious! I love this girl so much!!!! She's like my twin... only she is like 2 years older than me!!! I met her through Anjelica actually! She is a cousin of one of Anjelica's friends. We thought she was a potential Blu21 member... She loves God and wants to use her talent to GLORIFY HIM... JUST LIKE US!!! Turns out that isn't the plan God has for her... which is totally ok because I know God has BIGGER and BETTER things in store for her! She is sooo talented!!!! God wants to do so much through her music... I can't wait to see how He does it! So anyway... I would text and check on her... minister to her every now and then... go by and see her... that kind of thing!!!... and wah lah.... voila!! (lol... UGH!) WE ARE SUPER COOL!!! I've gotten to know her so well! Here lately, she's been ministering to me about some things!!!! She is soooo intelligent too!!!! Man!!! Oh and we pretty much have the same sense of style!!!... which is pretty cool!!! God knew what He was doing when He sent her my way. She's turned out to be an amazing friend!!!! :) Oh... check out her blog too...!... IT'LL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!! The girl's life is pretty darn interesting!!! lol
**KEYS IS SOOO NOT HER LAST NAME, BTW!!! She plays the keyboard... Alicia KEYS... get it?!**

OK! I think I've said enough tonight!!!!!! I guess I'll find something else to do before I go to bed!!!! Next time I'm gonna talk about our last gig and my trip to Jamaica!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time,