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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just thinking...

This morning when I was headed to work, the most random scripture came to mind. 1Corinthians 13:11-When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.(NIV)... Random right?!... My thoughts exactly!!!
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that there are some childish ways I want to hold on to!!! Children are soooooo innocent... I think they understand what it means to have an intimate relationship with God better than we do! Sabrina told me a story on Sunday about a little girl she kept over the weekend. As the girl was getting ready for bed, she wanted to say her prayers! Her prayer was so innocent... so honest... so pure! Not only did she thank God for an awesome day, for her friends, and family... she also remembered to pray FOR GOD!!!! Who does that?! Who actually thinks enough of God to wish Him a great day! lol... It may sound a bit weird... but I got a revelation from that!!!! We're.... ok, I'll speak for myself... I'm guilty of not praying for or honoring Him by thinking about Him... about how my actions may affect how He feels? I just don't think about Him enough... I'm so busy thinking about myself and how I'm gonna make it!!! SELFISH!!!
Another example... Sunday I went to another church!!!! IT WAS SOOO AMAZING! I plan to attend that church randomly when I just want to get away from everybody! I loved it.. Before service they have a soaking! This soaking took place in a small room of the church. In there was a female singer who played the keyboard, a guitar player, and someone else... can't remember what that person was doing. I know there were three people... Anyway... People go in that room and worship God with the worship leaders! The music was sooo soft and sweet! When I walked in there... I PROMISE YOU... the presence of God was sooo heavy! It even smelled different in there! My eyes teared up immediately! It was amazing... I found a seat and begin to just reflect on God's goodness!... As I worshipped, I could hear a little voice singing, "JESSSUUUSS, JEESSSUSSS, JEESSSUSSSS!" I opened my eyes and there was a 5 year old BLACK girl singing a song to God with her hands lifted up!!! I WAS SHOCKED! I loved it! Kids get it! It wasn't something all extra deep!... She was singing her own song to Jesus! THAT'S PURE WORSHIP!!! I've been spending a lot of time with God lately and I asked Him to show me how to worship! I wanted to forget what I had seen and learn FROM GOD what worship was!... and he showed me!!!... through that little girl! One day I was playing my guitar and God said, "There is a special anointing in simple worship!" I believe that! It's not fake... it's not about what you say... it's about what HE CAN SEE IN YOUR HEART!!! I'm getting it God!!!
Another example- I've been listening to a lot of different worship singers lately. One of them being Jason Upton! He is the bomb!!!! He has a song on his album, "Beautiful People" called "Hey Jesus." This is a song that he wrote based off of some questions his little boy, Samuel had for Jesus!!! Again... so innocent, so honest... so pure!!! Here are some of the questions he asked:
Hey Jesus
Are you still on the cross or are you feeling better?
And if you're feeling better, will you come down and play with me?
... to the next to me place!!!!
Hey Jesus
When I wave at you, do you wave back?
When I'm feeling sad, are you sad too?
Children are sooo deep!!!... without being deep! lol... I know that doesn't make sense!!! But 4real... those questions were so deep to me! He just wanted to spend time with Jesus! He talked to Him like they were friends! How many adults do you know do that in the church? People are sooo "deep" in the church, dude! I can't take it! It's a show!!! lol... Why can't we just chill and be true with God?... He is our friend!!!! I'm done preaching to God... I want to TALK to Him!
So yea... I agree with that scripture... but in some ways I still wish I had that innocence!!! Growing up in the church kind of pushes that out of your heart! I've been praying that God give me back that innocence I once had! Kids understand worship! It's not about religion with them... They just love Jesus and want Him to play with them!!!! lol... I LOVE IT!!!! So I leave you with this...
How personal is your relationship with God?!
How intimate are you with Him?!
Do you have an honest/REAL relationship with Him?!
Until next time,

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