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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Ok! It's time to stop playing!!! I've been inspired!!!! Her body looks amazing!!! 72?! Are you serious?! I hope this motivates you!!!!! 2010... LET'S GET IT!!!

Until next time,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Surprise. Surprise!!!!

Today was a good day, folks!!!

Why?! My aunt called me early this morning and told me she was in Nashville. My uncle had a meeting and she decided to tag along. She had nothing to do until the meeting was over so she called and asked if I wanted to go out for breakfast!!!! OF COURSE I WANTED TO GO OUT FOR BREAKFAST! As she made her way to my apartment, I looked for places to go. I chose Pancake Pantry because my friends speak so highly of the place... We get there and guess what... The freakin' line is wrapped around the building! I WAS HUNGRY and was NOT in the mood to wait so we decided to go to Germantown Cafe... about 5 minutes from Pancake Pantry... wanna know what happened?! The place hadn't opened yet!!! GRRRR!!! By that time I was irritated and out of cool places to try! My aunt remembered that she had eaten at a place called Monell's!!!... GOOD IDEA, TEE TEE! I hadn't eaten there before and again... my friends spoke very highly of this place as well. We were able to eat a country breakfast at pretty decent price. We had pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, baked apples, country ham, fried corn, biscuits, cheese grits, and fried chicken! And yes my friends, I only named what I ate! It was sooo good! I give that place an A! I was always a bit skeptical of the place because I heard that everything was done family style!!! I didn't quite agree with receiving and handing food off to random people I didn't know!... It ended up being pretty cool! I think the next time I go, I'll make sure I go with a bunch of people I know so I won't have to eat with random people! Call me weird... I just didn't like that part all that much!

Anywho! We had a great time. We talked about my current situation with school and money and she helped me come up with so really good solutions! I'm so glad she came! I needed a little encouragement... from MY FAMILY! I love her so much! She and I are a lot alike in a lot of ways! I feel like I can talk to her about anything! Pretty cool lady!!! She's a minister too! Cool right?!

Oh yea... We went to Cupcake Connections after we left Monell's! She ordered a strawberry cupcake and I ordered a sweet potato cupcake! THE BOMB!!! They are pretty pricey though!... $5 for a cupcake?!... now that's a bit much! And to think... people were buying them by the half dozen... and even dozen! WOW!!!... I SEE YOU, BIG MONEY!!!

Jeremy and I hung out tonight! We watched "The Hangover."... I hadn't seen the movie yet and I kept hearing great things about it. Yea... it's a funny movie... but guys... DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE! It wasn't as great and funny as I expected! I've seen better!

Ok... I have maybe an hour and a half left of work! I think it's about time to do what I was hired to do... SLEEP ON THE JOB! lol jk

Until next time,

Friday, January 22, 2010

A little bit of this... A little bit of that! ;)

... and the blog titles keep getting lamer... and lamer! HA!

Ok, this is another one of those random blogs because I'm at work... and I'm running out of stuff to look up online! ;)


I still have the ear ache... It's nowhere near as bad as it was though! THANK GOD! I'm ready to be completely healed from this thing! I'm pretty sure I've lost a few more pounds because it hurts to chew... I've eaten maybe twice since I left the doctor's office. Pray for me guys! My weight is slowly becoming an issue. Where I used to eat all the time... and was gaining a few pounds, I am now NEVER eating and constantly losing weight! My pants don't fit the same anymore and I believe it's highly unattractive! GOTTA DO SOMETHING... AND FAST!!!

Moving on!

My roommate Jel and our friend Courtney left for California on Thursday at 5am! Two great things came from this trip on my end! I have the apartment to myself until Monday!!!YYYEEESSS!!! Jel is in no way a pain... It just feels good to be there alone!

The second thing is that I get to keep Courtney's dog, Lyrical! Courtney was so nervous leaving her with me. lol I can understand why... that's her baby... and I work crazy hours so she's afraid the poor dog will feel neglected! Luckily so far that has not been the case. I was off all day so she and I have pretty much been chillaxin'! Dogsitting for Courtney makes me want a dog more now than ever!!! I love how when I get up she wants to get up and follow me... or when I lay on the couch she jumps up there with me and falls asleep on my legs! I LOVE IT!!!... and I want OOOONNNEEE!!!!!! *whining* I'm pretty sure I'm going to cry silent, non-existent (lol) tears when she leaves! Lyrical has been that something I've needed to feel... IDK... whatever I've been feeling! I can't find the word to describe it without sounding like a WALDO (weirdo)! Anyway... so I'm at work... and she's at the apartment by herself. I can't stop thinking about her. I pray she's ok.

Angel Taylor, Ladies & Gentleman!!!!!

I was late watching the Pepa show again this week. I saw a few clips online while I was at work... but it wasn't the entire show. I was finally able to watch it on Thursday with Lyrical! It was the bomb. I was able to see a snippet of the "You Oughta Know" artist that VH1 features at the end of shows... It was a girl named Angel Taylor this time! I made a mental note to look her up when I got to work... ya know... give me something to do when I get bored!!! I LOVE HER!!! I FREAKIN' LOVE HER! She's up there with India Arie on my list, guys! Her main instrument is the piano but she plays the guitar on her music video!!! I think you guys should check her out! She lives in LA. She sounds like Adele... mixed with a little Corrinne! Did I fail to mention how GORGEOUS she is?!... BEAUTIFUL! Anyway... She's great. Of course I love her voice, but I also fell in love with her style. I've been working, mentally, to change my wardrobe. I already have a look, but I think it's time to upgrade. I'm tired of people telling me that I look like a I'm 16. I've been told that I have a baby face, and I can't do much with that. I can, however, change up my style a little! I like the weird look... I can't describe it better than that... Angel has it DOWN! I was looking at some pictures... Her outfits look weird, yet they're trendy! On her video she wears this cute little dress, skirt thingy!... I loved it! This summer I'm going to try the whole dress thing... and that's exactly the look I thought of! I loved all of the girls outfits on the video. It made me excited about summer!!!! Anyway... check out the video! You're gonna love it!

Oh yea... One more cool thing about her!... Her sister is Ebony Taylor from America's Next Top Model Cycle 5!

Remember her?! They look just alike! Ok... I'm done rambling tonight!

Quick shout outs to my long lost friends! Mel Watkins, Sabrina Washy, and Rohzi! I miss you guys! Praying for you all and looking forward to the day when we can chill and act a fool again! Love ya!!

Until next time,


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blogging to...


It's 3:06a.m. and of course I'm at work. It's a little early to fall asleep so I'm blogging to blow time!

Forced to face a fear...

I've had an earache for the last week or so. The pain was bearable so I never bothered telling anyone... or made an attempt to see a doctor. I figured it would just go away. I had a bad night at work the other night, but the pain went away soon after my shift. Yesterday... I couldn't take it anymore. I had worked 8 hours with the pain and couldn't really sleep all that well when I got home. I knew then it was time to meet with a doctor! The very thing I didn't want to do! :( I'm terrified of doctors offices, hospitals, clinics, and dentist offices. I've never been to one without my mom. She knows of my fear and she's been right there with me! I almost drove home today so my mom could go with me! Pretty sad right?!

I believe the fear developed when I was younger. I practically LIVED at the doctor's office when I was growing up... and most of my experiences involved a lot of pain. I don't have a high tolerance for pain so I may be over exaggerating to some!... but whatever! THEY ALWAYS HURT ME! I can remember on several occasions where doctors and nurses would have to make special trips into the room to hold me down for a shot or a strep test! lol My mom wasn't quite strong enough... she needed a little help! **I know, I know... a shame!** In high school, I caught the flu around the same time every year! It was pretty bad... Every time though...I had my mom! She was right there with me! I went home for my first pap smear (is that too much info?! lol) when I turned 20 and guess who was right there holding my hand and quoting scriptures to keep my mind off of the pain?!... you guessed it!!!... MY MOM! lol Don't you dare judge me!!! lol... Moving to Middle TN must have been what my body needed or something because I haven't been sick since I've moved here... Not until recently!

I made the appointment today and then called my mom crying because I didn't think I could do it alone! LOL... I'm embarrassed telling you guys this! Anyway... She helped calm my nerves a little. I called my mentor... I wanted her to go with me, but she was at work! It looked like it was time for me to grow up and take my own GROWN SELF to the doctor!... and I did! I was thinking THE WORST the entire time. My friend Sophie just had a bad experience with an ear infection... I just knew the doctor was gonna go in for the kill and have me screaming like my mom died or something! Turns out.. it wasn't so bad. lol He simply asked a few questions... checked my ear (that was the worst part.. pretty painful)... and told me I had an ear infection. Thank God it wasn't as bad as Sophie's. It's just a little red and swollen. Nothing antibiotics can't fix! PRAISE THE LORD!

I was in A LOT MORE pain after my visit! I understand better how Sophie felt! I could barely drive. I'm pretty sure it was because the doctor was in and out of my ear so much... trying to figure out exactly what type of ear infection I had! I had my prescription filled... popped way too many pills and attempted to put the ear drops in my ears! I couldn't do it! Mentally, I couldn't do it. I was afraid that it would hurt. I tried... but of course it was going everywhere BUT inside my ear! lol My mentor did it for me!... and IT HURT LIKE HECK!!!!

Jeremy came by work to see me! I was glad because by that time I was due for another dose! He was happy to do it for me! UGH! I'm such a baby!!... I hope Jel is at home when I get off so she can help me with my next dose! I'm supposed to do this 4 times a day! Ugh! I don't think I can take that feeling much longer. I hate what it feels like going inside my ear. It hurts... to me!

Anyway... that was my day... filled with lots of fear and pain! lol BUT I MADE IT... and am feeling a little better already! YES, GOD!!! Anywho... I'm sleepy... so I'm out for now!

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



I don't have much to say these days... Wanna know what song best describes how I feel this year?!!!

Enjoy!! :)

Until next time!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hi, My name is Jessica.. and

I LOVE YOU!!!! lol

Ok! Random blog...

I totally missed Sandra "Pepa" Denton's new show on VH1 tonight! You know, "Let's talk about Pep." I think it's gonna be the bomb! I was a HUGE fan of "The Salt N Pepa Show" so I was super excited when I found out that Pepa would have her own show! Although Salt is my favorite, Pepa pretty much made the show... She's very entertaining. Maybe Salt will make a guest appearance every now and then! I hope so!... I tried watching the show online but for some reason an error message kept popping up! Oh well, I'll wake up and watch it at 11am at home!

After not being able to watch the show, I started youtubing Cheryl "Salt" Wray! I became a huge fan of hers after watching their reality show. People didn't see her as all that cool because she wasn't wild like Pepa, but I loved her! I fell in love with her testimony and her lifestyle! She seems to be a really sweet, loving person... AND a great wife and mother! I would LOVE to meet her! I found her on twitter AND facebook tonight!!!! Pretty cool, huh? I'm excited about reading her twitter and status updates. Is that weird?! lol

There are a lot of people that I love... and want to meet!!! I'm going to name a few since I'm at work and have nothing better to do with my time right now! :)

Why not start with CHERYL "SALT" WRAY?! lol She's the bomb... and BEAUTIFUL!!!... love her accent, love her spirit... LOVE HER!!!

CECE WINANS! Ok... I've met her before!... TWICE!... and she STILL doesn't remember me! lol What do I have to do, CeCe?! She's so BEAUTIFUL! I would love to know her! ;)

INDIA. ARIE! I've listened to her and followed her so much that I feel like I know her!... If I were to meet her, I'm sure I could hold a pretty decent conversation about a lot of different things! She's so goofy...BEAUTIFUL... and lyrically A BEAST!!! I love her!!!! She's the reason I picked up the guitar, ya kno?!

MICHELLE OBAMA! DUH!!! Who doesn't want to meet and know this lady RIGHT HERE?! Just look at her!!! Intelligent, smart, kind, loving!!! This is someone I would like to call to talk to about relationships!... not just with men... but with people period! I know this isn't the best pic... but look at her in this purple!!! STUNNING!!... and those legs!!!! YEEESSSS!!!!!

I would LOVE to meet OPRAH! I love her! Now... I don't see myself wanting to hang out with her... but I would LOVE to dog sit!! I bet she pays GREAT money to watch her dogs! lol I wonder what a conversation about Jesus with her would REALLY be like without all the cameras. Call me crazy... but I really think she knows Jesus! It's all a front for the fans...! Come on, Oprah! Don't play with God like that! You'll be looking like Job in this piece!!!... lol

And last but not least!!!! The BEAUTIFUL, ORIANTHI PANAGARIS! Most people know her as Michael Jackson's guitarist! She is way more than that! She's played for more people than that... and she has her own solo project!!! Her voice is the bomb... and her guitar skills... THE BOMB... THE BEST OF THE BEST!!!!!! She's the reason why I haven't given up on the guitar!!! She gives me hope!!!

Anyway, there are so many more people that I love and could see myself hanging out with! lol... but I'm getting a little tired of adding pictures!!!!

Was this not the most random blog ever?!

Until next time,


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just an update...

Ok... It's been a minute. I haven't had anything interesting to blog about. I still don' but reading AJ's blogs have me wanting to blog!!! Her blogs have been the bomb lately. Shoot! I'm ready for her book to come out!... HURRY UP, AJ!!!


Since I don't have anything interesting to blog about... How about I just update you on a few things!!! I hope I don't bore you too much!

2009 or 2010?!

So, a couple of blogs ago I was sooo excited about this new year. lol... and I still am... but I'm ready to see some changes, LORD! I do realize that change doesn't happen over night and we are just entering the new year... but umm... a *little* change would be nice! lol I'm not complaining, really.... just ready for something new!

My rent wasn't on time this month!... DANG IT! I was really hoping that January would be the start of me paying my rent ON TIME!!! My first check was pretty small... it was just about half of my rent. I didn't expect that at all because I've been working at my new job for about a month now. I found out that my job pays on a two week delay or something like that. I was so confused when I heard that. I had NO CLUE what it meant! I just KNEW I would be ballin' out of control with this check... lol... I had made plans to pay my rent and car note... ON TIME... and do a few other things!! Nope... didn't happen. I'm not worried about it... I know the months ahead will be different. That just took me by surprise!

I'm not going back to school this semester! :(... See... 2010 is NOT the business so far. My step dad was supposed to get some kind of bonus... and that was what he was going to use to help me pay for the 14 hours that I need to get my financial aid back for my last semester. (whoa... can you say RUN-ON! that was a mouth full, huh?!) That didn't work out as planned. When I received that news, I was soooo upset! I hate not being in school. I feel like such a failure... I was in the bed for like 2 days... hating my life! Thank God for Jeremy and my mentor... who cared enough to keep calling... and texting despite my attempts to ignore them! I love you guys! I'm SEMI over it now. It is what it is... and I know that I'm going to finish. I hate when MY timing doesn't line up with God's though! UGH!!... Keep me in your prayers! ;) k?!

What else is going on?!

Other than that... Life is grand! ;) I still love my job. It's really easy... I'm finally used to the hours... I just had to find something to do to occupy my time while I wasn't working. Right now it's the bible and Grey's Anatomy Season 5! Pretty cool job, huh?!

Jeremy and I are doing great. We are yet learning more and more about each other. That has been a journey. I have all kinds of walls up that Jeremy is doing his best to tear down. Poor thing! Lol... I wish I wasn't so complicated! He's so loving and patient though! Gotta love him! I'm learning how to go with the flow and put my guard down. My last REAL relationship ended very badly... and as a result... I've become very controlling of how things will happen in this one... For instance, I told Jeremy in the beginning that we would NOT put that we were in a relationship with each other on facebook. In the last relationship... I did that and whenever we argued facebook knew all about it. lol Facebook knew i was out of a relationship before I did! It was so embarrassing!... I hated having to explain what was going on to people... and then explain myself again when I took him back... I didn't want Jeremy and I to have pictures up of each other on there either... I realized that all of this was unfair to him. He is very excited about this relationship, so am I, and he has every right to want to flaunt our relationship to the world. I can't allow what happened in my past relationships to affect what's going on in ours! That's been an interesting lesson.... So right now... I have a pic of us on my profile... and I just confirmed Jeremy's request to be his girlfriend on facebook! It's hard, but I'm happy with this decision! I'm growing... lol... I like it! HA!

Communication is another thing I'm learning to do. I thought I had that down... UM... NO! lol I love when I can talk to him about something I didn't agree with concerning HIM... and He does a great job of taking that... and changing it for the next time! Me on the other hand... lol... I HATE when he does it!!!! It's hard hearing what he doesn't like or what bothers him about me...and me having to turn it around and change it!... Let's just say in the past... I would say, "IF YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH ME, THEN LEAVE!"... a CHILD! As much as I hate hearing it, I'm learning to GROW UP and take a look at myself. He's right most of the time anyway... and when I don't agree...I just brush it off and "keep it moving." He's entitled to his opinion and I kind of prefer for him to tell me in that moment rather than keep it bottled up and it turn into something big later! ;)

So yea... So far... so good!!! We've only been together OFFICIALLY since September and it's already been a cute little baby roller coaster! I'm excited about the months ahead!

Umm... church?!

I think I've pretty much caught you guys up on what's going on! See... not interesting!... So moving right a long to my day... I will only share a portion of it.

Church was THE BOMB today! I woke up late but still made plans to go to Born Again despite my tardiness. It wasn't until I was headed that way that I decided to go to my "get away" church! LOL... (Jeremy hates when I call it that!... and he hates it even more that I feel the need to go to another church every now and then!) I'm so glad I went. It was God's PLAN for me to be there! ;) I was there in enough time to enjoy a hot chocolate AND spend time in God's presence in the soaking room before service started. I swear it's like a HIGH CLASS hotel for worshippers in that place!! I LOVE IT! I have to limit myself to one Sunday a month... any more than that and my butt will be a member. Ok... confession... I go there on Mondays and Wednesdays sometimes... but I only attend one SUNDAY a month! lol

Praise and Worship!!!... WORDS CAN'T DESCRIBE HOW GREAT IT WAS! That's expected at that church though! The sermon !!!....ON POINT! The pastor was sick so a minister of the church and his wife preached. They did a tag team sermon about their transition from Canada to the U.S. It was all God's plan! I learned a lot from that sermon. To sum it all up, it was about lining your life... your actions... your walk... with God's plan. It's time out for games... and it's time to walk in purpose! It was sooo on point for me. That's EXACTLY where I am right now. I just want my walk to be in line with God's purpose for me. I'm tired of just going with the flow! SHOOT! Ever since this new year started I've been thinking about the little things I need to do to prepare myself for where I believe God wants to take me! I love when the sermon is sooo FOR ME!!

As I was preparing to leave... literally walking out of my row... I was stopped by a man who I had never seen before. He told me that I had beautiful eyes... and then began to share how beautiful he thought I was. It freaked me out a little... and he could tell! lol... He wasn't just talking about it from a physical perspective though.... He started to share how it connected spiritually... Elder Harold had shared that with me before... It was really weird to hear it again. That man, Bill was his name... I think, began to share a lot more with me... too much to type! I literally had chills!...and I immediately felt God's presence! NO LIE!! I try not to be super spiritual and say... "I HEAR GOD" all the time... or "God chills with me on the regular"... lol because I'm still unsure of all that... but I KNOW God was there...! It was an amazing experience! After speaking with him...I sat back down and wrote down everything I could remember and went on about my business... and so did he! I don't know if I'll ever see that man again, but I'm so grateful for his boldness and obedience to the Holy Spirit. Today I walked with so much confidence after that... I was like, "God loves me!" lol.. It was a good day!

So yea... that's STIX right now! Still growing... still learning!!! Living life!... WITH PURPOSE! You coming with me!? ;)

I'm out for now...

Until next time,

Friday, January 1, 2010

oh yea... still wanna know?

but I don't care!!! lol

I didn't tell you guys what Jeremy got me for Christmas!!! ;) 3 gifts... are you ready?!

1.) ART KIT:
He bought different paints and paintbrushes so we could decorate my guitar case! I said that I wanted to do that a while ago... Can't believe he remembered! We started on it last night! It's looking good! I'll post a pic of the final result! ;)
He has no idea... but I was on ebay years ago looking at everything that was posted concerning INDIA ARIE! lol... I love her... in case you didn't know! There was a dvd on the list of India Arie in Brazil... singing and learning all about the culture! I wanted it so bad... but never bought it... and never thought anything of it! I never shared it with anyone... I don't think! WHY WAS THAT THE DVD THAT JEREMY GOT ME?! PERFECT!!!!

It gets better... keep reading!!

I'm going to see JOHN MAYER with my baby on February 10th !!! I'M SOOOO HAPPY!!!!! I can't wait! I hear that one of my friends helped him out with that one!!! THANK YOU SABRINA!!!! You're the bomb!!!
So there it is guys, a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Until next time,


Finally... a NEW year!!!!

I know what you're thinking.... Those come around every year!!! Well, not for me!!! Every year I walk into another year HYPE and with resolutions that I know I will never stick to. I walk in with the same hopes, doing the same things, and not seeing any results. I don't think I've ever had a NEW YEAR! Well this year is different. It's my NEW year! I'm not walking in with bogus resolutions that I will only stress out trying to keep!! This year I'm doing one thing and one thing only!... TRUSTING GOD COMPLETELY! He gets my ALL this year!... and the rest will just flow. Our theme at church this year is "REACHING OUR WORLD FOR CHRIST." I'm doing just that! I believe God is gonna do great things... and I'm going to share those things with MYworld! Our God is too amazing to just keep Him to myself! LOL... I'm on another level... and I'm excited about it! THIS IS MY YEAR, DUDE!!... I can feel it!

2009 was by far the worst year of my life... but for some reason I can't even muster up the energy to go into detail about it. It's in the past... I've learned my lesson and I'm moving forward! Let's just say that I lost track... got distracted... and made the decision to do everything MY way!... without any reliance on God! BIG MISTAKE... and as a result... I went through HELL and HIGH WATER!!! I straight up drowned... and God came to my rescue! At the very end of the year, I could see the light! LOL I could see things turning around. I have a new job, a car I can afford, and I'm focused. I'm happy... I have peace... and I trust God! These things are what are helping me go into this NEW year with gladness! The blessings that came at the end of the year are going to trickle into 2010. The blessings aren't going to stop! LOL... I'm believing God for better days... and I know that people will be saved by my TESTIMONY!!

So blog followers, family, and friends... IT'S TIME TO STEP OUR GAME UP! I'm already there... I'm moving forward and I want you to come with me.... BUT JUST KNOW...that I'm not waiting on anybody! I'm not allowing anybody to take me down with them this year! If you're not coming with me, I'll pray for you and "keep it moving" as my friend, Mel, would say! lol

So... YOU READY?!... LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time,