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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Passion 4 Christ Movement

Sometimes when I'm bored at work, I watch movies, BLOG, surf the web!... but no matter how late or early it is... I ALWAYS make sure that I visit my favorite website!...!

I ENCOURAGE you to check it out! It's a youth church full of teens and young adults, all brothers and sisters in Christ, who are on fire for God! I LOVE THEM! If I ever get the opportunity to go to L.A., I'm going to that church! I often pray that I will find the right people, those peculiar people, who stand out!... who love God unconditionally and still have a joyful, fun-filled life. The people at this church are exactly the type of people I want to meet! They all seem so happy, so cool with each other, SO YOUNG! Often times, I meet young people who are "on fire for God", but they live like the MOTHERS... ELDERS.. and DEACONS of the church. lol I know that sounds mean, but it's true!!! Maybe it's a "Southern thing!" It's my desire to love God and be used by HIM all while remaining fun, YOUNG, and happy! I don't really see that here. I've seen it only once first hand in my entire life!... and that was when I meet the youth in Jamaica! Sometimes in TN I feel like I've found those people and then I'm disappointed when it seems as if they are too high and mighty to have good, wholesome fun... and in some ways are competitive!... For example, if I share what God has done for me, they feel like they have to "1-up" me!... And it's not everybody... just a few people that I've met in my years of being in Nashville! I'm yet praying for the souls of the youth here! Something has to change in order for us to get on the level that the youth in L.A. are on. I don't see the unity! *GAG ME!*

My friends are the closest thing I have to that!!! And believe me... They are ALL SAVED, SANCTIFIED, AND FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST! I just look forward to the day that we are all getting crunk and doing the "dougie" to Jesus Music!!! LOL!!! preferably my "Jesus Music"... but that's a whole nother blog for another day! Just know... ya girl is working on music again!!! YUUUUPPPPPP!!!! Anyway...

There are two girls in particular that I want to meet. Both are young and minister through spoken word. Their testimonies are both powerful and they REALLY have a heart to save the lost! I LOVE IT!!! Blair Wingo seems really cool. She is also the spokesperson for P4CM! I'm not sure how old she is, but she seems to be around my age. The other girl is Jackie Hill. She is a minister as well and an ex-homosexual!... How about she is only 19 years old!!!! She is SO REAL... I've already used her videos to minister to a few people that struggle with homosexuality!!! I can only share so much in my own words... Here are two videos of the girls! I hope that you guys are blessed by these! I WAS!

Anyway, that's all for tonight! I was just on the site and felt inspired to VENT a little! I pray all is well with you guys!!!

Until next time,


  1. I LOVE IT!! Good informative stuff. I heard the first girl before but not the second girl. You need to forward that to Sis Demtrus, so she can trya nd get them for the Girl's Conference next year. I know CeCe would be moved by that.

  2. Cool beans! I will... Thx! ;) Glad you liked it!

  3. Dude, that is WHAT'S UP!!!!!!!! I loved this blog. And I SO feel you on finding people who are on fire for Christ but still live a fun-filled life. This blog motivates me to find that place where God wants me to be: more like HIM. And having fun all the while!

    Love ya stix!!!
