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Monday, August 22, 2011


(Written the day after my birthday)

Now that I've had time to reflect, I'm ready to write. I've been doing a better job of counting my blessings, embracing my uniqueness, and making myself available to God. There is something familiar about this change.

When I was in the middle of my freshman year of college, I made a decision to change. At the time, change for me was to stop cursing, drinking, and partying. I recognized that those things were only getting in the way of my education and devotion to God. It was in no way benefiting my life. I was so dedicated to this change! I knew that God would be pleased and I knew my life would change. In my mind, I expected positive change. That change did come, but not immediately. I lost the friend that I was closest to in Murfreesboro. That hurt. I thought our friendship was more than a late night of drinking and clubbing. Like Jesus, I endured some pain to get to where God promised me. Also like Jesus, My life changed for the better. That time of loneliness turned out to be the best times spent with God. I eventually became apart of an amazing sisterhood where I felt safe. We all loved God. We all wanted to share the good news of Jesus Christ. I'm not saying we were perfect because we weren't. We fell, we got distracted, we lost hope....but we had each other. We held each other accountable.

I'm remembering that this morning. I'm remembering where I was mentally and spiritually when I decided to change. While cursing is the only thing that I didn't run back to, I'm not in that same place. There was reason behind my change. Now, I don't curse because it's something that I got used to. That's about to change. I'm getting back to a level of godliness that will not only please God but will be a witness to some young person out there... To anybody that God wants it to touch. The other day God encouraged me to remind a friend that our life is not our own! God put us here for a purpose and the devil will do everything in his power to distract us. Those same words are encouraging me this morning. Who wants to die not knowing why God put us here? I don't.

So today I'm making some changes. I will commit to every promise that I make to God. Christian complacency is no longer my life. I surrender to you, God! Use me as I am... Remove what's not like you. Give me the courage to BOLDLY proclaim that YOU ARE LORD!

I recognize that this type of commitment only gives the devil reason to "try me", but I'm no longer afraid. I don't fear evil.... Not when I serve a God with such power! I mean, really, devil! You don't stand a chance! LOL Like my friend posted on FB yesterday, "Devil, I STILL WIN....GIVE UP!" LOL I feel you, Cristti.

Anyway, I'm done. Be encouraged.


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