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Sunday, February 7, 2010

**My First Bridal Shower**

Guys??? What's up?!

Today was a pretty good day... interesting... awkward... but overall... IT WAS GOOD!

My boyfriend's sister, Kim, is getting married in March. Her family planned a bridal shower for her! It was today! I was so nervous about the event! I kept thinking, "What if I don't pick out the right gift?... Who will I sit by?!... How awkward will this be for me?!" See... pretty nervous!!! When I found out that my friends Melissa and Sabrina were invited, I wasn't as nervous anymore. I knew who I would be sitting by... I wouldn't feel as awkward... and we all were going shopping together!!! It all was working out!!!! YES, GOD!!!

Shopping for a gift was the most awkward thing EVER!!! I'm the biggest kid when it comes to talking about sex or sexy things such as: lingerie... sex toys... blah blah blah!!! I DON'T like it!! I'm sure all of that will go out the window once I'm married... but right NOW... in this here moment... I don't like to talk about it... I don't like to see it... PERIOD! So you know when it was time to shop for lingerie... I was about ready to crawl up under a rock and DIE! Yep... it was that bad. Thank God for Melissa and Sabrina! They made it a little easier...and boy did we laugh a lot during that time... WELL, more like they did a lot of laughing at me! Sabrina ended up buying her a cute little off white lingerie set, and Melissa and I went in together and bought her some kind of edible massage oils(gross), body frosting (EEEWWWW), AND detergent for her lingerie! lol... You know I had A LOT to do with the detergent and nothing to do with the edible sexyness that went in the gift bag! LOL! I could have just gone by myself and just bought the detergent... but I thought it would look better if we put it together... IDK... Anywhoo...

So the bridal shower was great!!! Kim is very blessed to have such amazing women of God to speak into her life. They did a lot of pouring into her... a lot of crying... and a lot of laughing! It was quite adorable! They are the cutest little family... and they love HARD! I love it!!! We ate good... played a few games... and then it was time for the gifts!... MY HEART DROPPED!!! Mind you... these people are HOOOO-LLYYY!!! I didn't know if they were gonna judge us... or what!!! Of course our gifts were one of the first ones she opened! lol GREAT! To make a long story short... our gift was a HIT! She thought it was cool... Her family thought it was the bomb! So hey... GOOD JOB, MELISSA! lol I could breathe a little after that. I was a bit grossed out by the other gifts... but hey... it's her party!!! No need in me acting all retarded about it! I was sooo sleepy toward the end though! I had only gotten two hours of asleep before it was time for me to get up and get ready!!! My body was ready to crash!!!

As we were leaving, Sabrina and I were in the lobby talking by the heater and a lady was posting fliers about a casting call for models, actors... blah blah blah! Well the lady owns a Christian Modeling Agency. As she walked by us she said that we looked like models. I honestly hate when people say that to me!!! I SHOULD see it as a compliment... but it gets so old!... I'M WEIRD! Sabrina told her that she was a model... and I told her that I wasn't... To make this short... she handed us cards and asked us to meet with her. I told her that I had no experience... which is somewhat I lie because I've been signed with two agencies... lol... I just don't think I'm good at it!!! Modeling isn't as easy as it looks. It's hard... You have to be sure you aren't making the same faces in your pictures as well as change up your poses. You have to be sure you're selling the product in the pictures. I'm not that photogenic. Well, I don't try that hard either. If you're not a natural, then you must try! lol I LOVED the runway though. I took classes so I know I can walk. That comes natural for me!!... Ok... that's what I've been told!

I'm a little skeptical about the whole "christian agency" thing! I was signed to one last year, technically I still am, and there was NOTHING christian about it. I remember being interviewed and the lady asked if I drank or cursed. They wanted to make sure we exemplified Christ in every aspect of our lives! MAN... how about this lady cursed like a sailor when she was under pressure. I remember a runway show when a girl was really screwing up... that lady just about cursed her under a bridge!! That made me so mad!!! Don't play God, man!! I've been ignoring her calls and emails ever since. I didn't want to be a part of such a lie! I wish she would just take me off her website! Well anyway... I'll let you guys know if anything happens with this!!! Who knows... this weight loss may be God ordained!!! LMBO!!! WHATEVER!!!

Ok... I've typed your eyes out enough!!! OMG... LLLLLAAAAMMMMEEEE!!! I'm out!!

Until nex time,


  1. You didn't tell me you were signed to an agency?!!!?!!...I'm not mad...not mad at all. *folds arms and stomps off*

  2. Sabrina! Really? I've never told you that?!... Yea... It's not new to me! I was a lot more into it in high school. Runway mostly... Sorry, Charlie! I thought you knew.
