I've been trying to write this blog for a few days now. I've never thought about or over-analyzed a blog since I've started blogging.
I can't seem to make it as perfect as I feel it needs to be.. It's a bit frustrating.
I'll just blog as I usually do and allow how I feel to take over!!
I'll start here:
"I'm engaged!!!"

He's so kind, so loving, and SO BEAUTIFUL. I am sooo attracted to him. I have THEE tall, dark, and handsome man that most women dream about!
Man... I'm so lucky. Darius is not just any guy. Anyone who knows him will agree. You know how most men hide their feelings, leaving their mates confused and sometimes hopeless?? Not my baby... LOL! I think I WAS THE MAN in that area. This time, I hid my feelings... for so many reasons. Thank God he wasn't afraid to express what I SO BADLY wanted share with him!
Anyway.. see... I'm going in so many directions with this! UGH! lol.. I LOVE JUST LOVE HIM!.. know that!
Now... how did it happen?
He came in town the weekend of the 4th of July so we could just spend some time together. Saturday, we drove to Memphis for a family BBQ and so he can meet some of my folks. I'll spare the details. Just know, we had a great time. We ate well and my family LOVED HIM!!
On our way back to Nashville, I took a nap. My head was killing me. He encouraged me to rest (see, so not selfish!). He woke me up when we were about 45 minutes away... He wanted to talk. My headache was on TEN at this point, but I didn't let him know. I think it's so rude when people fall asleep on me while I'm driving, so I felt somewhat bad for leaving him hanging.
We talked while he played some music on his Ipod. After awhile, I realized that most of the songs had something to do with love or marriage! I asked him if he had made a mix and he said "Naw, it's just a shuffle." He showed me the "shuffle" sign on his Ipod... I believed him, but still felt like something was up!
We were turning into my apartment complex when "Marry Me" by Train played. As soon as the song played, I knew what it was. It's one of my favorite songs right now. My eyes immediately teared up! That's nothing new though... That song just does that to me. I'm a hopeless romantic... Anything concerning love and/or marriage takes me there!..
So anyway... Darius told me that he heard that I liked that song. I asked him who told him that, but he wouldn't share. I was trying so hard to figure that out... so much so that I didn't remember anything else he said! The only thing I remember was that we were sitting outside of my apartment and he told me to go check on Shiloh while he made a phone call..
That's exactly what I did. I took Shiloh out to use the bathroom and when I came back up to my apartment, the door was locked. I knocked with the slightest bit of irritation... lol Why?... Idk.. I'm just weird like that!
He opened the door and as I walked in I saw a box of Tom's in my apartment. I HAVE BEEN WANTING A PAIR OF TOMS FOR SOME TIME NOW! I was sooo excited about them.
Me: "Is that a box of Toms??"
Darius: "Yea, man! You should try them on."
I sat on the couch and opened the box of Toms... There was a ring box in one of the shoes. When I looked up, he was down on one knee. *insert big smile here*
He expressed his did I and BAM.. just like that... I became Darius' fiance!!!... at around 9:30pm on July 2,2011.. I'll never forget that day! :)
I found out later that the phone call he was making was to my mom! I called her a little later to tell her that I made it home. I could hear in her voice that she had the biggest smile on her face and was anxious to hear how I responded!
LOL! It was great. The next hour or so was devoted to notifying friends and family of the big news...
My headache was on 100 at this point. I was soooo happy and in SO MUCH PAIN at the same time! I eventually had to stop making calls to shower and lay down. I had to come down from the excitement and that headache that wouldn't go away!
So yea.. I'm engaged and I'm sooo happy! He and I have already started making plans. We both can't wait until it's over! I'm just ready to be Jessica Northern. *insert BIG CELIE SMILE here*
lol... Anywhoo...
Below is the playlist!!
1.) My Love, My Enemy-- Dave Barnes
2.)Stop This World-- Neyo
3.) Someday Soon-- Francesca Battestilli
4.) Sayido-- Musiq
5.) Guardian Angel-- Ryan Leslie
6.) That's Why I Love You-- The Light
7.) God Gave Me You-- Dave Barnes
8.) I Choose You-- Ryan Leslie
9.) Let's Get Married-- Al Green
10.) Marry You-- Bruno Mars
11.) Waiting For You-- Matthew West (*one of my favs on this list)
12.) More & More-- The Light
13.) No One Else-- Amiel Larrieux
14.) When I Say I Do-- Matthew West
15.) Marry Me-- Train (*LOVE THIS SONG)
Anywhoo.. I'm out!
Until next time,
♥ Stix